Normalization of Promiscuity is Depressing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    We share more common DNA with bonobos and chimps than we do with gorillas. Humans are sentient, unique life forms in comparison with the rest of the living beings in this planet. This is why we can chose.
    Pisceangriffyndor likes this.
  2. I think there are different levels of choosing, in my own life from the past but also now when the mind dips.
    So are you at university or even a teacher? You have a pretty full arsenal.
    Yes, I'm going off topic again. Regards to the author of this thread.
  3. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I still believe we have the potential to improve. And that we have the capacity of establishing both a chimp-like social structure and a bonobo-like social structure. But the bonobos aren't scary. Why do you think they are? From what I have seen they are very intelligent and cooperative.
  4. Giuseppe

    Giuseppe Fapstronaut

    Just to sum up your point, you believe taking a stance of theological relativism would be better than investigating and possibly finding a religion that is the fullness of truth?
  5. I see no reason why people can't get married young in our current society, if they want to. Most sub-groups of society that follow abstinence until marriage are also groups that commonly have young marriages.

    But of course younger marriages also has to come couples with a proper understanding of what marriage is, or else those marriages are just going to be more likely to fail. We don't want people rushing into marriage just so they can have sex.

    But another important factor is that this whole mindset of "not having a sexual outlet" is kind of toxic imo. You don't *need* a sexual outlet. The Bible even encourages people to remain single and not ever get married, which means you would never get a sexual outlet at all, and yet the Bible says that's good and it's a better way to live.

    The whole culture of marriage was so different back then, and I think the further we stray from that model, the more the idea of waiting until marriage for sex is going to seem very difficult.

    But the thing that really bothers me is when people act like it's impossible. It's absolutely not even remotely close to impossible to wait until marriage for sex, or even to go your whole life without having sex. Sex is not a need, it's a desire. You do not need to fulfill your every desire. In fact, it's quite healthy to learn self control and learn to go without some of your desires.

    Nobody is going to die from not having sex. And the in my experience, the less obsessed you are with thinking about sex all the time, the less you even care about it and the easier it is to ignore those desires if you can't fulfill them in an appropriate way.
  6. Yeah, this thread has definitely gone very off topic, which is a bit of a shame, because I don't want it to get shut down. I was pretty careful to not make this political or religious, but it's gone both of those directions in multiple ways, and is probably going to be shut down if that continues.
    kropo82 likes this.
  7. Learn self control... that's what you do. How is this even a question?

    If a man, for example, has a strong desire to have sex with a woman who doesn't want to have sex with him, what does he do with that desire? He learns self control, of course. The only other option is a heinous crime.

    I don't understand why so many people seem to operate as if self control isn't an option. It is quite a healthy option.
  8. This has nothing to do with the oversexualization and promiscuity of twenty year old women. They are perfectly capable of waiting until marriage to have sex, or getting married at their age if they don't want to wait. It's not about people not being able to get married... people don't want to get married. And even if they do, they certainly don't want to wait until marriage to have sex. It's not like it's not an option, it's a perfectly valid option that is completely attainable. People just don't want to do it, and don't even see the merit in it.
    It Is Possible likes this.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    It's a far better option than what you think would be a great solution. Because your idea is simply not feasible, and all you'll gain is animosity without possible improvement.
  10. Can we please stop making this into a religious debate? I am an extremely devout Christian, and yet I managed to make this thread completely non-religious, as per the rules of the site. I would be pretty irked if it gets shut down because everyone is going so far off topic into all kinds of religious and political crap.

    PM each other if you want to have a religious debate. This is not the place for that. It's one thing to discuss what the Bible says about certain things, because those discussions were somewhat relevant, but this is not relevant at all. It's completely off topic and not related at all to this thread. Stop. Please and thank you.
    SirErnest and kropo82 like this.
  11. I mean I appreciate that you're a socialist. Hopefully supportive of the working class like Tommy Shelby theoretically was in Peaky Blinders. And I don't think that Communism necessarily doesn't work. Just not very well on a large scale like the USSR, or North Korea. And while the government in China is quite totalitarian, economically they are a powerhouse. Although, I suppose they're kind of a hybrid system of Communist/capitalist.
    SirErnest likes this.
  12. I think it's presumptions to think that people who have an intimate relationship relationship physically without an intimate relationship emotionally.
  13. In your opinion, abstinence until marriage is sex positive. However, it's a very conservative idea which isn't realistic outside of people who espouse to a certain religious system that thinks that its a sin to have sex before you're married. I think saying a way of thinking as being backwards is pretty odd. I completely disagree with your way of thinking on this; however, if abstinence before marriage is how you choose to raise any future children you might have, I think that's great. It's something I think about because my partner and I are going to, God willing, adopt in the next year. And I don't plan on teaching them that mindset because I think it can lead to a lot of unnecessary shame. At least that was my experience being raised under that. Perhaps yours was different.
  14. I think religious pluralism is ideal in a democratic society for sure.
  15. I think you're argument is quite logically flawed. Mathematics is a hard science that follows pretty straight forward realms, except when you get to the theoretical levels which are way beyond my ability to understand. Human sexuality which is part of a person's psychology is much more subjective and fluid. Not to mention identifying people's rights to choose how to use their bodies in a sexual manner as "licentious" is a value based judgment. And just because being abstinent is, in your opinion, the best choice for you based on your belief system doesn't mean it is for everyone else. However, I am completely open to the fact that you may think I'm dead wrong, because I existed within that system for the first couple of decades of my life. So I get it. Also, I think you're assuming a lot of variables are true that we have no way of knowing on face value when it comes to whether people who believe in sex positivity believe love should be part of the equation on not. That's the cool thing about language though, I recognize that although that my operationalization of what I think of as sex positive is off different than some of the others in this thread, that's totally fine. Because I think differences of opinions are fine in a free thinking society as long as they are guided by civility. Which overall I think this thread has managed thus far.
  16. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Marriage also isn’t a cure to PMO-related problems, as many on here can attest to. It’s better to not be obsessed with sex than it is to get married.

    And I don’t even know what topic this thread’s on anymore. :confused:
  17. Least favorite quote? It's a blessing. Sex is a burden.

    What is your favorite quote? When it promises that God is going to make you rich, without effort?
  18. I don’t mind putting in effort. But if there is no reward for my hard work, then I won’t do the work, I’ll just sit down and relax

    I just don’t like the quote because it makes it seem like there isn’t anything that fun to do after death. Like we are just standing around smiling and having small talk conversations and listening to Christian music forever.

    In my humble opinion, I think God is a lot cooler than people make “Him” out to be. That’s why I think there might be sex in the afterlife, or at least some fun activities

    Maybe at least for the people who like to do fun things. Everyone else can engage in small talk all day long and listen to Christian music.

    I’ll be running around dancing with angel women!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2022
  19. well, that’s a relief then. An eternity of NoFap with no possibility of sex would be tough
  20. Thanks, yea I like the idea of working on relationships with others.. because yea going to the gym and waking up at 5am every day and other self improvement stuff isn’t going to magically make a romantic relationship happen