Fear of becoming an incel due to moving

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by StayClean&Proactive, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I'm not gonna be too specific with details to avoid putting my information out there, but I'm scared of becoming an incel due to my current situation. I've tried so hard to stay calm, but nobody is understanding of my current situation. My mom decided to move a state over, and I'm currently in my first year of college. Due to this, I have to clean up my GPA in order to be accepted into the college that I'm moving to. Unfortunately, since I'm moving amid a global pandemic, so it's gonna be extremely hard to meet new people from this point until the end of the pandemic. I'm doing fine in my classes so far, but I failed a quiz in one particular class, and that might screw my GPA up and cause me to not be accepted into the specific college in the area we're moving to. I'm not ugly or anything, but I have terrible luck when it comes to girls, and I'm scared God is gonna keep me away from any opportunities that will involve me being able to meet any new girls. For some reason, every time I have a positive outlook, things go wrong. In high school, I had terrible luck with girls, since they always scheduled me in classes that were sausage parties, being 95% guys in each class. I tried joining clubs and going to events, but that only did so much. If I don't get accepted into this college, I'm pretty much fucked, since college is the last opportunity to meet girls that are around your age. Nobody is taking me seriously, and people think I'm being too negative. I honestly do feel like God wants me to be a failure, and I have to fight my way through this situation to the point of exhaustion. Any advice, I'm extremely stressed out and worried. I tried so hard to stay calm but I can't hold it in any longer.
  2. skybrowser

    skybrowser Fapstronaut

    God definitely doesn't want you to be a failure this is a lie from the enemy, God wants all His children to be successful.

    I think one of the problems with modern western society is that it can make you feel like you're some kind of loser if you're a virgin which is not true. I personally see pre-marital sex can bring more problems if anything. At the young age you are I would think it best to think about the kind of man you want to be and work towards that. Certainly if you get into the new college you can socialize with girls but I wouldn't make sexual relations with them a priority.
  3. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    No, I don't want sexual relationships, I want to socialize. I don't wanna revert to becoming a basement dwelling incel that objectifies females due to not being around them. I wanna be able to appreciate females as human and not sex objects so I won't feel empty.

    ELITE2BE Fapstronaut

    Very well-said. I salute you.
    skybrowser likes this.
  5. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    First thing I want you to do is relax, close your eyes, and do deep breathing for one minute starting now.

    All done and a bit relaxed? Great. Listen, I understand your frustrations. The first thing I will recommend to you is to put your time towards studying. Don't use the time you have fantasizing on college and the girls. You need to work hard first. I understand it gets boring to study over and over again, but just do it and it will pay off. Second, girls are just human like us. There's literally nothing special or different about them, they are just different gendered homo sapiens. Once you get into college, which I know you will, take things seriously still but try and interact with the females when you get the chance but don't make it as a priority. For me it isn't difficult because I just talk to them like a normal human, and that shows confidence in your character. But, and this is a big but, you can only do this when you are finished working on yourself. It is like getting a car ready for the racetrack with other opponents. You won't be joining the race with a 4 cylinder car with small tires. You need to build up the car, add a larger engine (perhaps a V12 twin turbo), nice suspension, tires, and some down force and then you can go and party! God doesn't want you to be failure, he wants you to succeed and I also want you to succeed! Go kick the quiz/exam's ass and show them what you are made of!
  6. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    hey man i am an incel and i don't objectify women, don't insult us.
  7. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    At the risk of sounding too simple, try to find a local church and figure out how you can get involved. A lot of churches are still meeting in person regularly. Whether it's just Sundays or if you could join a college age group there. Just a thought.
  8. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    Remember, it's not because I think lowly of myself or I have bad social skills. There's pratically nothing I can do to more more interactive at this point because of the pandemic, but hopefully I'll find ways to socailize and interact with people so I don't stoop to their level.
  9. How do you predict would look your future life if you, from this moment, would never had any girlfriend or wife ?
  10. Thecosmonaut

    Thecosmonaut Fapstronaut

    I think its best that you focus on your studies first before going out to socialize. This whole school thing is just temporary. You have a full life ahead of you to mingle, hook up with women and socialize. Just because you don't do it currently doesn't mean you HAVE to revert to a basement dweller that insults women (or whatever you described).

    I understand humans are social creatures but try and take it slow and don't worry too much about it. I feel like its more of anxiety of moving to a new place and we all get that but don't be anxious and worry too much about the future. I really do suggest just getting your school situation fixed first and then socialize. Its not a permanent situation.
  11. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    Right now I'm not looking to be in a relationship, I just wish I had friends of both genders (men and women). I'm tired of my life being a sausage party.
    MeTP likes this.
  12. Avatar Doozy

    Avatar Doozy New Fapstronaut

    How is college the last chance to meet women? Do they just move to another planet after they graduate? Take a breath build a nice career for yourself first. I’m regretting not doing that myself. You will meet women in your life. Most guys don’t end up finding someone long term until like early mid 30s
  13. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Incel isnt a computer mark?
  14. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Incels are born, not made.
  15. how come
  16. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Absolute genetic dead end.
  17. True I've seen some of them and there not blessed at all
  18. You are surrounded by too much fear.

    All these fears are all built up over things that won't really affect you.

    Here's my two suggestions:
    1. start a 90 day hard mode reboot tomorrow morning

    2. focus your mind on just getting through today. Just do what you need to do today.
    Ditch all the fears and worries. Being afraid is not going to help.

    Focus only on today, my friend.
  19. Gar Funkle

    Gar Funkle Fapstronaut

    You seem to worry too much about the women as if they will disappear in a month. You will find the right one when the time comes, find out who you are and what you believe first.