P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. Monkeyboyab2c

    Monkeyboyab2c Fapstronaut

  2. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    How severe is your deviated septum? Over the years I developed nasal problems and it felt like I always had a sinus infection. No doctor could really say what’s going on or why I’m experiencing this. The moment it really started to act up was in a time where I picked up smoking cigs as a habit and where I experienced a lot of stress. At one point I thought about surgery but it got cancelled. I’m kinda happy about it because my nasal breathing improved a lot in the last year. I always felt like one nose side is clogged which is kinda normal but it was very obviously clogged. Since about a few months I never ever spent a single thought about it and I guess it’s not just because I stopped thinking about it because it really got better. I once read how permanent stress and cortisol increase causes all kinds of problems. For example your mucous membrane tends to swell more thus making breathing worse. I also did a sleep checkup where they recorded my oxygen levels, breathing and heart rate but it all was fine and I guess there would be things showing up if I didn’t get enough air into my lungs.

    For me personally I don’t think the lack of oxygen could cause this tremendous amount of symptoms and I even wonder why it would be better on some day or weeks where my symptoms highly improve.

    But I’m really happy that you found the missing key! Do you have any symptoms left?
    Dave G 123 likes this.
  3. Big Lebowski

    Big Lebowski Fapstronaut

    Lack of sleep and oxygen deprivation will do a number on your body, believe me. No symptoms left. A little bit of residual anxiety but my anhedonia has gone. My libido is raging like never before.
  4. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you're all healed! So how did you come to the conclusion that it was PAWS from porn from the first place if this deviated septum has been present since childhood? Did the oxygen deprivation have a delayed effect which coincidentally correlated with your porn habit/quitting it?

    I've also struggled with nasal problems over the past couple years with many bouts of sinusitis lasting months before calming down, there is always some congestion present though. Like you said @DerJogge, it wouldn't explain how the symptoms come in random waves and windows so I don't think this is my issue.

    Very pleased to hear that you've come to the end of the battle, always reassuring to hear of cases of anhedonia being healed as well!
    DerJogge likes this.
  5. gangstaLjos

    gangstaLjos Fapstronaut

    I too, during this, have struggled with my nose/sinus. My nose is either clogged the fuck out or runny as hell. It hasn't been too bad for me lately, but I have to clear my nose one too many times a day. When im out running, oh man... Theres snot/nasal muccus everywhere. Running does help clear it out tho. And I do prefer my nose to be runny opposed to clogged. Atleast then I can clear it out. Clogged nose is just fucking annoying. Cant breathe properly and it makes the nose look fat af, which just fucks up the entire face.

    Im positive that this sinus problem is linked with PAWS. All we can do is do the things that clear it out - if even it lasts only for a few hours. Running, working out and generally being outside is what clears my nose.

    A small update on my shitty week: Today has been much better. I was able to sit at school for three hours and I was fairly productive. I also went to the gym, and I didn't experience much anxiety, which was very peaceful. I met some familiar faces and shook their hand and engaged in some small talk. I was able to be present and enjoy the convo... and yeah, I had a good session at the gym, freed from crazy anxiety.
  6. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Hmm, I doubt this will work. I slowly decreased my usage over the course of a decade, but the withdrawal symptoms just slowly got worse. I put my current problems down to the fact that I never got ahead of the curve. I think that if someone is badly affected enough by porn addiction to experience PAWS in the first place, even mildly, then the only option that will work is to quit cold-turkey - otherwise you are interfering with the brains healing process and delaying recovery. Although porn acts like a drug in terms of being addictive, it isn't a psycho-active substance, so as far as I can see we aren't technically experiencing the physiological withdrawal symptoms that a substance user would have; rather we experience the effects of the brain healing from long-term damage caused by disruption and dysregulation of various systems within the brain, which are all the weird and not so wonderful health problems we are all dealing with to some degree. This is only made worse by continuing to PMO, even if that continuation is at a lower level.

    Also, speaking from personal experience, your "inner addict" will always come up with reasons why it's OK to PMO. So I'm wary of my self, and anyone else who rationalizes why it might be OK in moderation etc etc. I've done it myself in the past, and I just think it's a dead-end.
  8. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    Hmm yes, upon further thought I have never heard of PAWS from gambling. And trying PMO in moderation is indeed very dangerous.

    A bit on my own progress: I would hate to jinx myself, but I think I might be at a turning point in my recovery. I'm getting more and more good days, like right now, where I'm just brimming with happiness and contentment. I'm not grumpy, but talkative and confident!
  9. Humanexperiments

    Humanexperiments Fapstronaut

    I am 26 months in. 0 Relapses to porn but frequent intercourse with partner, like 1-3 orgasm per week max. First 5 months were hard mode.
  10. Any improvements? Do you feel like you're close?
  11. Humanexperiments

    Humanexperiments Fapstronaut

    I really hope I’m close mate, but I will be going hard mode again very soon to speed things up. I dont feel any improvememts to be honest.
    Freeddom_Taker and zander13 like this.
  12. Congrats man. Nice to see people making it to the other side
    Freeddom_Taker and DGZ like this.
  13. UWSDave

    UWSDave Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, looking for some advice. I've managed just over four months hardmode but in the past couple of weeks have relapsed to P twice. I've been able to power through and get out of these situations without MO (or I guess, without enough M to O) but I'm worried about whether this is the right approach in these cases given how bad I think we all agree edging is. As I spend hours trying to get out of that state I can feel my brain in "edging mode" even when I'm not actively edging, and I can feel some symptoms start to creep back in. I'm worrying this is doing more harm than just quickly finishing, but I also worry about the harm that would come from going all the way and reinforcing for my brain that there's a big reward to be had if it just waits long enough.

    Anybody have thoughts about what to do in these situations?
  14. gangstaLjos

    gangstaLjos Fapstronaut

    Love it bro! How many months are you in?
  15. sikreodds97

    sikreodds97 Fapstronaut


    Bro the thing is you have said so many different things was the cause of your paws. First it was chronic stress. Then it was the caffeine. Then it was high estrogen. And now another reason. Dont get me wrong you are the man, but why is it so hard to believe that your PAWS was cause by porn and masturbation which pretty much messes up our dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain?
  16. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    I'm about 10 months in this current streak, but I started this journey in August 2019. Had a 10 time binge in December of that year and I think my recovery changed after that, like the withdrawals got worse.
  17. gangstaLjos

    gangstaLjos Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. Im glad you're feeling better. Keep updating us, bro!
  18. Big Lebowski

    Big Lebowski Fapstronaut

    I understand completely what you're saying. I have had a lot going on for many years, all a combination of stuff. But the bottom line is my nose was making it very difficult to breathe at night, it was something that came along during my middle teens when the nose develops it shape through puberty. My septum was deviated to the point where the airflow was horrendous and I thought nothing of it other than severe allergies. I've also been breathing that way for half my life so I thought it was natural and I blamed porn and whatnot on it but it was an anatomical issue. But in my own case, it was impacting my oxygen levels at night for so long and I was hardly getting any deep sleep, so I was mouth breathing at night which causes a load of issues on top. My testosterone was low because of this so of course I lost my libido among other things.

    It is basically summed up by being very similar to sleep apnea, because there was an obstruction in my nose. So can cause a whole host of symptoms, physically and cognitively and also serious long term complications if left untreated.

    I think porn and all other habits were just a crutch of how shit my life was sleep deprived and added a whole bunch of stress on top of it.

    And I don't think I had PAWS, I did a whole 180 on that thinking. I was sleep deprived and oxygen deprived for many years left untreated.

    I mean there's people on this very topic who have cocaine addictions and still think they have porn PAWS and stuff? Try and find your why and not just look at the narrow minded narrative of porn PAWS. There are many others on here who have come to the same realisation.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021
    ALPHAandOMEGA likes this.
  19. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    I would say from my own experience that giving in and finishing won't work. I have had days where I was jonesing the whole day, which I am guessing is pretty much what you mean (ie can't stop thinking about P / women in general, and constantly turned on), but managed to resist, and I didn't get the same setbacks as when I gave in either to MO or PMO. It's not as good as having a totally "clean" day, but better than P/M/O. Apart from anything you will be establishing a habit of resistance, and weakening the urge to get the reward. It's just slow as f*ck in terms of re-wiring your brain to the point where you don't have to deal with this.
  20. Shuffledude88

    Shuffledude88 Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to chip in here a bit. Not sure if it had with PAWS to do or whatever, but had a pretty rough month with anxiety and stuff which eventually ended. This also could have with other life issues to do. During the process I opened up to plenty of people in my life. Friends, family, girlfriend, a doctor and other people. Putting into words what I have been feeling have helped a lot. That's a tip for you guys. Don't sit here on the forums, dwelling over how awful you feel. Instead open up and seek support for it in real life aswell. I think that's a vital part of recovery.

    Life will hit you when recovering, you will start sensing stuff and potentially have to deal with a lot of buried stuff. You will need to start appreciating yourself again, loving yourself for the one you are. Also realize that it will take time. But don't keep staring on the day counter, panicing over not feeling good at once. It will come, but it will take time. Instead focus on living your life, dare to take steps. And again, find support. Don't do life alone. These burdens are heavy to bear, and will only get heavier the longer you come.

    I feel alright now, and it's quite comforting to know that things will pass. And don't lay too much into "PAWS". It may have to do with that, what you feel, but it could also be a hundred of other things in your life. Don't blame it all on your recovery, instead think positive and proactive. :) You are awesome. Keep on fighting and be proud of what you accomplish. Things will turn, and in the end you will feel great about what you are doing now. Every day is a day closer to becoming the person you want to be.