A house swept clean will be attacked by even more wicked spirits

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. The point is Jonathan was confident that the Lord would conquer the philistines, and He did. This is similar to David and Goliath. David was certain God would deliver Goliath. Now in the new testament we have the perfect David who slew the Goliath, Satan for all time. @Roady I didn't mean we walk into the camp of Porn, but that the Lord will deliver us from it if we submit ourselves completely to God.
    Toni7, Roady and Henryforward like this.
  2. Jonathan and David had confidence because they had a relationship with the Lord, and a past track record of God's faithfulness in their lives. Side note, David and Jonathan were Best Friends and kindred spirits.
  3. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I feel that I need a new metric. When a runner runs a marathon, he or she measures their accomplishment by the miles run and the time required. However, measuring success against temptation in a similar way, that is by focusing on the number of chaste days, can be a trap for me. Days free from PMO is a good metric but in my case, I feel it is dangerous to confuse this metric with my real goal.

    I once thought that I could retrain my brain to not be tempted by porn if I achieved a certain number of days of no PMO. However, I have come to realize the devil will use this as an opportunity. If I focus on achieving a year free from PMO, what happens when I celebrate on the morning of day 366? As I take pride in my accomplishment, my defenses will be weak and the devil will be there waiting for me.

    Whereas I am no less committed to refrain from PMO, I believe my real goal must be draw myself closer to God and thereby build ever stronger defenses against the devil's temptations. There is nothing wrong with monitoring PMO days free but perhaps a more important metric for me is to measure the number of days that I set aside time for heartfelt and sincere prayer with Our Lord. I need to give this some attention.
    Kemar935, Oremus, Myfortress and 3 others like this.
  4. There is only one day that matters: Today. We must take the steps one day at a time. We cannot do otherwise.

    I think you are wise to include in your counter counting up toward something positive rather than exclusively counting away from something negative. I have done the same in my own commitments.
    Kemar935, Myfortress and Henryforward like this.
  5. I agree it’s both. The longer I went the closer I got to God. The more time I wanted to spend with him and the less I wanted to mess that relationship up with a relapse.
    Henryforward likes this.
  6. Fantastic observstion! To me addiction is disordered love; misplaced really towards things that do not compliment the dignity of love nor my dignity as an agent of love. Abstinence from PMO is just the crossroads in this journey. The real new life begins when I move from the crossroads of abstinence to stepping faithfully forward towards ordering all my love to God.
  7. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I would like to thank everyone who commented on this post! With the help of your guidance and prayers, I am feeling more confident in my battle. My confidence is tempered with wariness, however. In some past efforts, success has led to relaxation of my guard and rationalization of sin during times of weakness. I know the devil doesn't rest but, daily, sincere, heartfelt prayer with God is bringing palpable feelings of joy and strength. So it is with a sincere heart that I ask God to bless each of you today!