The craziest girl you ever dated

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by modern milarepa, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I always avoided crazy chicks even do some are very beautiful. The only strange thing that happened to me was this girl I broke up and then one month or so later sent me an ultrasound video showing her being pregnant, I saw the video carefully and the weeks didn't add up, also I had her menstrual cycle written on a calendar and I even injected to her the contraceptive injection.

    As you now I practice non ejaculatory sex so the chances of pregnancy are 20% or 1 out of 5 girls could get pregnant in a year using the pull out method and you add the contraceptive injection and the chances of pregnancy are les than 0.2%

    I just let her keep going for some months until she told me the ultrasound was from a miscarriage she had some years back. I guess she was a bit crazy or crazy for me.

    What about you who's the craziest woman you ever dated and what she did to you?
    Shadow™輝ツ likes this.
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Some really crazy stories happended to my father do.

    The one my mother told me, because my father never did is that my grandfather by my father's side had a secret lover well not so secret everybody knew her. I knew her, granpa even bought a beautiful apartment to her.

    The thing that surprised me the most is that this woman was in fact in loved of my father, they never had anything she was just infatuated by him. So she decided to date my grandfather as a way to get closer to my dad.

    Grandpa and her remained together until he died.

    Also I remember this girl who moved three houses from my childhood house and invited me and my friends to her house to have fun and play. Later I saw her dating my grandpa and guess what she also did it because she was crazy in loved with my father.

    There's also many of this type of stories happening to my dad, some crazy stalkers too.
    Shadow™輝ツ likes this.
  3. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Or you can just wear a condom and also avoid STDs.

    Dated a woman for 3 week. Model hot but crazy af. Ended it because of the second one and she didn't take it very well. Cursed me in every way, shape or form. Every time i blocked her she founded another channel to keep insulting me and asking for a second chance, all at the same time, it was illarious. She stalked my facebook and insulted every woman I have a fotograph with thinking they were my ex's. How dare to give more time to my ex's than I gave to her. Blamed me for every purchase she did in order to do sport with me when I never told her to do that.
    Fortunatelly she found a new guy to stalk and let me be.
    becomingreat and modern milarepa like this.
  4. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I got her tested for STDs she was clean
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    That's the thing, usually the most beautiful ones are the craziest.

    I think is because they are so hot all guys put up with her craziness so they don't make an effort to improve her personality and mental health.
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying all beautiful girls are crazy, some are very nice people too. But usually the craziest girls I've met are very beautiful.
  7. "Crazy" doesn't explain or specifically qualify for anything. I mean is a person psychopathic or are they just unwell in some way, or what?

    People could reasonably think either PMO is crazy OR that rebooting is crazy too, depending on ones perspective and how you go about either. Wasn't Milarepa kind of crazy? I recall a story about turning around pulling down the pants to show the sores from a lot of sitting to indicate the 'secret' is from a lot of meditation. There's "crazy wisdom" isn't there?

    As far as mental illness, it really doesn't take a lot to recognize some people are messed up from dysfunction growing up and the like - but you're not going to recognize anything like that if it's just all about the simplistic view of rebooting for superpowers. I was able to determine one girl had a specific genetic SNP from hanging out with her and reading about it. I bought her a 23andme test, and sure enough that SNP was confirmed in the test. (the warrior/worrier one(s) - and there's a relationship with dopamine btw)

    As a side note, something to be aware of with some spiritual circles today is people are often naive about psychological knowledge, probably because the stuff that comes from the East is from a collectivistic culture so there's just less attention paid toward studying an individual, intrapersonal level. In todays hyper connected world that just doesn't work. Even the general understanding of the body of knowledge be it Taoist, Buddhist or whatever is watered down and ignores the details in the first place, you factor that in with the fact that the individual level is just not their area of expertise in the first place along with a bias to believe in easy answers/explanations and there's a lot of ignorance that just doesn't work well. If anyone is interested and not familiar I'd recommend reading about spiritual bypassing, which is a concept originally developed by John Welwood. From a psychological perspective, it would look like a noob to rebooting does to people who have been doing this a long time.
  8. Here's a short video that's probably relatable:
  9. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Well, crazy in the sense of trying to kill you with a knife. Faking her mother's death so you don't break up with her. Trying to poison you with arsenic little by little every day pouring it in your breakfast.

    Or as I mentioned becoming the mistress of a man so you could be more close to his son which is your real crush
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
  10. I think more and more people in general are "more crazy" - it takes more psychological literacy just to deal with people everyday than before. Most of the time you can get away with superficial interactions like at work, but even there it's no guarantee anymore. Of course you can't be their therapist or anything and even an actual therapist can't do much in the short amount of time where they cross paths with them but it's just a matter of degree, we better just learn how to deal with it even if we're not dating people who have issues there's enough people running around who does.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

  13. Yeah it just shows up faster and more intensely in that context, because there's more intimacy and closeness or that's what people are looking for, maybe very quickly before you get to know them.
  14. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    One of my ex’s for sure. She was a model hot nymphomaniac and pathological liar and manipulator.
    modern milarepa likes this.
  15. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Probably.. I just don't care. In the second I found the red flags i move on. Crazy can make your life a living hell.