How Cold are Cold Showers?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MKMMJAG, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. A breathing technique to use under a cold shower. You barely feel the cold, and could stand there forever!

    Breathe in sharply through yournose. Filly your lungs. Breath out through your mouth. Breathe out less air than you breathed in. Repeat in rapid succession 30 times, then fill your lungs and hold your breath for as long as is comfortable.

    It really invigorates you and fills your belly with fire!
  2. Some salt in the ice water will lower the temperature even more.
  3. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    After reading this I've started reading more about Wim Hof. If you haven't read about him I would definitely recommend reading up about him. The man's a machine
    Espi1971 likes this.
  4. Yeah, Wim's where I got that breathing technique from. I'm going to start an Iceman challenge here soon, if you care to join. I've already started cold exposure training.
  5. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    I'm definitely interested.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  6. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Today was Day 19 of 30 for my cold shower therapy. I think I've only had one or two brief hot showers before quickly switching to cold, but I feel like if I can accomplish 30 days of getting uncomfortable and out of my comfort zone to these sort of extremities, anything's possible.
    Espi1971 likes this.
  7. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Just a quick one to add that I had an extra cold shower after an hour's worth of spinning in the gym. It was a particularly intense session, to the point where my sweat was running down into my eyes and into my mouth. Yuck. That cold shower straight after was a very welcome blast of ice.
  8. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    In the words of Outkast..

    'ICE COLD!'
    johnseener likes this.
  9. I live in Norway and the shower temperature here is almost always 4-5 degrees celcius. The water gets tapped from the bottom of the lake where it is heaviest. My shower is at the coldest setting. Always. I shower twice a day and threat it like a normal shower. I do everything I would do in a hot shower. It is supposed to be cold. It wont kill you. It will make you badass.
  10. TwelveFoot

    TwelveFoot Fapstronaut

  11. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    If you wanna get the benefits sooner, then I suggest turning the knob all the way! I don't have those kind of balls, but what I can tell you however, is that I did started with cool showers and worked my way up. If a person like you who has never experienced a good 5-10 minute cold shower, it would probably be freezing compared to a person who has done it for 6 months. To them, it doesn't even feel as cold because they're so used to it. Plus when you live in New Hampshire where it snows in the winter, that's another different story. I took cold showers on and off for 6 months in the winter time and it was fucking cold as hell! Don't worry about hypothermia, you can actually take them as long as you dry yourself and put on some warm clothing before going outside. I'm more prepared for this winter though haha
    Espi1971 likes this.
  12. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    And another thing. Your mentality on how cold the shower feels plays a huge factor as well. If you're going into the shower thinking to yourself, "Oh no, this is going to be dreadful. I can't do this. It's too cold!" Chances are is that you're going to have a hard time getting through with it. But if you try to be relaxed as possible with a positive attitude telling yourself, "Hey, this is not too bad." Then you have a better shot. There are other things that are worse than cold showers like getting shot or getting stabbed lol. Do you wanna bleed or take a 10 minute refreshment that won't even hurt you. Your choice.
    Espi1971 likes this.
  13. This is why I don't gasp when I first step into the cold stream, and I control my breathing. Making my mind calm makes my body calm and, after a little while, I barely notice the cold anymore.
    Espi1971 and ifthisislove like this.
  14. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    On August 1, I wrote:
    Update: My "cold" water is now 98.2° F (36.8° C). I'm routinely taking showers with it in perfect comfort. The water pipe coming into my house is underground; never exposed at all.
  15. EnglandExpects

    EnglandExpects Fapstronaut

    One thing that helps me enormously is to separate my cold shower from my bathing shower. When you want to wash yourself, go ahead and take a hot shower. When you take your cold shower, don't worry about washing yourself -- just turn on the water and stand there. Then you don't have to do two things at once. You can just concentrate on the psychological goals of the cold shower. Once I have done the separate cold shower for a few weeks, I hope to be able to take my bathing shower as a cold shower.
    mnemonic_lattice likes this.
  16. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    Last year I was taking freezing cold showers and after a few weeks of them I used to get these awful headaches right after my shower so I stopped taking them... I started cold showers again last week and have been using the same freezing temperature water, experimenting whether the headaches will start up again. If they do, I'll just have to go for cold water rather than freezing. And yep, I wash myself under cold water too. I feel cleaner afterwards than if I'd taken a hot shower.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  17. AyyyyLmao

    AyyyyLmao Fapstronaut

    Cold showers make you feel like a viking.
  18. Ninjacan

    Ninjacan Fapstronaut

    I don't really get the whole point of the cold showers thing. Like, from what I understand, hot showers apparently feel good? And you're supposed to take cold showers to like, deprive yourself of pleasure? Something like that..? Honestly, sometimes taking a cold shower feels really good, like when you've just worked all day and it's a hot summer day and you don't have air conditioning, taking a cold shower feels amazing. I just don't see the connection between taking a cold shower and stopping PMO, seems pretty placebo to me.
    mv8652 likes this.
  19. I can't have cold showers they always make me feel ill afterwards, I shiver and become congested. Even if I take a nice hot shower I need to towel my self faster than an average person just to get some clothes on to warm again. People always say that cold showers reduces urges but its not a method I'm willing to try, cold showers do much more to me than diminish a boner.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    That is hyperventilating! :eek: I guess you could hyperventilate before you step into the cold stream of water or while you're in it, hahaha! :p