Fasting callenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by modern milarepa, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Fasting challenge

    How many days the challenge last
    - Usually 7 days is a good start to do a good cleanse
    -you can start 1 day a week and do 3 days water fast to get use to it.
    - you can journal your fasting here

    -You can't eat solid foods during the fast
    - you can drink as many water you want
    - you can use supplements like superfoods in powder and some powder protein, broth soup. But no more than 200 calories a day.

    -Every day of fasting you earn 1 point in the challenge.
    You can have fasting battles with other participants.

    -stay active, work out during fasting so you don't lose body mass.
    -the tao of health, sex and longevity by Daniel Reid. There's a fasting section good for reading.
    - stay hydrated

    -If you have a special health issue like diabetes, consult your doctor before joining the challenge.

    - For fastings longer than 7 days I advice seeking first the guidance of a doctor
    helloguyz likes this.
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Most of my life since little kid I had a fascination about fasting. I did many 7 days fasts. Also once I did a 40 day water fast when I was a monk.

    After that 40 day fast I felt I could conquer the world. I left the monastery and in less than 5 months I got the grades to be a medical student which I graduated.

    There are many benefits to water fasting, you can add supplements and do enemas to accelerate the cleansing of the body.

    It has good health and mental benefits. I'll talk about more when I have more time.

    In terms of nofap the tongue an d the genital organs are intimately connected. If you control your tongue you control you sexuality way more easy.
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

  4. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    7 days water fast
    First day was easy, I did some running, calisthenics and mental capacity was all normal.

    I feel my body more loose, my stomach feels more rested.
  7. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast
    2/7 days

    It's almost the end of the second day and beginning of 3rd day of my water fast.
    I started the fast because I just felt like giving a break to my body so many years eating, bulking to gain muscle. The last time I fasted it was 10 years ago and I was 50lbs lighter. I gained mostly lean mass.

    What surprises me the most is how easy this fast is to this point. Maybe a little less energy but in general is going good.

    I did many fasts when I was younger even do almost all of them I felt terrible both physically and mentally.

    It's been 13 years of clean diet, not even one cheat meal during this time, also practicing long semen retention streaks and a lot of emotional maturity and mental depth during these years.

    I think I see now all the results from a life of health and austerity. Because not eating seems an easy deal, which I never thought that was possible for me.

    Today I did core workout, walking and some movement practice, my mind is still sharp for hard studies.

    I didn't train more hard because in a couple hours I'm most likely going to have sex, so I don't want to risk it spending my energy in exercise now that I'm fasting.

    Let's see how that goes, having sex while fasted, a bit scared for underperforming but not really, it's more like a challenge I never had sex during a fast, I'm more curious to what will happen and to enjoy the challenge.

    Also sex will give me some extra energy and during these days is more than welcome.
    Marshall 5 likes this.
  8. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast / meaningful life

    Almost done day 3 and starting 4th day. I had sex yesterday it gave me an extra boost of energy. I ran and did calisthenics, slept 3hrs and mind is lucid.
    Almost 9% body fat and I have lost mostly fat from my stomach and no muscle.

    Also not eating makes me see life beyond the basics of survival it makes my mind be in a different state more subtle and deep into things like the meaning of death, the attachement to life and how ephemeral this existence is. It makes me recognize my own mortality and how we most strive for inmortality through an spiritual practice, to make our live meaningful because we could die at any moment. To take risk, make mistakes and learn, grow. Not having fear. Going beyond your ego and see life with naked awareness.

    Have a great day everyone
  9. Karnakavach555

    Karnakavach555 Fapstronaut

    How do u get extra boost of energy ?
    U just automatically get extra energy by doing sex or u r doing some taoist technique(eg. organ breathing technique, microcosmic orbit technique) that help u to collect extra energy?
  10. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast
    Day 4/7

    I went to bed yesterday at 6pm it looks my body needed to recover because I only slept 2hrs also it's past half day 4 of water fast so extra energy from sleep is not bad.

    I had sex two days ago which gave me extra energy as sex always does. But now I only feel normal I think is the fast it has taken the extra energy from sex in a faster paste, usually this extra sex energy last 4 or 5 days at top level then it fades a bit in the 7 days margin. It can give me sexual balance and no need for sex for 1 to 2 months then after that it fades a bit and it is still in me until 90 days.

    Right now starting the day I have doubts if I should go out to work out. It can take some energy from me. I'll study right now and see how I feel in an hour or so.

    I don't feel or have desire to eat. I think I continue the fast until my body ask me for food. I feel the brain is somehow making a cleaning process of some type and the body specially the stomach is cleaning itself up. I lost 1cm on my waist
    Body muscle almost the same it has helped I work out calisthenics and running somehow in a strong fashion during the fast.

    In terms of my mind it's like I have little thoughts, emotions or reactions to phenomena. It's a great mindstate it's like my body and mind know I have little energy and they don't want to spend it thinking also it becomes more subtle and less concern in trivial business because not eating is almost like giving up life and if you give up on life you give up on everything in this world, fasting is a great tool to gain depth in spiritual endevours and deep philosophical thinking.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    No ejaculation, not enjoying sex. Not thinking how attractive the girl is or how good it feels. It's not like blocking pleasant feelings just not getting attach to them when having sex.

    If you think how hot she is, or how good it feels you are taking your energy outside your body just like when you eat a very delicious food or you are using a drug the price of pleasure is energy you lose and pain afterwards.

    Then just naturally I have sex not thinking anything and my own energy increases and also I absorb her female energy and if she orgasms that orgasm energy will give me even more energy.

    You could in a way steal more energy from her with certain techniques but that is unfair game.

    Also by just having sex she will get some of your masculine energy too. It's a fair share.

    Also you get femenine energy so besides it's extra energy it's you opposite energy and it helps you to balance energy.

    Too much unbalanced male energy can be unhealthy and difficult to manage
    Karnakavach555 likes this.
  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast
    Day 5/7

    Almost finishing day 5 and starting day 6. I did some running and calisthenics. Also I'm starting to add weights again to keep good quality muscle. Since I started the fast I lost 6cm of my waist which is mostly where I lost weight.

    Now I feel my mind is more clear and sharp like the fasting has improve my mental capacity, the mind is more fast than before the fast and more clear.

    The body now feels very loose and relaxed. Still no desire to eat. Energy levels are high compare to yesterday.
  13. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast
    Almost done day 6 and starting day seven.

    Good day, it took more effort to do the same activities but I did some running, weights, yoga. Mental clarity is good.

    One day to go
  14. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Water fast

    Well it's done, I'll write probably in a couple of days the benefits of this when I see them more clearly.

    Right now I feel with more energy, yesterday it was a bit more difficult it took an extra effort to do things.

    Just a couple of hour left to finish. I'll start eating again with a watermelon and some hours later regular food.
    Karnakavach555 likes this.
  15. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Dopamine detox and end of fasting

    I just finished my 2 day fast. It was a bit more difficult than the 7 day fast. I think it's got to do I have now less fat, I'm very ripped so the body doesn't have a lot of room to take energy from fat stores.

    I reintroduced food with a mango and a carrot extract juice. I realiced it's more easy to break the fast with high healthy fructose foods because it gives inmediate source of energy with little digestion. Then I ate an omelette and I'm about to eat chicken.

    I'm not fully in my body but I'm close.

    I'm going full dopamine detox, no internet unless to write here in nofap, for studies and no music.

    Even with my long streak I still find useful the accountability in the challenges and to clear my thoughts regarding life.

    I have to get ready for the surgery the vasectomy and even do it's an ambulatory procedure it's still a surgery and in my genital area. That can unbalance my energetic body and I want to have the less impact possible because of the procedure.

    So until surgery I'll try to be as healthy, mindful and spiritual as I can get.

    But right now I'm resting, maybe I'll watch a movie eating my chicken and later I'll go out to the park to do some movement practice and a little running and calisthenics. I want my mind and body to be rested and balanced after this fast it's almost 10 day fast in the last 14 days.

    On Wednesday I have the appointment with the doctor to see when the surgery is going to be done.