Animal Rights

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ilm_123, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. ilm_123

    ilm_123 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, do you guys support animal rights? Like... not killing animals for any purpose but self defense.
    I, personally, do not support because i think that the argument for animal rights is, usually, kind of weak... it usually goes like this: "Animals suffer... that's bad... therefore, we shouldn't eat animals nor use animals for scientific purposes". I do not agree with such statement because it uses a description of a fact (animals suffer) to prescribe a moral thing (we shouldn't harm animals), and it doesn't make much sense... in order to defend the idea that animals should have rights one should justify why harming animals for scientific purposes and for eating is bad rather than stating a fact, that animals suffer.

    What do you guys think?
  2. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    They'd kill us if they could.

    Survival of the fittest.
    CodeTalker likes this.
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Animals have no rights, this include humans of course.
  4. The Passenger

    The Passenger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Animal rights people I find to be overzealous. They usually see themselves as removed from nature somehow, I think, and usually live in cities where food magically appears on supermarket shelves. Even crop farmers have to kill birds to stop them eating seeds etc. So vegan diets aren't completely free of animal deaths either.

    Humans killing other animals is all part of the food chain just like any other animal. I don't think it is good to inflict pain on an animal unnecessarily though. Like for some sort of sadistic pleasure.
    Hadrian3 likes this.
  5. Dead carcasses aren’t food. Your argument might be relevant if they actually were. The only thing they’re good for is clogging arteries and causing heart attacks because humans aren’t designed to eat them. Take away animal products and watch obesity disappear. Simple as that.
  6. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    Most of vegetarians and vegans I've seen, weren't normal people. I'd call them anti-humans rather than animal-lovers! There are better ways to protect animals and stop their suffering than being a veg (If I'd ever wanted to be an animal rights activist).

    But if it's only a diet, I have nothing against it. Your choice.
    CodeTalker and The Passenger like this.
  7. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Absolute nonsense
  8. The Passenger

    The Passenger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Of course animals are food. Humans are evolved to eat animals after hundreds of thousands of years of doing so.
    skaterdrew likes this.
  9. Alright dr.sicko ...
    “Saturated fat can raise bad (LDL) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.”
    Foods high in saturated fat include:

    • fatty meats
    • full-fat dairy products
    • butter
    • hard margarines
    • lard
    • coconut oil
    • ghee (clarified butter)
    • vegetable ghee
    • palm oil.
    You should cook your bacon in butter for breakfast every morning and let me know how that works out for you. Btw, all meat is fatty, including “lean meat.”
  10. Evolution? :emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
    Yeah.. we should deny the actual evidence that proves animal products cause heart disease and strokes.. in favour of “evolution.” Hahahahahah
  11. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I genuinely believe humans evolved to eat meat. We need certain nutrients, and the only food sources of certain nutrients is from animals. That pretty much tells you human's are designed to eat meat.

    I think the idea that we should all of a sudden know better, stop killing animals for food, and replace many of the only food sources that contain critical nutrients with supplements is crazy.

    I also think animal testing needs to happen. Should we just stop all animal testing and do all of the testing on humans, even if we don't know the consequences?

    But I do believe we should always do these type of tests on the animals with lower sentience if we can help it. So for instance doing the tests on a mouse instead of a pig for instance. But I think they already do this anyway.

    Ironically though I have noticed many vegans will still take medications that were first tested on animals, or even contain traces of animal products.
    The Passenger likes this.
  12. The Passenger

    The Passenger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    You are a funny guy. Everything is "fake stats" when it suits you but you have no problem trusting stats here.

    Btw, your linked source has some animal products listed as having no effect on cardiovascular health:

    "dietary cholesterol has no proven effect on cardiovascular health.
    dietary cholesterol include:
    • egg yolks
    • shrimp
    • squid
    • organ meats and fatty meats.
  13. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    What are humans designed for to eat? You don't know that many of the plant-based foods we have are actually from plants that have been "tamed" only a few thousands years ago, do you?

    I wonder if you know they study processed meat and not grass-fed. Is there a study to show that grass-fed meat is bad?
    The Passenger likes this.
  14. The only reason I’m linking that is because most of you are too stupid to understand basic concepts of how the liver and cardiovascular system function when overburdened with dietary fat. Like... it’s common fucking sense dude. Fat makes your blood THICK. Now how do you think thick blood affects the heart genius? And then what do you think happens when it builds up in arteries and blood vessels? Like man... you really don’t have a clue about human physiology and you think you can cite “evolution” as reason for eating meat.
    Did you just edit the words that are actually on that website? It quite clearly says “Dietary cholesterol only has an effect in some people.” Not sure how you managed to get “no effect” from “only has an effect in some people.” And that’s regretting to dietary cholesterol, not saturated fat.
  15. Are you for real? “Tamed?” It’s called selective breeding and hybridization.. and it produces better quality food. You are aware that all the meat you eat has been selectively bred as well.. right?

    And no.. they study saturated fat from meat. I’m pretty sure of the thousands of studies, there are more than a few that aren’t focused on processed meat. Why do you think it’s been recommended to lower red meat consumption for decades. Are you telling me you only consume grass fed, organic, free range, wild caught meats? I highly doubt it.
  16. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    I don't think wild animals out there are bad to eat. They are the most healthy meats in the world. But for many of the plants, we tamed them because they were deadly to eat (Ex rice) or at least would not taste good.

    Every study is focused on processed meat. Unless it differentiates between processed and grass-fed(or organic meat).
    The Passenger likes this.
  17. The Passenger

    The Passenger Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I don't see any point in continuing this discussion with you when you give such emotional responses like this.

    Sorry, I actually got that quote from this source here. Not yours:

    Good luck.
  18. They are the healthiest meat in the world because they have less accumulated toxins from conventional farming. That’s it. They still contain high amounts of fat in their flesh, which is less than ideal for human physiology. Which means your argument is irrelevant. We’re not even talking about bioaccumulation of toxins here, which is a whole mother story. We’re talking about fat, which is prominent in both wild and farmed animals. Besides, nobody is eating wild animals, so again, stupid argument. If you want to know what humans are meant to eat, perhaps you should ask yourself why someone’s “blood sugar” is vitally important.
  19. There is no discussion to be had if you don’t understand human physiology. If we “evolved” to eat meat like you claimed, then perhaps our physiology would reflect that.
  20. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    The Passenger likes this.