problem with tiktok

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PeterWH, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Tiktok is a horrid app. I implore you to read the terms and conditions of the application and would seriously recommend your daughters get off it
    ajstath, Warrior4Freedom and PeterWH like this.
  2. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Has anybody ever read any Terms and Conditions? And even if you do, most of it is absolutely worthless anyway.
  3. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    Read the US congress' (or senate's) investigtion into the app.

    Its a despicable violation of privacy rights and I hate that the use of the app is normalized.
    ajstath, lord_nelson and PeterWH like this.
  4. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    No, you need to be the parent. So you need the relationship with your daughter that has trust. Believe me, your porn addiction has and is affecting her. If getting rid of social media is something you won’t give up, then you are not willing to let go of your addiction. Addiction, especially sex/porn is one of the most difficult to get into recovery from.
    Warrior4Freedom and PeterWH like this.
  5. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Who is surprised by that? Anybody, who uses any social media platform and still is surprised about violations of privacy rights, is out of their minds. Of course they violate the users privacy....that's their entire business model. You can even take this entire point a few steps futher: Anybody, who uses any kind of proprietary software (which is basically everybody, unless you make a deliberate effort to not use it) gets their privacy violated or at least is in immense danger of such a violation, knowingly as with the universal backdoor in Windows or unknowingly as in many other pieces of software.

    There are only two ways to avoid getting your privacy violated by tech: a) Use libre software, that gets checked by many indepented users regurlarly, or b) Don't use it at all.
  6. Imperator Tartarus

    Imperator Tartarus Fapstronaut

    You are not wrong. 99% of these programs are horrid, I've done my best to mitigate them without pulling the plug and deleting them.

    I however think tiktok is a step further than Facebook for example. But yes - most applications are glorified spyware now.
    Reborn16 and PeterWH like this.
  7. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    And not only software, hardware too. The so called "internet of things" is basically just an euphemism for "devices, that are going to spy on you". And I am not only talking about the obvious things like Amazon's Alexa, but also about the tiny gadgets that nobody suspects to be spying on you. So basically, anybody who carries a smartphone with iOS or Android on it, carries a spying device with them at all times; potentially even if it is supposedly turned off.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  8. PeterWH

    PeterWH Fapstronaut

    The application is used by all children and teenagers, including all my daughter's friends. I must be unaware because in my country this has never been talked about, but I was unaware that there were security problems and other even more disturbing ones. For me tiktok was just an application where young people play and have fun and adults do the same. And I'm surprised the triggers it caused me weren't just me. That rhythm of dances, of sensuality, with the beat of the music that made me obsessed with pump. I only realized something was wrong when I started lying to my wife and later when I started having trouble having sex. If I hadn't felt these difficulties I wouldn't have understood because as the pleasure was immense I never thought that porn could be an addiction. The problem is that I can free myself. I reduced the number of hours a day, but it's complicated because in my head I can't stop.

  9. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    That sums up the concept of addiction quite well. Difficulty stopping something, despite negative consequences. And users like yourself can't even be blamed, since companies like TikTok or Facebook intentionally spend billions of dollars in order to make their systems as addictive as possible and they don't even try to hide that. Facebook for example stated publicly and without any shame, that they work together with psychologists and gambling experts in order to make their product "as engaging as possible" for their users, i.e. to make their users addicted as fast as possible. Once the user is addicted, they can make the big bucks by selling the users data to companies and/or selling advertisements specifically tailored towards the users interests. But not only that, they also influence peoples opinions and choices by selectively showing them things they previously looked at and withholding other things they never showed interest in, all based on algorithms. Also, "shitstorms" and other negative topics gain traction much faster than positive news, which is quite toxic on its own.

    Or, in other words: Social media is an absolute shitshow. Avoid it, if you can.
    PeterWH likes this.
  10. I never use Tiktok since the first time it released. How it grows that popularity currently and affects society into unhealthy level is a terrible disaster. I don't know exactly what I could help you with Tiktok, but perhaps I could help by the way I use my Instagram. I use ig a lot, but none of the algorithm shows suchlike those girl dancing absurdly or anything correlated to "girl's things". My feed lines are about : workout, martial art, doggos, and the most important, Catholic things. I could with confidence let people use my Instagram and see what i see. Just like this.

    So how do i make that ? I simply just make new another account, never tap "follow" or like on trash posts, and always click "Not interested in this post" whenever they appear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2022
  11. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Tiktok is Chinese spyware that has too much control of your phone’s OS, and shouldn’t even be on phones in the first place.

    But social media in general is rubbish. Just because your kids are on Tiktok doesn’t mean they’re not doing whatever they want on other platforms. There will come a time when your kids are independent, and at that time is when your stalkerish tendencies will have no effect on them. Build trust instead, and that will develop a more open relationship.
    ajstath, lord_nelson and Kuririn like this.
  12. Usersamedame

    Usersamedame Fapstronaut

    tiktok is soft porn. Btw leave your daughters alone. Wouldn't want to accidently come across a video of them being sexual and getting turned on right? So stop.
  13. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    You are right for monitoring your children’s social media. But you need to take care of yourself first.

    Delete the app for a set period of time so you can get a handle on your compulsive behavior.
  14. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    TikTok is probably one of the worst of the social media apps. It’s engineered like a slot machine—give the user small hits of dopamine and other feel-good chemicals as they continue to use the app. (That’s why feeds run top to bottom, like a slot machine window). Except you don’t run out of quarters.

    Mira an “infinity pool app” which means the feed has no end.

    it also affects your attention span and concentration b/c your brain gets used to the short bursts of sensory info each video throws out.

    I think social media has become more problematic than even porn b/c even toddlers use that shit. Currently LT working to wean my family off of it.

    insidious, not fully understood and studied and condoned make for an awful brew, and that what social media is.
    lord_nelson and Kingfisher like this.
  15. @rm0uR

    @rm0uR Fapstronaut

    100% agreed
    lord_nelson likes this.
  16. PeterWH

    PeterWH Fapstronaut

    What a horrible image! It's a trigger to think about the sexual part of everything I see on tik tok.


  17. I feel compelled to share this video with anyone who doesn't see YouTube videos as a vice.

    It really hits the nail on the head. Tiktok is more scary than I imagined.
    lord_nelson likes this.
  18. PeterWH

    PeterWH Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. There is very strong evidence here of how tik tok makes us addicted to porn and manipulates us. The beats of the music, the movements of the body from a young age, everything prepared in the proper rhythm of "stroke, stroke, stroke". I had never imagined any of this.

    Liam-the-dude likes this.
  19. DevilMayFry

    DevilMayFry Fapstronaut

    Not so sure about the last part, but it makes sense. However, the science-side of like the first third of the video is definitely true.
  20. bertieboy

    bertieboy Fapstronaut

    All social media is evil, whatever it is, I don't care if politicians use it, news organisations, celebrities, businesses, it is evil and along with dating apps should be completely avoided. YouTube should be used with extreme caution as well. This might all sound very dramatic but these platforms are only interested in making as much money as possible and have no interest and don't care about the damage they cause to users. They are no better than crack dealers selling to school kids.