Plymouth killer followed incel ideology and was obsessed with porn

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by onceaking, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    From i News:

    'The 22-year old gunman who killed five people before shooting himself referenced toxic internet ideologies linked to sexual rejection and misogyny in the weeks before the attack. Jake Davison shot and killed two women, two men and a young girl in Keyham, Plymouth, before turning the gun on himself on Thursday evening. The apprentice crane operator, who subscribed to YouTube channel Incel TV, uploaded videos of himself to YouTube in the weeks before the shooting describing how he was “consuming the black pill overdose”... Davison discussed on social media being a virgin and having never kissed a girl. While he said he did not “clarify” [sic] himself as an incel, he talked about “people similar to me have had nothing but themselves”. He admitted having never had a proper conversation with a girl before and debated how being ugly should be considered a disability'.

    The Mirror also reported he 'was hooked on internet porn by 11'.
    CarP and modern milarepa like this.
  2. How sad and cruel this story is...
    HelperX and Buddhabro like this.
  3. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    He was obsessed with “teen love” lol. That has to be the most cringe of all incel obsessions.
  4. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    where did you get that from?
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    What is that?
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    This just happened, scary and sad
    Incel ideology is sick
  7. Western Propaganda. The idea that you find a sweetheart in high school/college, get married, and have a wonderful life. It’s brainwashing and not based in reality.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Loneliness and social isolation among young people is a real problem and sadly, many either do not care about it, or just pretend to for imaginary internet virtue points. Meanwhile, when someone is mentally unwell, they develop a warped perspective of their own life and of reality. This can lead them to doing things that make perfect sense to them, but make no sense to someone else. Combine the two things together and you have a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. This is all to say, I'm not surprised something like this has happened, and I do think it will happen again.

    To me, the solution is not to further alienate people with these warped ideas, but to try and educate them, non-judgementally, as to why they are wrong, and offer serious advice on self-betterment. Mindlessly labelling anyone even slightly sympathetic to the concept of "damn having nobody and being alone all the time sucks balls" as an incel doesnt help, and in fact makes the problem worse. People will not come forward for help and will instead silently stew in their misery until they snap, if they are certain trying to get help will see them labelled as some sort of freak.

    No compassion for people who commit heinous crimes of course, what the guy did is reprehensible. But it could have been avoided.
  9. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I don't know exactly what happened, and I don't care, everytime I see the media being flooded by a sensationalist new, like this one or the one of this girl and the police guy that surprise surprise no body gives a f*ck or remember anymore, after all the fuzz it caused, this will be exactly the same, whenever I see stuff like this my question is "so what is going to happen while they have all of us focusing of this "big big catastrophy" uh?" what is behind this smoke curtain?
  10. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    I saw his videos, I’ll try to find now that they’re taken down.
    modern milarepa likes this.
  11. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

  12. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'll have to watch all of this later, but the first minute or so of this makes me feel sorry for him, even knowing what he did. You can tell just from his tone of voice, facial expressions and mannerisms that he feels totally defeated by life.
  13. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    Trump had the truth of it, if these other civs had had guns this would not have happened.
  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Holy fuck! For once I agree with you!
  15. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Wretched beta weakling. I am in a similar position - a virgin who has never kissed a girl - and last year I did get depressed about COVID and my life situation. Yet instead of caving and doing something as callous and barbarous as this, I realised I had to be better than that, and worked on developing the positive alpha mindset I have today. There is always a choice, particularly in a situation like this, and everyone can do the right thing so long as they're strong enough.

    BS. OK, maybe the cowardly gunman could have been stopped earlier if this was the case, but it would still have required at least one gunshot sound, and thus at least one death, for people to realise something was up. Nobody expected he would do something like this.

    America has a ridiculously high rate of gun crime because of its liberalism with regards to guns. School shootings are regular as clockwork over there. As tragic as this incident was, it's one of only a small rarity of incidents in Britain, that's why there's more of an outcry when such an incident does happen here. I'm honestly glad we don't have such an idiotic mindset in this country.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
    Gina3111 and Foxhole like this.
  16. hmm, maybe, just maybe we should talk about the problems that lead up to this like increasing loneliness in men?
    nah let's make fun of him for being a virgin, that's easier
  17. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    But there's more crime in the UK especially with the flood of migrants who do not abide by the law. Car theft, petty theft, etc. Every Welsh and Englishmen I talked to complains about this and wishes for gun rights like in the US. I do agree with you that some of the ways a person can buy a gun in the US is too lax. I do like the "cool down" period some states have where the buyer has to wait a month to cool down and if they changed their minds then they can refuse to buy the gun or buy it. But other than that, I love the American way of owning a gun.
    ProminentPosterior likes this.
  18. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    I'd say that's highly debatable, and even if not I'd rather live in a country with more petty crime than one with more serious crime. Additionally if guns were allowed for everyone, it's possible that the thief would have a gun too, and it would just degenerate into a Western-style shootout (which is probably what happens in America on a regular basis). What's more there are ways of dealing with such scum that don't involve taking the law into your own hands and channelling your inner Clint Eastwood - ever heard of something called the Police? They're trained to deal with felons, that's their job. Report the crime to them and let them see to it.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Not really. The majority of gun-related deaths in the US are suicides. Not to mention, if a criminal really wanted a gun, they would just find one, regardless of the legality of it. They are criminals after all. If they could not find a gun, they would use a knife. If not a knife, then acid. If not acid, then a car. Banning the right to self-defence via firearms is just ensuring the criminal is more prepared than the victim.

    "Hello? Police, there's a man in my house trying to kill me, get here quick!"

    *Police take 15 minutes to arrive, victim has been stabbed 15 times in the interim.

    Seriously though, my family has been the victim of a man breaking into our house with the intent to hurt us/kill us while we slept. My dad beat the ever-living fuck out of him, THEN called the police after he was no longer a threat. Relying on the police to save you in violent, life-threatening situations? You may as well be playing Russian Roulette.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    If I call him an incel enough times, maybe he'll come around to my side!