Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Wolfyoufeed, Dec 26, 2019.

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  1. “This is the Way”

    147 vote(s)
  2. “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    2 vote(s)
  1. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Day 173 check in.

    Doing okay. Got a good streak going. Busy with work and family life. Don't need P or M. I find that's key, keeping yourself occupied.
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  2. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    its more easy to acomplish day 10 than before

    practice and practice even tho its fail keep trying again
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  3. Thanks for the encouragement!
  4. Hehe...Since September has already begun let's be "competitors" :) and see how well each one does on their respective teams. This will be fun and thanks for helping me find this thread.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  5. Day 1 once again. I relapsed on Sunday but I am not going to let that set me back. I am back to setting small milestones to help me along the journey. I am also resetting some of my challenges.

    Wake up at 6.00 am: Day 0 of 10
    Read a book in 4 days (Total Freedom by Krishnamurti) Day 1 of 4 and on page 35
    Take a cold shower Day 19 of 30
    No internet from 7PM on wards: Day 1 of 10
    No YouTube: Day 0 of 10
    Meditation: Day 14 of 60
    Morning Routine (Affirmations, Gratitude, Light exercise): Day 1 of 10
    JavaScript learning 2 hours a day: Day 0 of 10
  6. Day 14

    Yeah it's still pretty tough getting started again hey. I do find though that once I've got a few days PMO free again, I am reminded that it is still easier than it was last time because the neural pathways for the addiction have continued to fade away during the streak. In other words, even though I may have dropped the ball, the commitment to avoiding it up to this point has still been worth it - it's still been achieving something.


    Sweet! And yep, that's what we've gotta do: even when we fail, to get up, remind ourselves of why we're here, and push on :)
    Gonarth and discovery like this.
  7. Day 15

    *ooh I'm now a Foundling with Basic Armour :)*
    Gonarth likes this.
  8. Jo_Fabstronaut

    Jo_Fabstronaut Fapstronaut

  9. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    i watch some mando movie (its the first day aired in my country )

    all i can say is a lit series
    Gonarth and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  10. I agree. From my experience, although it feels easier and more naturally the longer you go without porn, you also forget quickly how boring porn was when you watched it all the time and all the other bad things about it. Suddenly porn becomes interesting again and I'm sure it also creates much more dopamin when you just think about it or when you start to peek and eventually relapse.

    That's probably part of the addiction. Which means that this also must be and can be overcome!
  11. Day 19

    I really enjoyed it too. Am looking forward to season 2.

    I see you've gotten moving again @hollyman, way to go :)
    Gonarth likes this.
  12. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut


    same as you bud hehe

    although im start to thinking about P, but for the sake of team 2 i shall hold it:D
    Gonarth likes this.
  13. Day 20

    Yep! Accountability helps hey!
    Gonarth likes this.
  14. Jo_Fabstronaut

    Jo_Fabstronaut Fapstronaut

    Day 11.. Although I'm having urges, I'm able to survive it for this challenge. Hurray.. :)
    Gonarth and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  15. Jo_Fabstronaut

    Jo_Fabstronaut Fapstronaut

    That's awesome bro
    Gonarth and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  16. Day 22. Going strong!
    Gonarth likes this.
  17. Day 23.

    I hope our fearless leader @Wolfyoufeed is doing well.
    Gonarth likes this.
  18. Day 10

    Double digits once again!