Does bisexuality confuse people?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Addictionhelpseeker, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    I mentioned being bi in the one thread, kind of an off-hand thing, and later after talking to someone for awhile they started saying things I didn't understand until I realized: it was coming from their confusion on how bisexuality "works".

    So... is it really all that confusing?

    I'm a happily married man, married to a woman, I'm faithful and don't have any more compulsion to cheat than anybody else, no sense of anything missing, just that if somehow I ended up single again someday I might date either sex, that's all.

    Is that really so bizarre? Does anybody have questions about that?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Personally, I do not find bisexuality bizarre or confusing.

    But maybe some make assumptions. For example, that you may be attracted equally to males and females. Yet one bisexual guy might be attracted to females 70% and another bisexual guy might be attracted to females 40%. So the primary attraction may be more towards one than the other. Of course, some bisexuals will be attracted 50% each.
    Addictionhelpseeker likes this.
  3. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    I am bisexual and I can tell you that some (not all) people are definitely confused by it, for example I remember having a conversation with one girl about me being bi and she said she just couldn't be with someone like that, after going a little deeper I realized she thought being bisexual meant you were with a man and woman at the same time, and judging from everything I've seen there seems to be a great deal of confusion from people in general.

    People seem to just think that people are "born" a certain type of way, or that you are either attracted to one sex or the other, really weird I think.
  4. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    Yeah I mean I used to worry a lot about "preference" but then I realized there isn't a way to know, not really, not the way fashion is today.

    I mean not to go all feminist about it but you have to face facts: in popular media women are sexualized far more than men are. Fashion is to blame as well. Women have all the tight-fitting, low-cut and revealing clothing all designed to accentuate height and curves and bulges in just the right places, which is rarely the case for men. So of course if you're people watching you'll notice women more, they get all the sexy clothes.

    The only men who wear tight pants anymore are hipsters that I just find ridiculous anyway. I mean I don't want to go back to the 70s (yuck) but I'd say that was the last time the sexual playing field was even at all. Since then men have gone all conservative with style. I mean how are you supposed to find it sexy that a guy wears baggy pants, a loose fitting buttoned-up shirt that shows no skin, and some sneakers? Women in that same outfit would be completely ignored.

    So honestly when people go 70/30 I tend to think of that... but outside of that... honestly I just think people over think this stuff.
    tacomanarrows likes this.
  5. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    Oh the "I was born this way" argument... you know I understand why gay and straight people say that. They feel like they need to, to defend their point of view, to defend their right to it.

    Honestly I just find that much anxiety over preference... well it's kind of odd, isn't it? You like what you like. You don't go around saying "I hate spicy food because I was born that way."
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  6. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Its important to note that what someone seeks sexually is not necessarily what someone is interested in romantically, you can be only attracted to having sex with females but only be interested in being with males, and so on.

    I also want to say that no one is ever 100% one way or another, its complicated, and grey, and yes kind of confusing at first glance. Its perfectly understandable, why, lets say a guy will say he's gay but is married to a woman and everyone is life WTF? (this happened on the dr drew show btw) because people like not to think too much about it, they enjoy the comfort of not knowing about things like polyamory or D/s and etc.
  7. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    The real reason why people make that argument, I suspect, is to make it seem like its more "natural" or that its the same as the urge to procreate, I'm not saying its unnatural or anything, but what I'm really saying is that people are using the wrong point to argue against a wrong belief, basically fighting fire with fire pretty much.
    Addictionhelpseeker likes this.
  8. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    Oh God let's not open that kettle of fish! LOL

    Good post though, thanks, got me thinking.
  9. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    An then there's that... "is it natural?" People get so hung up on this I think because it's impossible to answer. It isn't natural to farm or pave roads or stare at screens for hours at a time but we don't get all hung up on the galactic ramifications of those things, do we?

    Better to simply reply: "Who cares if it's natural. The question is: is it healthy? Can a person be happy that way? Oh, and here's a hint: if you aren't experiencing it, and don't personally know someone who is and get a sense of how happy they are, you aren't qualified to say one way or the other."
  10. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Humans have been, for hundreds of years, going as far from nature as possible, we are the only species that thinks this way, so to even ask that question is ironic as hell.
  11. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Funny how you shy away from those topics, which to my mind are 10 times more acceptable and common than a man "being with" a man.
  12. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    Everything that exists or can exist, is natural.
  13. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Arguable. Those types of relationships are ever mentioned compared to homosexual relationships, I have never actually heard anyone talking about them so I assume they are viewed very unfavorably.
  14. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    It's just because I want to talk about one thing, and not a dozen other unrelated things. I'm not going to open up a thread about baking a cake and then open up a tangent about cooking steak, that's all.
  15. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    No, it's not bizarre. This has been around since the beginning of time. I believe liking your own gender is a natural phenomenon. It's definitely not bad or any of those things. Without giving a lengthy dissertation; which is hard to do - the issues are multifold; Millenium long attitudes from Christendom towards same sex things...and the resurgence of the secular (anti-Christian, anti Religion, anti anything restrictive in any form or way) which was designed to attack Christendom and any national sovereign culture, has "shocked people" and they're trying to make sense of everything. To put it simply, the combo of the above two, clashing together creates massive problems (& cognitive dissonance) for people who are trying to find a position for this on themselves.

    The relentless (Jewish Zionist) media which has an agenda and which pushes depravity, immorality, hate (passed and inverted as... "tolerance"), racism, all kinds of iniquity and vileness, has latched onto the sexuality issue and uses it as a stick to "poke into the proverbial ant mound of western civilization, and... the world" constantly agitating - using hundreds of millions of decent, innocent people and their human God given sexuality as cannon fodder for their plans.

    That's my truth. Does that explain or lead to some better understanding?
    I think to surmise people are just mixed up/confused and don't know what to think, and so they take extreme positions. People sense they are being lied to - that the both sides are doing it, and that "who do I trust?" ....its a frantic feeling; a kind of lost-ness that people wish they had an answer; and nobodies interested in the truth. People feel lost, left out in the cold - and they are. What people need to realize is that it's not the answer they seek, it's the absence of "answers", thoughts, people telling us what to think/ or what we should think - propaganda from every side that they need to feel peace, so it's a kind of paradox that way. My advice; we need to be left to ourselves - in quiet - and decide for ourselves.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
    Addictionhelpseeker and Immor like this.
  16. This is exactly how I feel too. I'm bisexual as well and just had to comment because your descriptions are so spot on and I wish more of the general public would understand.
  17. Hahaha you are so right! And so good to read that someone else feels like I always have.

    Everywhere I go I see women dressed well and clearly making an effort with clothes, diet, exercise. Men on the other hand mostly look like they were dressed by their mum... so yeah, when I sometimes think about if I am 70:30 or 50:50 bi I have to recognise that most men make no effort so the field is skewed. The big exception here is in the gym where men and women both look awesome and wear fitted clothes. In the gym it's 50:50 all the way!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2015
  18. Addictionhelpseeker

    Addictionhelpseeker Fapstronaut

    Oh my God you're right. You know what? I now have a new excuse for avoiding the gym. It's just way too much temptation. So you see, I'm avoiding the gym... for my health. :)
  19. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    I find on the whole, this modern culture so skewed, flawed, idiosyncratic and nonsensical (they just make up trends and then call them popular) ....there is no sense other than that.

    I wish we, as a culture had more common sense down to earth views and mores about attraction, looking good etc. Just how and why does Lumbersexual look good? What about a fully masculine man wearing skinny jeans, or men trying their best to look and act slightly like women (this is what this iS), or women wearing these trashy things that make them look like sluts and trash.

    Can we please go back to embracing common sense and values? Before I go crazy.

    The media is virtually become god-head in our society; how and why did this happen. I don't like it.
    Immor likes this.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I have read all the comments in this thread about bisexuality and I don't agree with all of the statements made.

    But this one ^ is the most confounding. In particular, this point: "When I sometimes think about if I am 70:30 or 50:50 bi I have to recognise that most men make no effort so the field is skewed." I fail to see how the balance of sexual attraction is so dependent on whether some one is "dressed well and clearly making an effort with clothes, diet, exercise."

    Surely, if "Men on the other hand mostly look like they were dressed by their mum" why does this make their gender unattractive. You may not be attracted to a specific man because you don't like his style of clothes, but why would that change your sexual attraction to all other men? Am I missing something, because I cannot make any sense of this? :confused:
    Strugglesaurus and Calm like this.