my marriage is in emergency crisis mode, needing advice.

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by hope4future, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. hope4future

    hope4future Fapstronaut

    I have a long ramble myself, and I am new to posting here and hope that some of you can give me some help and hope.

    I have been married to my husband for about 6.5 years, together around 7. we definitely had a whirlwind romance and married quickly, in our 30's. we have a young child, who is amazing, and the reason I continue to stay with him for the most part, like many of the people who post here I don't want a broken family and don't want to destroy the next 50+ years of our lives.

    i knew about the porn early on, but again, like many of the woman who post on here, I pushed it aside when we were in the honeymoon phases of our relationship. fast forward to today - the porn has destroyed nearly every corner of our marriage. he is distant, angry, quick tempered, emotionally cruel, etc...the typical things. I have spent our entire marriage thinking something is wrong with me (small boobs, not blond, not slutty not this not that) wondering why he won't be intimate with me, blaming myself, you've heard it all before.

    he's made many broken promises to stop, and I have believed him, gotten hopeful, and then discovered we are back in the same place again. I have read every book and countless websites, tried to fix us, prayed, begged, you name it. I've cornered him, put internet blocks on, searched his phone, the usual suspects. Back at the beginning of this year, I truly believed him that he was going to "change" and really got my hopes up. Now, 8 and a half months later, we are still in the same vicious cycle. I also feel he is really escalating for some reason, i woke up the other night and he was doing it in our bed, right in front of me, basically. and another time this week, when we were in different rooms of the house, but we were home. that is new. i have also found sites that are seriously seriously escalated. Of course it comes as no surprise that he lies and tells me that he never looked at those sites and has no idea how those domains have showed up on the computer (i put the opendns on our wifi). that dumb wife part of me wants to believe him....but i know that the stats don't lie. he lies.

    last night, i told him that i'm not mad, but I am done. over 167 domains had been blocked in 13 days, which means that's just probably a third or a tenth or i don't even know what percentage of what he is looking at.

    here's where I need advice: I don't want to lose my family. I don't want to dismantle everything we have built together. I love this man, but I can't stand to live like this anymore. he is mean to me, our child, it's hell. i know that it's because of the porn. i've watched the TED talks, I have done the research, i feel like i am doing my part, and he doesn't want to admit that it's an addiction, or he hasn't hit rock bottom, or lost us, or whatever. I do not know what to do. I am posting here in the hopes that one of you can help me. I was thinking I could say to him "if you want help, if you want to start recovery, I am here, but if you do not, then we have to go our separate ways." we live in a small community so this would be a scandal, as an added bonus. and I cannot stand the idea of my child having divorced parents and all that comes along with that horror. I believe he is a good person, but not in the porn fog. he has been lying to me all of these years and no amount of confrontation or ultimatums has ever been effective for more than a few weeks.

    please help. thank you all very much.
  2. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Hey Hope. You sound almost word for word like my wife when my PMO addiction finally came to a head about 7 months ago. It sounds to me like you've done all the legwork already: you know how deep PMO addiction can run and how difficult it can be to break through it.

    From what you've said, it sounds like your husband hasn't accepted his problem yet. He's still allowing his demons to control his thoughts and doesn't want to admit that he has a genuine problem. If he is willing, this site is stupendously wonderful reading material for him. I'd suggest starting with my own or my wife's journal (both are linked in my signature). He needs to understand how deeply this problem runs and the true scope of its effect on you. Has he been receptive to watching any TEDx talks or in reading any material you have come across? I know I wasn't fully aware of how deeply porn has changed me until I began to read up on it.

    There's a great little inexpensive app for Iphones (and maybe Android too, but I'm not certain) called Brain Buddy that was of tremendous help to me at first. It does a great job of breaking down the porn addiction into little daily sound bytes, instead of possibly overwhelming me with reams of data all at once.

    Unfortunately, the burden is now on him to accept that he has a problem and that he needs to change. There is little you can do at this point, as it sounds like you've already done all the research for him.

    We're here for you if you need to talk. Keep your head up and remember that porn addiction says nothing about deficiencies in the addict's partner, it says everything about deficiencies in the addict.

    Stay the course.
  3. hope4future

    hope4future Fapstronaut

    Hi Haggis - THANK you so much for your reply. I read with great interest and hope this morning through you and your wife's posts and wished that he was reading through them instead of me! I will continue to follow you both for inspiration and affirmation during these dark times.

    I have printed some of the materials you suggested, as well as posts from this site, for him to read in the past, he sort of said "i get the general idea" and we had a little hiatus from the hell for awhile. I have yet to get him to watch the TED talks, but those are always on my mind and so powerful to me. IF he even comes home today, or there is a small glint of light from behind his dull eyes, i will try to get those in front of him. He seems that he sort of knows it's a giant problem but the rewards are still too great as compared to the negatives, which seem to fall upon me. I also kind of feel his thoughts are jumbled and confused - this morning when faced with hard evidence he said "delete the internet from my phone but still let me have the sports apps" (fantasy football and a host of other sports things he is constantly checking and updating and obsessing over). but then in as much time as it took to turn around, he was FURIOUS and yelling and out the door and happy to have us separate.

    It's all so confusing, as you know. It would be helpful to me to know how i can help him best? assuming he wants it, from your point of view, having been through this, going through this, what is the best i can do for him, us, the future?

    Thank you again, your courage and reply and all your posts are a real bright spot in an otherwise deeply dark place.

  4. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Hey Hope,

    There were essentially three things that finally made me snap out of it and genuinely begin to fight this thing.

    1) My wife flat out told me, it's me or porn. I had been caught multiple times before and made the same "I'll stop" promises, but it was her final ultimatum that actually sunk in. Briefly, she had left me. She texted me at work saying that she just couldn't do this anymore and the waves of emptiness that washed over me went directly to my core. Thankfully, my wife found some scrap of strength to hold on to and she decided to give me one last chance. I seized that chance.

    2) I made the decision to stop choosing pixels over a real life person. I was sick of how utterly pathetic I had become and the reality of what I was doing was incredibly harsh. I used to prefer being alone and jacking off to my loving, flesh and blood wife. My wife who was more than willing to have sex with me as often as I liked. I could no longer stand that image of myself. So yeah, it was seeing just how pathetic I was that also helped snap me out of it.

    3) PIED. 'Nuff said. Nothing makes a man feel like less of a man than not being able to get or sustain an erection during sexual contact. And I even fought this one for a while. About a month before our big blow up, my wife brought up the subject of PIED and I flat-out denied it. I would do anything to preserve the addiction. But with porn of of the way, my PIED is a thing of the past and I feel like a man again.

    Wishing you the best of luck, Haggis.

    Stay the course.
    Karma and Blondewife like this.
  5. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    Hope, you can keep asking the same question in different forums but my advice won't change. If you don't give him a clear and serious choice -- you or porn -- then nothing is going to change. He needs to know that this is the end of the line. No one would expect him to heal overnight, but you have to really mean it when you say: Start healing, or start packing.

    Please, take it from me. And @Haggis. And I'm sure dozens of other men here. If you don't give him a kick in the ass, things will stay as they are.
  6. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

  7. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    I agree with Haggis and Eleven, and the escalation often can take the addiction to other places you might not even know about yet, like being unfaithful. If you keep drinking poison in your mind, it is not too difficult after a while to want to drink the poison in person. I confessed my problem to my wife before she caught me and she forgave me, but there was no doubt in my mind that I knew what I wanted to do, what I needed to do, what I had done wrong.

    Having said that, it does not mean that you have to give an ultimatum right away. It all depends on your assessment of how much you want to remain with him and his "incentives" to change his attitude if you give an immediate ultimatum. But step 1 in any recovery is admitting the problem, if he is not even at Step 1 and the prospects are not good to get there, then a radical ultimatum might be necessary to shake his world. He probably does not think he can lose everything because of this addiction.
    Haggis likes this.
  8. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    That part. That part right there.
  9. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    @The Eleven, while I agree with what you say nearly every time. This is her first time in this forum. The other one you were referring to was @hope4future which I would assume are different people. Just wanted to point this out, it had me confused too.
  10. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    Good catch, @8BitsOfStuggling. Two very similar names with very similar stories. However, this one is @hope4future, and she has posted in multiple forums. The other one is @hope4healing, who I guess has only posted once? Confusing, for sure. I hope I haven't offended either one of them....
  11. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Don't think you have! So confusing never-the-less, just didn't want you to be confusing them!
  12. Karma

    Karma Guest

    When I read stories like this, I feel like crying my heart out, both out of sheer sadness and anger. I know the world isn't black and white but it's really heart rendering to hear stories of husbands (especially husbands) treating their wives in an unjust manner.

    Then I turn around and see people like @Haggis, and see that change is possible, and it's within reach, but only if YOU (the person directly involved) is determined to conquer this addiction (yes, it is an addiction, that's a fact).

    I hope to God that I become the best possible being I can muster with all my strength and soul, and emit the positive energy to everyone around me, especially my family and friends.

    I know I'm still a kid, but I have a long way to go, I figured I might as well start now in becoming the strongest version of myself.



  13. hope4future

    hope4future Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone - I am sorry I posted in different forums, I have never done this before so I posted one place, then thought I was supposed to introduce myself, then I think I may have posted in another. my apologies. I wasn't trying to steal hope4healing's space either. So please accept my apologies.

    my husband and I continued to talk on tuesday and the result was that he said he is also at rock bottom, and that he doesn't want to lose us, and he knows it isn't worth it, and knows what he needs to do, and wants to work at repairing our relationship. GREAT words to hear, of course, but I have heard similar versions before, maybe not quite to this extent. Of course I want to believe him, but just the words will not do it. We are supposed to have a discussion today about where we go from based on all of the knowledge you all have, what do you advise? Where do we start? I thought I would ask him what he thinks we need to do, what he needs to do...but I know from experience that he has a strong will for a certain amount of time (i think maybe the longest ever was around 1 month) and then of course he backslides because the desire to change loses to his old ways. I thought maybe asking him to watch the two TED talks (your brain on porn and the one where the very nice Italian (?) man talks about the impact on the world etc and why he stopped) and then to bring him to this site.

    I appreciate any insight. Also, since he "apologized" and said he would do this on tuesday, we have been having a nice time together, just "normal" no yelling no anger no tantrums and such. I hope that is the right thing, I don't want to let him off the hook too easy but I don't want to go around an angry mean wife because i think that the worse he feels about himself the more he turns to porn.

    thanks to all of you for taking time out of your lives to help me, and again, i apologize for posting in multiple forums.

  14. DanVT

    DanVT Fapstronaut

    For starters, the temptation needs to be removed. I know that I went from an iPhone to a flip-phone, and my wife changed the passwords on the laptops. I can only be online when she is around to let me on. If you don't want to go to that extreme, just install filters.

    Also, he needs to have someone to talk to about this, NOT YOU, so he can express whats going on. Have him sign-up here and we can get him an accountability partner.

    Lastly, he needs long and short term goals. Maybe no porn for a month, no masturbation or playing with himself for 3 months, and only orgasms with you. I know you aren't living together, so you will have to hold him to his word.

    Unfortunately, since he has a reputation of backsliding, he needs to know you are going to check up on him. Look at his phone, check his internet history, peak at his email. You need to rebuild the trust in your relationship, and that is going to be hard, because he needs to know that your trust in him is broken.

    He needs to do this for you AND for himself. The changes I have experienced since stopping PMO are far reaching, more so than I thought. My concentration is better, my appreciation of my wife and desire for her is better, and my relationship with other women/females in my life have improved since the sexual tension is gone.
    Limeaid likes this.
  15. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    @DanVT offers excellent suggestions.

    Bottom line, he needs to make a specific plan to eliminate PMO, to follow through on that plan and to provide you with the access/information you need to be satisfied that he is doing what he said he would do. He can easily develop a plan by visiting this site, reading some journals and asking some questions; also by visiting He needs to delete his porn stash and install blockers to prevent future browsing/downloads; to stop deleting his browser history; and to give you passwords to all of his accounts. He (and you as a couple) should consider counseling. And he needs to take responsibility for his own recovery, while also giving you the time and space you need to recover from all the wounds he has inflicted. And most of all, he has to know you mean it when you say that he can start his recovery, or start packing.
    knowlg2, Limeaid and DanVT like this.
  16. StarKing

    StarKing Guest

    Unless he can accept he has an addiction then there is nothing you do can for him, except live the rest of your marriage in misery.
    Yours and the child's happiness I'd most important. Sorry to be so direct, but it's true.
    Haggis and Limeaid like this.