Dealing with an Overactive Mind

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by PMOare4SoyBoys, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. PMOare4SoyBoys

    PMOare4SoyBoys Fapstronaut

    Any tips on how to deal with an over active mind?

    I've been practicing a lot of things like Yoga and meditation but I feel like those are just short term solutions and only tackles the symptoms but not the actual roots of the problem.

    In general I just have a hard time being present because I'm either projecting onto the future or dwelling on regrets in the past. This relates to me relapsing btw since I'm trying to escape those feelings caused by my over active mind.

    Any personal tips would be great, particularly from the ones that have been there before and found a solution that works for them.
  2. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    The harsh truth is that many of these issues encountered on the forum are physical and biological. The good news is you can rid yourself of these symptoms by fixing your health. There is a lot of good information on the that I recommend everyone for correcting their diet, hormones and metabolism.

    Your situation could be so many things. So I advise you to look holistically. Weight, hormone panel, diet, nutrition, pre-existing conditions, and so on all play significant roles in your mental state. We cannot know what you're particular issue is stemming from. Also, by improving as a whole you will make progress in other areas you haven't even mentioned.

    I encourage guys to message me directly because its impossible to keep up with a thousand anonymous usernames.
    PMOare4SoyBoys likes this.
  3. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Meditation should be helping you focus your concentration and calm your mind through mindfulness. But the goal of mindfulness meditation is to also keep being mindful after your sitting. To carry the attunement you get from sitting, into your daily activities. This takes a concerted effort. It's not just about sitting for x minutes and then going about business as usual. You need to carry on what you take from your sittings and apply it to everyday life. Taming the monkey mind is not something that happens overnight. It takes a concerted effort to retrain the mind and let go of the poorly conditioned thinking process.

    Reading out aloud can help this.

    Mindfulness meditation is not a quick fix at all. It's a skill that needs developing over the long-term, though it does have some short-term benefits too.

    Maybe you could find a better teacher? What about trying a different meditation technique like staring at a candle for a few moments before closing the eyes, or even open-eyed meditation. That's a pretty cool one.

    You might also benefit from doing it in a group once a week to help support sittings on your own (if covid allows). Zoom meditation groups can work too. Meditating in groups is great because you experience the collective energies of everyone and this can enhance your overall practice.

    If you genuinely feel it's not working, then maybe you'd benefit more from deep relaxation strategies which shouldn't be confused with meditation, but even with these you should try and continue with what you experience in your sessions into your daily life, or else you just undo the hard work gained in the practice.

    Patience and effort is key to success, so maybe you also need to give yourself a little more time

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do. Would be interesting to hear about your progress.
    ZeroChill and PMOare4SoyBoys like this.
  4. PMOare4SoyBoys

    PMOare4SoyBoys Fapstronaut

    You're probably right in the sense that I need to keep trying, usually though after a long session of meditation I often tend to go back to my over thinking habit once done with the practice. Like you said it's as if I'm undoing all my hard work, but then would you say meditation only works if you're constantly practicing it throughout the day? Or at least in my particular situation.
  5. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    All change is subtle. We can barely see 99% of the change that is taking place in the world in any given moment, but we know it's happening. Just look at facial hair growth, or nails.

    The same rule applies to recovery practices in general and meditation in particular.

    As long as there is more positivity in your experience than negativity, then you'll make progress, just that you might not see or realise it straight away.

    I think this is one of the hardest lessons for us to learn in recovery. Not to lose faith that we are making ground, and especially when things don't feel like they're going the way we ultimately hope they are. And even more so when we suffer the added hardships of relapsing.

    Keeping short meditation log entries into a meditation diary can be really helpful. One, they are positively affirming and two, it's quick and easy to reflect over uplifting and reinforcing references for any low periods you may experience in the future.

    By expanding our meditation practice to include things like journalling, reinforces the whole experience, because like I mentioned, meditation isn't just about sitting still on a seat, so the more we bring it in our lives, the more we will be able to reap it's rewards.

    I'm curious.

    Who taught you?

    How long have you been practising for?

    How long do you generally sit for?

    Do you aspire to sitting for longer?

    Are you aware of the benefits of going deeper in your meditations?

    If I was to ask you, "how would you go deeper?" What would you say to me?
    ZeroChill and PMOare4SoyBoys like this.
  6. PMOare4SoyBoys

    PMOare4SoyBoys Fapstronaut

    Good questions.

    Who taught me: lots of online influencers, I won't name all of them but the main ones include Sam Harris and Headspace.

    How long: it really depends, the more my mind is racing the longer I would meditate, usually 30mins when that happens. Personally I think the duration is not as important as the actual quality of the meditation, sometimes I find myself having more productive sessions of only 5mins as opposed to 30mins.

    How would I go deeper: that honestly depends on the goal I have in mind; I meditate for the sake of being able to relax at night and sleep, so in that regard going deeper would mean tackling the underlying issues that keeps me awake at night, also reaching a state where I am efficient at recognizing my triggers and not let it take a toll on me.