Untuk diskusi tentang pornografi dan kecanduan pornografi dalam bahasa Indonesia.

  1. W4ntt0b34b3tt3rp3r50n

    W4ntt0b34b3tt3rp3r50n Fapstronaut

    Iya kak. Mantap kak pepatahnya. Makasi banyak ya kak atas nasehatnya.
  2. W4ntt0b34b3tt3rp3r50n

    W4ntt0b34b3tt3rp3r50n Fapstronaut

    Menikahnya bentar lg kak. Tapi masalahnya lepas dari kecanduan ini gak semudah seperti membalikkan telapak tangan meskipun sudah punya pasangan.
  3. tobegood

    tobegood Fapstronaut

    hallo oiya gan.. untuk menyembuhkan pied karena sering nonton porn sambil onani tindih.. nah mungkin ane condong nya ke tindinya.. ketika sange itu penis selalu lembek.. nah kira kira untuk waktu sembuhnya butuh berapa lama ya gan.. ane pernah cari tau tentang pied di google. rata rata yang membahas secara ilmiah itu orang luar negeri , di indonesia hampir gaada sama sekali, bahkan saya cari dengan kata pied pake kata kunci indonesia engga ada..
  4. PengenBahagia

    PengenBahagia Fapstronaut

    A list of all the bullshit you tell yourself before you relapse.
    I relapsed today. Here's a list of the bullshit we tend to tell ourselves before we relapse, and why it's bullshit.

    1.) I'll just P without the MO!

    No, you won't. You'll just P for 4 hours straight until you finally can't resist touching the bulge in your shorts. Voila, relapse.

    2.) I'll just see what's new...

    There's nothing new. Nothing. "Oh, look, it's shot from a slightly different angle." "Wow, that girl has BROWN hair instead of blonde!" "Wow, that guy's dick is big!"

    There is literally NOTHING new. Nothing worth any of your time.

    3.) But I need to jerk off to get to sleep!

    No, you need to exercise, stop drinking coffee after 2pm, and maybe take a sleeping aid or drink some chamomile tea. There are a lot of different ways you can get yourself tired.

    4.) Hey, I've been on a long streak lately. One look/MO session can't really set me back all that far, can it?

    Yes, it can. First off, there's the chaser effect, which will make it a hell of a lot harder to get back on track. Second, you know for a fact that you're going to feel like shit the whole rest of the day, at least. Third, if you start the cycle of self-hatred again after you realize that you broke your long streak, you're likely going to binge. Hard.

    And honestly, binging is the only real thing that will truly require you to COMPLETELY start all over again, from square one.

    5.) The urge is just too much!

    Cold showers. The more you hate the cold water, the faster that urge will disappear. Stand under some truly COLD water for maybe 30 seconds, and your urges will be gone. Feeling cold for a little bit and then feeling great for hours is a lot better than feeling hot for a little bit and feeling like shit for hours. Take your pick.

    6.) My goal is NoFap, not not using porn!

    You are a porn addict. You masturbate TO porn. That's like an alcoholic saying "My goal is to not get drunk, not to not drink at all! I can just drink a can..."

    Not everyone who does porn is a porn addict. You are. If you want to stop PMO, you have to get rid of the P first. You don't overcome a porn addiction by looking at porn.

    7.) I just need to get it out of my system...

    The only thing you'll be getting out of your system is your sense of productivity, confidence, energy, and focus.

    8.) I'm such a loser. Who even cares?

    Right now, your brain is doing whatever it can to get you to come crawling back for your fix. "Hating yourself" is literally just an excuse to keep doing porn. You don't even realize you're doing it, but subconsciously, you'll tell yourself just about ANYTHING if it will get you to watch some more porn.

    Basically, your brain is throwing a tantrum so it can get what it craves. It's like a spoiled little child who's used to getting whatever it wants right away. Good parents say no to their kids and ignore the tantrums. Bad parents give into those kids' demands, and those kids grow up to be spoiled little shits with inflated senses of entitlement.

    Show your brain who's boss.

    9.) I just want to make sure my dick works!

    Your dick works.

    10.) I'll start beginning next week!"

    Overweight person: "I'll start working out on January 1st for my New Year's Resolution!"

    We all know how that turns out.

    No, you'll start now. You've been putting things off for much of your life, and a lot of that can be attributed to you lack of motivation thanks to porn.

    11.) I'll just start off slow and maybe masturbate only ____ times a month/week/day...

    Alcoholic: "I'll just start off slow and maybe get drunk ____ times a month/week/day..."

    Sounds like bullshit, doesn't it? That doesn't mean that relapsing twice in one month vs. twice in one week isn't progress, but if you consciously set out to do porn sometimes, you'll NEVER get rid of your addiction.

    12.) I want to see how much bigger my orgasm is now that I've waited ____ days!

    Yeah, your orgasm will be bigger. So will your crash down to earth afterwards when you realize that you blew your streak and that you're all alone with nothing but a screen in front of you depicting a man/woman/cartoon character/hentai/whateveryou'reinto who will never meet you and will never even know your name to keep you company.

    13.) I've reached my goal of ____ days! I'm cured! I can watch porn without becoming addicted, now, right?

    If you're excited about the fact that you can "watch porn now" because you're "cured", then you aren't cured. You're still addicted. Keep at it.

    Well, that's about all I can think of.

    Remember that you have an addiction, but your addiction is not who you are. You already have more control over yourself than you think.

    Today, I relapsed because I didn't force myself to take a cold shower, but the fact remains that I could have taken one. And if I had, I wouldn't have relapsed. Period.

    Keep at it, everyone.
    izin taro disini gan, buat ingetin diri sendiri khususnya
    moshingpanda and tobegood like this.
  5. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Alhamdulillah sebulan tanpa coli berhasil. Tahan sampe malem pertama ane bulan Juli. Didukung tunangan ane untuk tahan coli, biar doi yang coliin pas merid. Ane beruntung banget
  6. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Malah semenjak ane punya cewe, ane udah gak pernah ngebokep lagi gan. Abis tunangan gak pernah coli+bokep lagi:)
  7. wongkunyuk

    wongkunyuk Fapstronaut

    ada yang punya pengalaman nofap 1 sampe 2 tahun, benefit apa yang didapat ? thks...
  8. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    maximal baru 6 bulan gan

    manfaatnya kulit lebih cerah, ga panic attack, gampang dapet ide, badan jd lebih kuat pas nge gym, jadi gampang sadar dan mengendalikan diri kalo ada sesuatu hal negatif yg dilakuin
    wongkunyuk likes this.
  9. wongkunyuk

    wongkunyuk Fapstronaut

    Ada yang tau chaser effect di nofap apa ya?
  10. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    setau ane chasser effect itu effect yg timbul setelah relapse... contohnya setelah relapse dengan nge bokep 1x dan menyesal cenderung kita pengen liat bokep / relapse yg ke 2 dan seterusnya... tergantung seberapa lama streak nya...
  11. wongkunyuk

    wongkunyuk Fapstronaut

    3 bulan aja masih belum cukup hanya msh ngebentuk kebiasan berulang ...?
  12. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    tergantung dari lamanya agan kecanduan kalau baru2 90 hari ok tapi kalau udah lebih dari 1 dekade baca2 disini katanya 9 bulan - 2 tahun
  13. wongkunyuk

    wongkunyuk Fapstronaut

    haha penyesalan di masa lalu berdampak sampe skrg, melakukan sesuatu sulit untuk maksimal, sulit untuk berpikir kritis. smoga allah mengampuni kita semua aamiin
  14. dayez boy

    dayez boy Fapstronaut

    Salam kenal semua !!! Gw sebenernya udh nonton bokep dari 7 tahun yang lalu dan coli udh dari 6 tahun yang lalu. Tapi baru bener2 kecanduan tuh pas 2 tahun yang lalu dan itu sangat menghancurkan gw. Gw baru tau nofap itu dari bulan juli tahun kemaren dan alhamdulillah bisa 18 hari gw berhenti. Tapi habis itu gw coli lagi dan berhenti lagi. Gw bisa 5 hari, 10 hari, bahkan bisa sampe 25 hari. Tapi urge nya itu yang sangat mengganggu. Sampai2 dari januari sampe maret itu gw ketagihan banget. Bisa sehari tuh 2 kali. Umur gw 19 tahun dan gw takut gw bakal ngelakuin ini sampe umur 20 tahun keatas. Sekarang gw mulai lagi day 1 dan semoga bisa sampe 30 hari.

    Btw ada yang mau jadi Accountability Partner dengan gw?
  15. PengenBahagia

    PengenBahagia Fapstronaut

  16. wongkunyuk

    wongkunyuk Fapstronaut

    Learn basic lagi bro
  17. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    ya ampun bisa bareng gini kita, gara2 long week end kah ?

    ane juga relapse duh
  18. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    coba liat habbit lain gan yg biasanya bikin urge nambah / trigger , yg ane alamin kalau streak ga konsisten kaya gitu biasanya ada trigger dari habit lain

    kalau ane dari youtube, kaya kmren coli juga awalnya gara2 ada click bait di youtube, alhasil sekarang barengan sama nofap no youtube juga, coba agan telaah lagi muhasabah lagi
  19. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    gimana sekarang gan sudah 70 hari sudah mantaps benefitnya ?
  20. PengenBahagia

    PengenBahagia Fapstronaut

    siap gerak.
    ane perhatiin memang ane polanya kebobolan diweekend mulu wkwkwkwk
    Jarad999 likes this.