35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    Saturday morning check in, still calm. Not much else to say at the moment.
    Martial likes this.
  2. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    Hit me like a boulder yesterday - hardest day so far and I caved. Still, 16 days is a big improvement on the usual. Annoyingly I had the chance to get myself out of the situation, but didn't. Ah, well start again.
  3. Martial

    Martial Fapstronaut

    You made it past the first two weeks, which is the hardest bit IMO, so you’ve every chance of improving on that next time.
    Circleinthesquare and daryl_zero like this.
  4. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Happy to have made it over the 4 day hump, which is always the hardest for me. Great day today, looking forward to starting the week with a clear mind. Be well everyone.
    daryl_zero and Martial like this.
  5. mukmewx

    mukmewx Fapstronaut

    Id still like to join, if pos.
  6. Relapsed here on Day 8, really bummed.
    JJ_Kino and mukmewx like this.
  7. SeekingEnergy

    SeekingEnergy Fapstronaut

    Is intense anxiety bordering on panic attack a withdrawal symptom? I just had that about 3 days in.
  8. SeekingEnergy

    SeekingEnergy Fapstronaut

    Thanks. It was brutal.
    JJ_Kino and daryl_zero like this.
  9. Thanks but I've been a member of these forums since 2016.
    JJ_Kino and Martial like this.
  10. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Tomorrow will be a week! I feel like I'm back on track, but know all too well how quickly the rug can get pulled out. I'm guarding my attention energy as best I can, no social media or web browser on my phone, and that has been huge. Be well everyone.
  11. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    Thanks - that's a bit how I see it as well. @Martial
    JJ_Kino, daryl_zero and Martial like this.
  12. Hey guys, I'm back. My internet was out for almost a week. Will get back to updating the ranking tonight.
    ctr, Ik2, JJ_Kino and 4 others like this.
  13. Please read the rules at the beginning of this thread.
    JJ_Kino likes this.
  14. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    One week back on the wagon!
    Ik2, JJ_Kino, artifact and 4 others like this.
  15. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Reset but dedicated to making lifestyle changes
    Ik2, JJ_Kino, artifact and 3 others like this.
  16. lytnin88

    lytnin88 Fapstronaut

    "I have read the rules and would like to join this group".
    JJ_Kino and artifact like this.
  17. ariodante

    ariodante Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Day 6... this hurts badly. Fuck. I am having very strong withdrawal symptoms. I feel angry, I feel sad, I feel lonely, I feel devastated, I sometimes cry... There are so many impulses that can make you relapse… Like many of you, I’m an addict and my brain has built so many ways to fool itself. It will take some time to rewire it.

    So, this is harder than expected… but… in these 6 days I’ve read several books, started working out, finished putting my house in order (threw lots of stuff away), and felt in control for the first time in several years. I am testing my force of will so strongly... but it feels great.
    JJ_Kino and mukmewx like this.
  18. mukmewx

    mukmewx Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group
    Ik2, JJ_Kino and artifact like this.
  19. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Keep the faith brother! You're starting to inhabit your own body again, and it takes some time for your emotions to recalibrate to you being present and willing to hear them. They've been shouting at you for years to be heard over the porn walls you've built up, and it takes some time before they realize they don't need to shout anymore. For now, feel every emotion and be grateful that you can feel again. It hurts like a motherfucker, yes, but it's worth it.
    Ik2, JJ_Kino, artifact and 2 others like this.