Never relapse again 30 days challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by wei66, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. kiethuynh224

    kiethuynh224 Fapstronaut

    I deleted all the AV collection which storage is nearly 120Gbs - I was so hurt and regret when removing all. But for sure porn is the main problem that’s it. I have to choose one way or the other. My reboot just coming better daily. I will tell you how I feel when I completely not watching porn anymore.
    wei66, TrueToSelf, Beekind and 2 others like this.
  2. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    This is a strong move! Delete all the past and decide to give up porn entirely! You will succeed!
    Beekind and kiethuynh224 like this.
  3. dipesh singh1

    dipesh singh1 Fapstronaut

    Day 15/90 .... God plz help everyone to reach their goal......
    wei66 and stanislavKhass like this.
  4. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    YEAH! Keep moving on!

    Today is the 26th day of the reboot! Thank you very much for your support, for your kind words at the right time! Thank you that we are moving towards the same goal. God bless you to do it!
  5. lampt7392

    lampt7392 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. It is day 1 for me, it is very hard for me to stop relapse because sometimes when the urge comes my brain is just like empty and only focusing on seeking P. All my control and rational mind are gone. But I believe if I participate and keep posting my progress here, it will regain my control because it just like u guys are monitoring me and helping me when I am weak. Thanks! Work hard everyone.
    stanislavKhass likes this.
  6. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    Oooh! you said well about the search, this state interferes with concentration. Thanks for writing, I just could not opsat my condition.

    To overcome this, I keep myself busy. a few years ago, when I was in a strong search state, I switched to simple work. Year worked from morning till night! We need activity. Very good activity. It is very dangerous to be near a computer! He creates a lot of connections in a goal. because it is a trigger for masturbation.

    Good luck! God bless you!
    wei66 and lampt7392 like this.
  7. lampt7392

    lampt7392 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for your advice buddy! Your previous experience clearly pointed out two problems of me: lack of simple work && too much computer use. I am actually using PC intensively due to work, and this making me very easy to search porn when I hv the urge. A long period of working hours also consume a lot of my energy to concentrate and less resistant to urge (I guess). Therefore maybe I really need some simple work to distract and relax myself! I’m really grateful that a forum like this and ppl are so helpful to support each other.
    wei66 and stanislavKhass like this.
  8. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    Try to put DNS protection on your computer, it will give you time to go into a cold shower. I think your mood decides!
    lampt7392 likes this.
  9. dipesh singh1

    dipesh singh1 Fapstronaut

    Just I got relapsed but I will not defeat by this evil,,,,.. I will start my counter from tomorrow... #new beginning
    stanislavKhass and lampt7392 like this.
  10. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    day 22 still going, today was rough as i had lots of urges but pulled through i'll make sure to take cold shower and go for walks tomorrow as well as spend time with people to prevent urges then as well. I am finding the urges way easier to resist than i used to so hopefuly thats a sign of improvement.
  11. wei66

    wei66 Fapstronaut

    Day 26. Guys keep moving! I'm so happy I'm back to my home.
  12. TrueToSelf

    TrueToSelf Fapstronaut

    i replased last night after 10 days. But I think it was a good milestone reaching double digits in a long long time( almost 2 years) fresh start today. Day 1
    lampt7392 and stanislavKhass like this.
  13. wei66

    wei66 Fapstronaut

    Day 27.
    I want to tell you guys that my mind is becoming clearer than it was, and I also become happier and calmer. Even though there are still urges emerging, I can remove them rapidly by noticing them. I want to say that, finally, I'm not tightly controlled by those urges, depression, and inferiority. I now live with a pure, free heart instead. But there's still a long way to go for us, I know I need to be careful at any time or I will relapse again and then my happy, pure, and calm mind will disappear, which I definitely don't want it to happen!
    Guys, pls stop watching porn and masturbation, even once. I want to say that watching pron and masturbation aren't normal, because they're like Internet free drugs that give you severe addiction and gradually destroy you in every aspects of your life. Porn is definitely a acute severe modern issue, but most of people are still not aware of it....
    Why are there so many people in this forum? Why are there so many people want to stop watching pron and masturbation? The answer is obvious - PM ruin us from relationship to work performance, and give us an dangerous and terrible life....
    Guys, it's hard to quit a deep addition like PM, but I want you to feel pure and happy and free, not controlled by the urges and then destroy yourself.
    We're all together, pick yourself up from where you've fallen.
    stanislavKhass, lampt7392 and Henry V like this.
  14. dipesh singh1

    dipesh singh1 Fapstronaut

  15. lampt7392

    lampt7392 Fapstronaut

    Day 2, stay strong everyone
  16. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    Day 27 Reboot! Thank you guys for our joint journey! Thank you 27 days for keeping the vigilance in my brain that giving up porn is important! Thanks to the whole community for the opportunity to communicate!
    lampt7392 and wei66 like this.
  17. stanislavKhass

    stanislavKhass Fapstronaut

    Agree! You need to develop the willpower in your head that porn should be abandoned. Good thoughts
    kiethuynh224 and wei66 like this.
  18. lampt7392

    lampt7392 Fapstronaut

    27day is really a huge success for me and for many of us, keep going everybody.
    stanislavKhass likes this.
  19. lampt7392

    lampt7392 Fapstronaut

    Even tho my day 2 is not yet finished, I already had 5 to 6 times of urge. Keep reading posts and writing here keep my mind to be stable
    wei66 and stanislavKhass like this.
  20. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    23 days! i did all i said i would today and more and it really helped, no urges all day long. wonderful how much cold shower and exercise can clear your mind.
    wei66, lampt7392 and stanislavKhass like this.