Saving Ourselves For marriage

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Rosamund, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    Hello dear friends.

    I created this topic so that I can meet friends like me (who try to postpone sex until after marriage) to share our thoughts and ideas, to Give each other energy and motivation so that we can continue on the path with more strength.

    I did not create this thread to discuss the rightness or wrongness of this decision with anyone. This is a personal decision and I totally respect all the friends who made another decision.
    This thread is only for expressions of encouragement and hope, and if you have a different opinion; Please discuss it in another thread.


    If someone has decided not to have sex until marriage, they can safely participate in this thread. This is a place to support and encourage the continuation of this decision.
    And if anyone doubts whether this is a good decision or not, they can read this thread in full; And if he has a special opinion, let us know.

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  2. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    i am not saving myself for anyting ^^
  3. I am really happy to find someone who thinks like this, the idea of abstaining from sex until marriage has a great meaning that will make you appreciate a life partner and choose him carefully and your standard becomes things that have eternal value, not just a beautiful face and body
  4. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    Well I know how much this way of thinking has become rare, but there are some people who deeply believe in it. Whenever I think of Jane Eyre's quotes in the book, I feel such better.

    “I can live alone, if self-respect, and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.”

  5. It's a wonderful commitment Rosamunda.
    Once I was in a relationship I was comitted for saving sex for in the marriage but at last it became too heavy for me as she was really a seductive player. Until this day I regret for not setting my boundaries.
    The relationship broke up and I see quite clear that too early sex has its price.

    It feels like I have given away a very special part of myself. Only my wife should know me that way.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
  6. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    Thank you Mr. Roady. You see, when you think the opposite the mainstream, it becomes a bit hard to stay confident. I was watching a video on youtube yesterday, and a girl was saying that she lost her virginity because of the pressure the others and her boyfriend imposed to her, and after that she felt so empty: "The emptiest feeling I ever had". Or another one who told I feel so bonded with my boyfriend who took my virginity from me, though he is so abusive. The narrator of the video responded her "You are bonded to him the way you were supposed to be binded to your husband" and that's the reason.
    Sometimes people- when they understand how I think- they say:

    - Your way of thinking is very old and outdated.
    - What a rotten thought!
    - You are hurting yourself and because of this you will be severely injured.

    I could have easily ignored such views, but when I look around and see no one who agrees with me, and does not call me dumb and stupid about this decision, I get really discouraged.

    Thank you very much for your encouraging comment. I think you should never regret the past. I have no doubt that the best is waiting for you. Nothing in this world will be unpaid and the great effort you have made, will be responded with a great result. (As it has already :) )
  7. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    It's a great decision. Good luck with it.
  8. Hi dear Rosamund,
    The saddest part of my story with my ex girlfriend is that she claimed to be a Christian.
    We prayed together etc. But sex before marriage was not a problem for her.
    She said: God wants us to be happy right now. Later I discovered more strange kind of thinking of her.
    I was in my first years as a new born Christian, and I felt so seduced and trapped.
    Worst part of the story is that she ended in the bed with a non christian dude several years later (short after our relationship ended), who was already chasing after her while she was in the early relationship with me. After she committed adultery against her own promises to me, I was definitely done and broke the line with her.
    Later she told me she regretted her act and was longing for me again. No thanks.

    I share this piece of my story to encourage you and others. You can prevent yourself from a very lot of troubles in keeping the marriage bed clean. First do your homework!!

    Of course I may regret the past, but Gods mercy is so more bigger than my sins. I was able to clean up this relationship for myself and forgive her and myself as well. If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    This is so true!
    Impurity will connect to impurity.
    Holiness will connect to holiness.
    Dirt will attract dirt.

    I'm looking for a beautiful clean and holy connection with a Christian girl.
    That's best done from connecting from my pure self, not from my hurt self.

    In December, God brought a beautiful girl on my path in a way only He can arrange (at least I believe that).
    We had a first meeting, and it was so blessed!

    Rosamund, learn to strengthen your convictions and never ever put them aside to "get appreciation from people".
    I almost never talk about this issues with non believers. I talk a lot with God and He writes His wisdom in my heart.
    When others are talking dirty I keep myself silent, sometimes God gave me a friendly word, or I just walk away.

    God will bless you in all the longings from your heart!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
    becomingreat, Meji, dn-21 and 9 others like this.
  9. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    What an adventurous story Mr. Roady. Of course, there are many experiences to learn from this. Thank you for sharing it with me so I can get a better view about these subjects. The thing that is very interesting to me, is that you have found the ability and power to forgive both yourself and him. This is a power that God gives to fewer people.

    Glad you met a wonderful girl. I hope you both can reach a great love together and God bring you both, great peace under His protection.

    I am a Muslim, but I feel much closer to my faithful Christian friends than lots of my muslim friends. You and We have many common beliefs, and this solidarity brings our hearts closer together.

    Take care
  10. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    It’s interesting - When I had very little self control or self respect for my time and energy towards women, I would have scoffed at this thread, called it pious and wouldn’t have commented.

    Now a days - it’s just great to see people committing to things that will bring positive changes to their life’s, often times making the decision to follow through and stick to their commitments.

    The self control to stay the course on this, is probably one of the toughest things. So I wish you the best and the mental and spiritual strength to persevere with this.
  11. I too am on the side on saving ourself until marriage but Idk I also think this way-
    Suppose I found my perfect match.( I always try to find someone from my own community as it is more likely to be accepted by family). So if i found a person that just fills me with whatever I was lacking. Like I am a virgin so I will love if my partner too is a virgin and since we both complete each other, we may think it might be a good idea to give a part of ourselves to each other. And the most purest form of giving a part of ourselves is let them take our virginity. Think this way, we complete each other, we have trust on such a level to share our body and we both come from the same community. Most chances are our family will accept us.So it already means you are having sex with your wife/husband before marriage.
    ( I know this is way too fairy tail type but there is possibility like this to happen.)

    But we don't have control over everything. We don't know what universe has in stores for us.
    What if I am a virgin and my wife turns out to be a non-virgin? Its not that I will not love her or anything but then it will result into a doubt if I am pleasurable enough for her. Similarly, suppose I had sex before marriage and my wife is a virgin, then also she might have some thoughts on with whom I had sex or how pleasurable it was then. And for me to it will be a guilt factor that my wife preserved herself for me and I was so desperate that I lost a precious part of myself for some fake ass relationship.

    That is why I think preserving ourselves till marriage is a good idea. But if we have found our perfect match that we are completely sure it will last till eternity then its worth giving ourselves to them.
  12. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    I feel a big motivation in this post. I do not know about others, but these positive views on such decision, which many find strange, are really heartwarming to me and those who make similar decisions.

    PS: 162 days! Very Big-up to you.
    I will learn from you B)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
  13. Rosamund

    Rosamund Fapstronaut

    You mentioned very good points. I have the same concerns. I suggest you watch the videos that are published on YouTube about this. Especially «Paul and Morgan show.»

    Morgan is a Christian girl who loses her virginity and later marries Paul, a virgin. She describes what happened to her and her feeling when she married Paul.

    I agree that as a virgin, it is difficult to marry someone who has had sex before. I feel like you about this. This shows that his way of thinking is probably so different from mine.

    In the culture in which I grew up, having sex before marriage means that the person either has no religious beliefs, or has very superficial perceptions of it that are not acceptable to me. However, I can understand that sometimes there are exceptions and many people decide to change and they really change. Many, like many of our friends in this forum, change and reach a level of self-control that is admirable.

    Just a small issue. Please do not pay attention to the mainstream and go the way that you deeply believe in. If a few years have passed and society has tried to convince you that your belief is a traditional and idiotic, stay strong. Now that you have decided, then be steadfast.

    True love waits =)
  14. Yeah and that is how everyone should be.
    I have grown up in a religiously conservative family and when I see people taking interests in hookups and degrade their community name, I just loose my mind.
    For me sex is something pure and it should be meaningful. When I say I want to be in a relationship then it does not mean that I am asking for sex. It means I want someone who can comfort me in my darkest times and in return I am willing to love unconditionally.
    But Sadly this generation is so dumb. They think becoming athiest and breaking centuries old traditions is new cool.
    I have been labelled as old mentality retard but it does not affect me. None of them were/are their for me in my dark times and they have audacity to comment on my beliefs.

    Yes, waiting for it since years and its gonna be beautiful.

    Good luck on your journey.:)
  15. I have never had sex in my life and I don't want to do it before getting married. Actually, I don't even think of getting married ... All I want is to overcome my addiction. So youre not alone sis.
    Roady and Rosamund like this.
  16. Congratulations Rosamund for your brave decision and commitment to path harder but more rewardable. It's the opposite to a quick pleasure of addiction. Being aware why bonding is important and how it can be screwed by casual s**, one can clearly see that we as a civilization are on a treadmill to destruction. Or - how a man can value and put effort to impress and conquer his woman when she was giving away to the left and right her flower for free ?
    Virgin woman is beautiful and valuable in eyes of the one who is by himself an living example of integrity and virtue- it's the mark of high quality woman. Believe me - receiving V-card in marriage is like a most beautiful gift for a man of greatness to receive, not many men even know what value it is itself and how it is important for creating future life together. Not many men even know what they want in the future, what their purpose is.
    I'm saving myself for carreer. And then for marriage - ONLY if the right woman will come. I know what I value and I know that I will not commit to anything lower than greatness in my life.

    Sexuality is a sacred thing and it can build you up or destroy you. It's neutral but is powerful - better play with this force wisely.

    Good luck, I'm happy that another women are being more aware of this subject !
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    In such a heavily sexualised society its difficult to stick to your moral principles when it comes to this sort of thing whether you are religious or not, so I have respect for people who have the drive to stick to it.
    Dares Greeneye, Roady, Arez01 and 2 others like this.
  18. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    Men who have some self-respect won't marry women who had casual sex.
    Vanquisher12, Roady and Rosamund like this.
  19. Tho I have had sex multiple times I view myself as a spiritual virgin, and to be clear a have given sex up for some years now and I plan on not doing it again until I am married, sex is a binding act biblically and joins two souls into one, every single person you have sex with shares a piece of you, and when you break it off it is like a tear the in soul occurs and that is why so much hurt happens between the two and why you can never forget them.
    Roady, LongWayToGo and Rosamund like this.
  20. MJG11

    MJG11 Fapstronaut

    I didn't, but I wish I did. I am sure my life would of been a lot healthier

    My respects to you
    Roady and Rosamund like this.