Normalization of Promiscuity is Depressing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. Yes I agree with all of that. I have that hope myself. That I could write something that helps out anybody who might read it.

    Honestly, most of the time I think it helps me the most. But that is what we are here for: writing/journal therapy.
  2. One other thing to remember is that whether you are writing, reading, or it is I, the information we interpret is not always as important as the practice of avoiding pmo.

    So sometimes even if you were to write total rubbish, still it helps me...

    I am grateful to read garbage sometimes! Keeps the reboot going.
  3. I do that. Sort of speaking to myself but hoping others can gain. Especially me!
  4. I'm really not sure what you mean by this... I wasn't under the impression that anyone was arguing here. Sorry if you got that vibe. I thought we were just having a conversation.
    engelman, kropo82 and MLMVSS like this.
  5. I agree
    engelman likes this.
  6. That's in the Bible too.
  7. Other people will gain when you improve yourself. Most of it is indirect.
  8. Promiscuity as a means to power. A woman viewing sexuality as a power tool. The notion that “a sexy woman is a powerful woman”.

    glorification of power. Celebrities purposely leaking sex tapes and naked pictures in order to increase popularity, in order to increase power

    this is what is really going on I think

    “The will to power” ; and sexuality as a means to gaining that power
  9. That goes to show the circular logic.

    They display sex to get power, which is the means to ultimately get more sex.
  10. Giuseppe

    Giuseppe Fapstronaut

    But what if one gender is better suited for a particular role vs another gender? What if there is one religion with the fullness of truth while the others only have fragments? Are you really going to say it is a better system that disregards these observations in order to provide a feeling of inclusion vs the one that stands by them at the expense of others feelings?

    Sure, if the reasoning is in fact, superficial, but who decides that?

    I think anyone with a sense of justice would likewise oppose such systems.

    For sure, however, if all people are equal in potential then why would it matter if it's all men running a society or all women running a society?

    Of course, I would for sure seek justice.

    How would you reform Patriarchy?
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  11. well, I’d say for a woman, they already can have as much sex as they want, regardless of their power position in society.

    I’d say women are promiscuous and/or monetizing their sexuality as a survival instinct (to gain money and material resources), and also, as a source of feeling inner dopamine rushes - attention from men, social media, being popular, things like this

    Displaying sexuality in order to feel inner feelings of power through mass attention or… displaying sexuality as a way to amass power through money and material resources

    But not to get more sex. They can already have as much sex as they want
  12. Good points. It makes me ill. These people abandon God and common decency. They have no moral code, and consequently sell themselves out to anybody at any price.

    I haven't seen Only Fans or Tik tok yet, so I don't know first hand. But every last shred of what was once respectable is hardly seen in the "suicidal" media.

    The bottom can't be much further. They will soon run on the networks all kind of depravity, what was once kept from children.

    Nobody cares about what is wholesome, what is important, real spirituality, wisdom from the Bible, justice, equity, peace and good living.

    The only rule is to create shock value. They call that "entertainment". I felt more entertained by The Jam singing "That's Entertainment"...
  13. Yea, it’s okay though. Maybe there will be women in Paradise after death, maybe :rolleyes:o_O
    Phoenix Beyond likes this.
  14. You sound very Marxist in that last sentence which rocks!!!
  15. I think the main issue is, at least in the United States, the extreme divided between those who are conservative and progressive have been furthered by the political system. Such that, there are complete jagoffs who are in positions of power that would like the US to be a Christian theocracy, which would cause the country to look very similar to Iran or Saudia Arab. And I think on the progressive side of things, it has deceived young women, men and non binary people into thinking that porn, and the making of it doesn't have long term consequences. And to me, the term sex-positive means striking the balance between not having a puritanical attitude towards sex in such that abstinence only programs are taught (which don't work by the way), sexual acts that only lead to the possibility of pregnancy in a heternormative relationship are permissible, etc. And on the other side, knowing that regardless of your gender identity, your sexuality and beauty is sacred. This isn't me proposing that we adopt purity culture, but I do think it's important for the older generations (including me) to encourage young people to be discerning in who they chose to sleep with. And I say encourage, because shame culture doesn't work. I'm a product of that, and I know that I rushed into marriage at 25 because sex before marriage was seen as the "unforgivable sin". And honestly, part of why I don't want to point fingers at the young women who are on porn hub, you porn, OF, etc, is that we don't know if she's engaging in that because she was sexually assaulted. Because there are psychological studies that have provided evidence that being sexually assaulted at a young age has a correlation (but not a causation) in risky sexual behavior when someone is older. And posting nudes on OF may be relatively safe for most people who do, but for some women it might lead to a sugar daddy situation which can be very dangerous.
    Phoenix Beyond likes this.
  16. Teaching abstinence is NOT "sex negative."

    Teaching teenagers to wait until marriage to have sex is not sex negative.

    Believing in the sacred nature of sex being a special gift for a man and a woman to enjoy in marriage is not sex negative.

    Believing that our whole world would be a MUCH better place, for a multitude of reasons (no single mothers, no kids being raised without a father and mother, no STDs, no people getting drunk and having sex and then regretting it and wondering if they were r**ed, etc) if sex was only had by one woman and one man in marriage is NOT sex negative.

    I'm so sick of people acting like you aren't "sex positive" if you actually see sex as being as sacred and precious as it really is. That's the absolute opposite of sex negative. I value sex far more than the average person who calls themselves "sex positive." Just because someone believes sex should be saved for marriage doesn't make them a puritan and doesn't mean they think sex is dirty or bad. That's a complete misunderstanding of that viewpoint. I think sex is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful gift, not just for creating life but for pleasure and for bonding between a husband and wife, for intimacy and for creating a deep, profound spiritual, physical, and emotional connection with your spouse.

    So yeah. My view of sex is absolutely positive. I would argue even more so than people who think it's just a physical pleasure thing and they can just go find any ol' random person to use their bodies to get themselves off. That's a much more negative view of sex than mine. So I really don't understand how this whole term "sex positive" has somehow twisted it around to suggest that the religious people who hold sex in a much higher and more sacred space than anyone else are the ones who are "sex negative." That's completely backwards.
  17. There will be souls in heaven who were women on earth. The Bible says that sex/love/marriage does not happen in heaven. "They neither will marry or be given into marriage"
  18. Yea I remember that quote… probably one of my least favorite in the whole Bible lol… so I guess just will have to have sex on earth as much as possible before all the fun is taken away after death
  19. I very much agree with everything you said. And if everyone thought like that, I agree the world would be a better place, maybe even world peace.

    However, at least in my view, the problem occurs because the sex desire is very strong and begins around age 12, maybe even younger. And then due to economic reasons, a lot of people can’t get married until a minimum age of like 21-22. And that’s like the bare minimum age, with many people not able to get married until late twenties or even thirties

    so then there are all these years of sexual desire without any outlet. And this doesn’t include all the people in the world who can’t get a girlfriend/boyfriend, or at least not a girlfriend or boyfriend they are attracted to

    so I think the solution would have to be exactly what you said PLUS a societal shift into young marriage, like at age 18. This could greatly reduce the number of years a person has to live with sexual desire and no outlet
  20. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Marriage at the age of 18 seems like a nightmare... unless arranged, the statistic for such a marriage to last and for both parties to be somewhat happy would be abysmally small. Sexual outlets are not everything - mental sanity certainly is!

    Safe sexual outlets with real people in committed relationships and without the influence of pornography and prostitution would be ideal.