Gym Triggers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Wilde°, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    So the title says, I'm going to the gym 3x a week, and it doesn't get better. I've thought about calisthenics but I prefer weights, it's better for my shoulder (had injury).

    I'm 200days in the building, and I definitely don't wanna leave it. The women .. the way they're dressed it's all triggering as hell, I don't look intentionally I just get to accidentally peek sometimes when I go past. I have a strong will to not masturbate so I'm not worried about that, what I'm worried about is the accidental peeks I have - does this mess up any part of the rewiring?

    Would love to hear your opinions, and ways you deal with it (especially ones with over 100days who have been training for the whole streak).

    Beekind and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  2. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    If it’s not prompting you to wack off or watch porn I wouldn’t worry about it. Sneaking a peak at the “scenery” isn’t an issue unless you’re seeking it out compulsively (e.g. going to the gym JUST to ogle). Otherwise, welcome that real women are catching your eye instead of the pixel people.
    J29 and ivanhoe like this.
  3. Yeah this is a huge huge huge trigger for me. I have an obsession with women in tights/leggings/workout/spandex to the point where it damaged my relationship with women. And yeah they look very very very good in it even though the 'fetish' aspect has declined with me as I have done repeated 90+ days.

    Ok, I am only on day 99 on this quit :) but here it goes:

    Really examine your behavior. For example I was often unconsciously p-subbing looking up exercise techniques. Now I make sure to always choose the video demo with a guy.

    When you do anything re-examine and ask "If there were no women in workout clothes there would I still be doing this? If no, you know the answer, don't go. If yes, second question "is there an alternative without women?" do you really really really need to go that gym at that time? I really wish there were all male gyms as in days of old... I have since ditched gym weights and use home gym stuff and body weight. I like it better and I get a better work out. Maybe you can start an all male weight club in a garage or something -think of alternatives and it might be even better and cheaper training (see Ross Training)

    If you really really really have to go then adapt a mindset that anything that gets you off focus is getting in the way of your training. That way you start to look at it as a loss.

    If you do see a woman try to look at the eyes or face - it will remind you she is a human being and not to objectify her- and it will keep your eyes off other areas :) . If you do see a woman admire her beauty but remember that any sexual fantasy is not with her it's with you're own mind. And remember women notice you ogling even if you think you are being clever and it exudes a creep vibe. That mindset really helps be stay clean. When you ogle or look you are giving up power.

    We all have times we slip up don't beat yourself up over it. If you find yourself dwelling, just correct yourself.

    I also swim (train tri) - and a huge trigger is sometimes women gliding by in the lane next you not two feet away - with clear googles it's pretty triggering - so I switch lanes or let my goggles get a little foggy. I can still see clear enough to swim but not clear enough to fantasize -but also when I realized how much it was throwing off my stroke, I stopped looking altogether - both consciously and unconsciously.
    Silver36 and AlphaGod like this.
  4. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    That is why i had to quit going there.
    It us absurd, they are craving attention.
    What they are wearing should never be allowed. This is violation to our rights.
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  5. I don't know about a violation of rights but many (but not all) do wear it for attention though it does have practical functionality -this is true in swimming for men and women - tighter fitting clothing makes you swim better.

    I do think it is ridiculous that 'rights' or 'equality' laws don't allow men only (but do allow women only) times in gyms and pools or separate facilities.

    I do wonder why women who do the same sport as men - track field sports for example or volley ball have to wear revealing clothing and men don't - the 'its for function' argument is wrong unless our anatomies are even more different than I thought. That or men are wearing super in-efficient clothing :)
    Reborn16 and AlphaGod like this.
  6. I never comment on this kind of threads, but I'm sixty shades of confusion. Women come in the gym to train. They wear what they consider comfortable and efficient for their own bodies. That's all. I myself very look forward to the day I'm comfortable enough in my body to wear some Gymshark stuff. What bothers me here is putting the blame on women, as if it was a one sided issue.
    Mrchau, RiverBlue and Rents77 like this.
  7. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    I don't go to the gym in order to be triggered, each time I leave the gym it calms my nerves and I thank God for escaping the triggers.

    Regarding what you said about techniques, one time I asked a female instructor to show me the technique of deadlift, it wasn't my intention I just didn't want to injure myself and there wasn't a male instructor around. So my stupidity almost led to a relapse later that day thank God I was strong - it was hard.

    I don't have any other option than the gym, unfortunately.
  8. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    I've never blamed women, I wanted advice on how to deal with it. Makes sense, right? I don't understand what's the issue..
    Dares Greeneye and redacted like this.
  9. If it was really to work out then women would put it on regardless of body type. As I mentioned for swimming its really a necessity to wear a swimsuit that is close fitting to get through the water efficiently.

    you seem to be speaking for 'all' women that 'all' women wear clothes just because they are comfortable. Come on. I am not saying all women but there are plenty of women that like to showcase their bodies in yoga pants and even admit it or pose on instagram doing it.
    AlphaGod likes this.
  10. That is not you I was referring to, dw. I cannot speak for all women of course, but believe me, the very solid majority of the girls who come in to the gym have very specific reasons to do so. If you're not coming into the gym to get triggered, then you shouldn't have to worry. Focus on your own training, on your own reason to be there. Women don't care.

    This is obviously not what I was saying. Of course they do, they trained hard for their bodies, I really don't see the problem. I'm going to be painfully harsh here but men being aroused is not the concern of women who come in to train for themselves. Again, not generalising but I would bet that most women work on themselves for themselves and not for men.
  11. Not obvious:
    It sounds to me like you are speaking for all women -that all women do this because x.

    Right so they can just sit at home and admire themselves.. come on.. yes self improvement is important for many but for men and women especially younger ones making oneself a fit potential mate is pretty important and ingrained into our species.

    So you would tell a young woman to go to a middle eastern country or India and dress in yoga pants because men being aroused are not her concern?

    It's this sort of oblivious narcissistic selfishness that is among the worst aspect of feminism which literally is a cancer on society. "I am a strong powerful woman" (but need the state to protect me and will scream harassment if men stare at me - at least men i don't like - too long)

    I would be all for separate gyms for men and women that would solve the problem -but women want to have their cake and want to eat it too.
  12. I don't care how it makes me look - I'm not going to answer you. We have too different opinions and I do not think we will find common ground. Have a good day
  13. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    It is not blaming, but they have to be more responsible with their clothing choices.
    Men everywhere are struggling.
    They either have to escape to porn , or to suffer in silence.
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  14. OMG! A fellow Ross Training admirer... I am surprised :)

    ivanhoe likes this.
  15. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Yes I would say simply noticing women is a good way to rewire your brain towards that natural bonding process.

    You have to judge it as you go, if it's too much of a struggle and you go off track, then it may be time to make a change. Otherwise, it is great to be amongst real people with the same goals!

    For me, it was a bit too distracting when I quit the gym 1 year ago. Since then I've been doing home workouts with a Bullworker and made better gains. This is just my personal experience, and could have a lot to do with zero time waiting for people to give up equipment and what not. But I digress...

    I would break it down like this:

    - Noticing women (she's hot - 3 seconds max) = good for recovery
    - Ogling women (looks at yoga pants for 5+ seconds) = not good at all
    - Connecting with women (woman walks past and you smile and make eye contact) = great and should motivate you more!
    ivanhoe likes this.
  16. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    In my case I just try to not look at them but it's hard when they exercise 360 degrees around. I'm not talking about looking intentionally though, it's like an instict that cannot be controlled, I look for one second by mistake. I've felt the female attraction really hard at the gym sometimes I'm like wow who just checked me out.. but I just ignore all women and not even look. When I look it's by accident. I work that way - if Im not gonna approach then there's no way I'll peek not accidentally because that will just lead to urges and I'm not even taking action so - fantasizing. I'm really considering moving to calisthenics but I don't want to because of the following reasons:

    1. Weights will cause less injury for me and I had a shoulder injury. Also Im hyped coming back to the gym because I can finally lift. I can't do exercises like dips and stuff even though there's alternatives, but calisthenics is all about high reps unless you add weight.

    2. Less muscle growth.. long explanation

    Thats it.

    But I'm really really considering moving to Street workout because of the triggers, I've never been triggered that way my whole life that my heart is racing and stuff. It really sucks and everytime I leave the gym I thank god, like seriously.. it's like I'm suffering from triggers and less from the workout.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  17. Yes and important to note if you do # 2 (ogling) you're not likely to ever get to 3!
    AlphaGod and Reborn16 like this.
  18. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I wonder can you change up the times you go there? Or even change gyms? Usually there is some place which will be open 24/7 and won't be full of people at certain times.

    Honestly this is one reason I won't go back until I get this PMO thing dealt with. I can go and ignore women (and hey, most of them ignore me too lol), but then sometimes I would be on one machine and a girl starts off on the machine right in front of me, facing me, and it becomes plain awkward I have to say...

    So you're right, sometimes it's just accidentally seeing them and it's too much. It does sound like this environment is triggering, but there's also the obvious benefits of exercise. Tough call... Maybe you could try a week in a different environment or free trial at another gym, and see if there's any change?
    ivanhoe and AlphaGod like this.
  19. BugsBunny555

    BugsBunny555 Fapstronaut

    Not a psychologist and this isn't health advice:

    Keep going to the gym. This is exposure therapy. You need to take the power of these triggers away. By witnessing these women, eventually, they will disappear. You will not care.

    When hiding they will always be present, because they are demons. Demons like it when you are passive.
  20. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    Same!! regarding the girls facing me while I do the exercise, I just end up going away and this happens alot. Alot of times where I have to look awkward in order to prevent alot of situations in the gym.

    I go early in the morning (about 7am) but there is still girls around. What actually bothers me is that in the very close future I wouldn't be able to go there in the mornings, only in the late.. so I'm really scared of it.

    No option for another gym as this one is so close and available.