I feel so trapped...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by REDLIPSTICKPOP, Jan 27, 2021.


    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    So, I don't want anything really, but to just be around people again? I feel like I've lost all my social skills during this pandemic. For context, I live with an immuno-compromised family member, and basically if they were to get COVID-19, that would be pretty scary and very life-threatening (they have a high chance of death), so everything I do out in public is basically thinking about what could happen to them in the back of my mind. The only strangers I've interacted with (in-person, closer than 5 feet) was a nurse and my physical therapist in almost a year (it will be a year in March). I'm just... idk, I want to cry but I can't because, I just feel really trapped and hollow at the moment. I don't know when this will end, but I'm just... really sad atm.

    It doesn't help that things in the group of 4 ppl that I'm living with have gotten pretty toxic. I had to move back in with my parents because of the pandemic, and that alone has me feeling so trapped. I just.. it's like there's really no feasible solution, and there's no one I can meet really, because of the at-risk family member. I definitely don't want to risk their life.

    sooo... this is basically just me being sad. I can't wait until this is over. I miss the normal stuff at this point, or even the annoying things, like the cashier who talks too much, or the old lady in line who talks about her grandkids with you.

    And I just am tired of feeling trapped.

    On a positive note :p, I have made a lot of internet friends, and I am keeping in touch with most of my close friends through text and stuff. Though, it isn't the same, and I'm so afraid that one day we may not even be friends anymore, cause like, it's been so long since we've actually been around each other.

    Anyone else feel the same?
  2. Yea I totally get you. I was literally thinking the same thing yesterday. I feel so trapped and it sucks. You're lucky you still keep in touch with people online tho. But honestly, what are ya gonna do? This pandemic is something totally out of our control, one can only wait. Maybe pick up a hobby you've always wanted to try? That could make you comfortable by yourself and take your mind off the isolation and toxic environment. Use this time to really become the greater version of yourself. By the time this lockdowns over and things are normal again, people will be BEGGING to spend time with you!!! ;)

    Wishing you more strength and sending love:emoji_heartpulse::emoji_heartpulse:
    Stenacity and REDLIPSTICKPOP like this.
  3. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    I’m super social, and if you are as social as me I would have decided to not see the at risk family member for a month, while you socialized. Before coming back to this person, you’d get tested and wait the two week period.

    Is that an option for you?
    REDLIPSTICKPOP and blacklabel92 like this.

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    Aw man, I'm so sorry about that. :( I guess the positive note is that we're in this together. How are you dealing with lockdown/pandemic? What do you do to help with it?

    Thank you so much for the advice! The idea about starting a new hobby is great! I've been thinking about doing a lot of things, and as of yet probably haven't devoted as much time as I should to getting those started up. Will start changing that! Giving myself some sort of purpose will definitely help maybe :D.

    Ahahahaha!!! If people are begging to hang out I will be so shook Lmaoooo. LOL

    Thank you so much! Sending the same back! Really appreciate the encouragement and advice! (would send hearts too but don't know how to make one :( )
    Choosing Better likes this.

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    Ohhh, no I totally get you're saying! That definitely makes a lot of sense. The only problem with that is, I literally live with that person, and as of right now don't really have the option of moving somewhere else. So there's really nowhere to go, per say, to socially distance for awhile and socialize. That is a really good idea though! Maybe I could like socially distance myself from others in the house, but I think that would likely cause the tensions already in place to boil over. (And, in a way, understandably so).
    ruso likes this.
  6. Go to McDonald’s, buy a Big Mac, and then give it to a homeless person. Its easy to do, affordable, and helps solve the loneliness problem. Your social skills are still there. It’s like ridding a bike, as soon as you get back on you remember what to do.
  7. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    I feel you. I was talking to a group of my friends about feeling like I'm practically developing agoraphobia here in this stupid pandemic. I was surprised that they agreed that they felt the same.

    I have two friends who are medical professionals. I envy them that they've already gotten both rounds of vaccines. My housemate is going to be in the next tier, because she's a teacher. Me? I feel like it's going to be forEVER before I'm eligible.

    Do you like museums? I found some museums are offering virtual tours right now. It's not the same, but it could be better than nothing..

    It won't help your social skills, but you could visit the surface of Mars?

    It's not Mars, but I went through the nearest Starbucks drive-through... But I'm a rebel and don't have someone at home with an autoimmune disease other than myself
    REDLIPSTICKPOP likes this.

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    That's actually a pretty sweet idea! Thank you for the idea! Also would be cool to include like a ten dollar bill or something with the burger. :D
    Choosing Better and Stenacity like this.

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    Aww man that's so lucky! Yeah I can't wait till I get the vaccine too. I hear they're saying they might roll it out for everyone in June? It's pretty late but at least we get the rest of the year to party it up (is that how it works btw?). LOL, I keep making this silly joke that we're in the "Roaring Twenties" again (get it? like, 1920s, 2020s? It's lame, I know LOL).

    Omg yes I love museums! Ah, thanks so much for the tip! I'm going to Mars LOL. :D.

    Ooh nice! That's pretty neat! I don't know what to get there, i'm not much of a coffee-drinker. Maybe I could get like a tea? lol.

    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I really appreciate them!
    Stenacity likes this.
  10. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    Yup, right now, according to the websites I've seen, people between the ages of 16-64 who aren't in specific industries and who don't have underlying health conditions like asthma or autoimmune disorders are looking at June for their first vaccination.

    Enjoy Mars and the museums! I saw some place there was a link to a virtual African safari as well. That could be interesting. Let me know what ones you end up liking the best!

    Tea.. Hot chocolate.. Chai latte.. All options without coffee! If there is a drive-through near you, you don't even have to get out of your car.

    Let there be life!

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    Nice! Just have to wait till then I guess. (*starts playing Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer*).

    OOoh! I like the idea of a African Safari too! Omg these are great ideas! I just saw on the link you gave that you can take free tours of the Met Gala. How neat!! :D

    I'm honestly a sucker for hot chocolate. Plus I think I have a coupon for a free drink somewhere! Hopefully it hasn't expired, that would be so unlucky :(. Thank you again!!
    Stenacity likes this.
  12. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    Ooohhh, Living on a Prayer! Good choice! We'll make it, I swear!!

    OK, we got our anthem going! Yes!!

    I can't wait to hear what you think. Some of the museums have done a great job.

    Here's a song for your safari..

    Hot chocolate is proof that God loves us. Along with tacos. Tacos are also proof that God loves us.
    REDLIPSTICKPOP likes this.

    REDLIPSTICKPOP Fapstronaut

    ahahaha!!! Omg yesss, I haven't seen the video in awhile! Their hair is so wild LOL, I LOVE it. *dancing*
    I can tell this safari is going to be so much fun already LOL.

    Tacos are amazing! Oh now I'm hungry, no joke.
    Stenacity likes this.
  14. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah. The hair. There is a secret part of my soul that wants to be the lead singer in a glam rock, anthem singing hair band. The more glam, the more glitter the better. Big hair a must. Obviously it's a deeply hidden alter ego though, because I don't even own any hair spray in real life!

    Go forth and safari! Dress up for it even!

    Tacos are a beautiful thing...

    Here's another hair band anthem for you. Because we're not going to take it, anymore.
    REDLIPSTICKPOP likes this.
  15. I've been trying to stay productive during this lockdown and I've actually started a bunch of great hobbies. Things like working on a YouTube channel, I've taken some courses on Udemy (learned iOS app development, video game development, 3d animation and soon mobile game development :) ) These things have helped keep me well on track in life and not feel so lonely all the time. And you know what, I actually feel proud of myself for doing them. You should try stuff like that too!

    Other than that, I've been busy with online school work and stuff. Also, NoFap and general self improvement (working out, journaling, doing something creative, etc.) have all been keeping me going during the lockdown.

    btw you send hearts by pressing the emoji thing a selecting the 'Symbols' tab. Theres all kinds of emojis lol:emoji_crayon::emoji_floppy_disk::emoji_closed_lock_with_key::emoji_alembic::emoji_cupid::emoji_free::emoji_hatching_chick::emoji_christmas_tree:;)
    REDLIPSTICKPOP and Stenacity like this.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Even before the pandemic started, I led a very solitary life. I've been that way since I graduated university and I moved back home. The last time I went out and did anything with a friend in real life was in the Summer of 2019, when I went to the cinema to watch the most recent Spiderman movie. Before that it was hanging out with a uni friend for an hour in October of 2018. If I didn't live with three others I would probably almost never interact with anyone in person. Other than my family all my interactions are online.

    I dont say this to garner pity, and I dont want it. I keep myself busy with my own hobbies and projects. Sure I get lonely but loneliness is not always the same thing as solitude. I'm pretty content all things considered honestly. The reason I bring all this up is because I truly, truly hope the pandemic wakes people up to the fact that, for many people, lockdown changed almost nothing. Not being able to go out with friends didn't matter, because they didn't have any to begin with. Not being able to see romantic partners didn't matter, because they didn't have one of those either. Not being able to go out when they wanted had no effect on their lives, because they were basically shut ins anyway. Loneliness was an epidemic long before covid started, and I fear it will only get worse and worse. I dont mean to be such a downer but its truly what I think.
  17. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    I'm totally impressed!! You've really taken lock down as an opportunity to fill your brain and level up on your personal growth!! I wish I were half as motivated and driven.

    Keep rocking the pandemic!
    Choosing Better likes this.
  18. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    I'd agree with this. Loneliness and isolation were already an epidemic that became worse during the pandemic. Even someone who didn't have a strong social circle might use coping strategies like libraries, cafes, gyms and other types of socialization as ways to be around people even if they weren't hanging out with someone. During covid those too became unavailable.

    It would be nice if this kind of awareness came out of the pandemic. I'm probably cynical because I feel more people have felt their own isolation, rather than used it as an empathetic exercise pointed outwards towards humanity.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    AtomicTango likes this.
  19. Thank you! I told myself last March, when the pandemic first hit "I'm either going to come out of this 10x better or 10x worse" and I've decided to come out better. Sadly, I'm still dealing with PMO but joining this forum has been great for that, so far.
    Stenacity likes this.
  20. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    What a great commitment to yourself! What has been the most interesting thing you've learned or tried so far?

    It sucks, dealing with addiction... But I'm glad the forum has been helpful. Stay strong!
    Choosing Better likes this.