15 months, flatline gradually going away

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by redstoica, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    Been over 15 months of quitting porn, my life, my brain, and my health all improved so much. The flatline also lasted 15 months, but gradually fading away little by little
  2. Harpagan93

    Harpagan93 Fapstronaut

    Almost 8 month also all the time flatline.
    How old are you ?
    Still do you have pied ?
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  3. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    I'm 29.
    My Libido has been steadily improving. The first year, improvements are slow, with ups and downs (few days of good libido + weeks of flatline). At around day 400, I noticed I'm getting easier and harder arousal on dates more consistently. Currently at day 470, for the past week, my Libido increased again. My attraction for women are stronger, my morning woods are harder and often.
  4. Harpagan93

    Harpagan93 Fapstronaut

    Im 29 too
    I hope I won't have to wait that long
    Thanks that you write this story
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  5. psychic_traveller

    psychic_traveller Fapstronaut

    In my 40's and flatlining still after 37 days, but morning wood sometimes present. Have not tried it with a woman yet, but the possibility is certainly there. In one way flatline is a blessing as it enables me to get to know women by talking with them without the pressure of sex in the background. As many others have said, my confidence with talking to women is sky high. I talk to different women every day in my normal pursuit of life in all sorts of situations, something that would have been unthinkable before starting the reboot. It is almost like I am a completely different person. Porn literally rewires your brain, and you become this self absorbed anxiety ridden little ball of phobias. Mercifully, the reboot is restoring who I should have been a long time ago, and I am loving it. Best of luck to other Fapstronauts, stay the course brothers, it is worth every agony, and remember they are temporary. Cheers.
  6. psychic_traveller

    psychic_traveller Fapstronaut

    You are a legend, and an inspiration. Your comment about improvement in brain and health is what I have also experienced, it is like finding yourself after being lost in a jungle of confusion for a long time. It was difficult going through the depression, and numbed responses to normal pleasures, but that has gone now, and the reboot is going great. Still flatlining, but that does not stop me having great conversations with many women. Thanks for the inspiration, and cheers.
    Longtime27 and redstoica like this.
  7. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    Thank you, very relatable, I also talked to girls during the flatline period. As the anhedonia, depression, and anxiety fades away, my confidence and expressiveness comes back. Reactions from girls are completely different comparing the two.
    I admire people who has the courage to talk to women during flatlines. It shows determination and fortitude. We don’t have the control over when the flatline ends, but we can choose to face it like a warrior
  8. I'm 29 too, Good Luck to you guys!
    Harpagan93 likes this.
  9. Congratz!

    Can I ask:
    • have you PMO'dm MO'd, edged or sued substitutes at all during this time?
    • How many hours of porn a week were you watching before you gave up?
    Many thanks,
    Anonymous86 and Harpagan93 like this.
  10. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    In the first year, I would masturbate every couple months to test my recovery. But I decided to not masturbate 4 months ago, and will continue for at least a year.
    No porn sub, or any sexual content what-so-ever.

    As for how many hours I watched before I gave up, I think you're trying to ask how severe was my case. Most damage was done during my teenage years, not right before this current streak, I have attempted to give up many times. During my worst, I would masturbate and watch porn many times a day, and was escalated to extreme genres, and at one point I no longer able to get hard to even porn. I was like a zombie, feeling no joy, no energy, severe brain fogs.
  11. Me too, you are not alone.
    I grow up thinking that Porn was something Healthy and it's okay to watch it, I was wrong.
    redstoica and Harpagan93 like this.
  12. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    Really good to hear that you've mastered your recovery so far, and thanks for sharing the inspiration! Huge progress from where you were before (I too hit that low where even p**n could no longer arouse me. Saturation point!

    @redstoica can I ask what tools and strategies you used to manage the above? For many on here and myself included, I still find myself getting urges and cravings. I've reduced my consumption so much, but any tips you have would be appreciated!
  13. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    I found that blockers doesn’t really help very much for me. If my determination isn’t solid, I would find a way to watch it.

    My findings:
    1. The initial 2-3 months have the strongest urges. So, to get through this period, you need to take extreme measures. I have to take this as it is the last chance I have for quitting, I would announce the consequences I would have if I couldn't make it through the first 90 days. Because the consequences are so painful, I would stop any behavior that would lead me to the wrong path.
    2. That leads me to the second point, eliminate all behavior that is chasing sexual stimulation, you want to catch yourself early so you can stop relatively easily. E.g. catch yourself wanting to search sexual videos on Youtube, urge to scrowl instagram for models, catch yourself touching down there. If it is not real girl, just say no. And whenever you having these thoughts, remind yourself this is your last chance, and the consequences.
    3. Strengthen your mental resistent muscle. If you sit in front of the screen all day, your willpower is likely weakened by dopamine addiction to the screen. Do digital detox, going outside more, fill in your life with activities that doesn't involves a screen, you will find your mental strength improves
    4. After a long period of abstenance (> 90 days, usually urges lessened at this point), if you still relapsed, that means something in your life you desired is not being fulfilled. And you're using porn as a way to replace or escape that thing in your life. This you have to do a deep dive on yourself, what is disatisfying in your life that you retreated back to porn. Also, realize porn is not helping you solve the problem, nor does it give you pleasure. Porn gives you craving, not pleasure. And it likely is one of the causes that you're disatisfied with life. So, don't have any brain washing idea that "porn is giving you pleasure, porn is an escape" -> change it "porn is worsen my problems, and it gives me craving rather than pleasure"
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
    Anonymous86 and holyjourney like this.
  14. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. I am 5 months PMO free but still in kind of a flatline. I am overall much better than 2 months ago but still a lot of anxiety around sex unfortunately.
    What I can call a success is that 2 weeks ago I was able to have sex without pils few times. It was not always perfect but still good. Yesterday again I was not able to get hard when my gf was trying to give me a bj.
    This is really a pain in the ass and makes me anxious.
    I am having morning wood and nocturnal erections daily but nothing on the day time. Almost impossible to get hard using imagination. No urges to porn at all.
    Wondering how long does it take to be fully functional.
    I am 42 and addicted for whole my life probably.
    Need some hope!
    Anonymous86 and holyjourney like this.
  15. Harpagan93

    Harpagan93 Fapstronaut

    42 years and all time addicted
    I gues that you need minimal 1 year for get healhty
  16. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    The strange thing is that I did not have so many problems with performing befor starting Nofap.
    I will wait since there is no other way!
  17. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    Long flatline can be frustrating. I dealt with it myself. But it only makes you frustrated to worry about when it will recover. The fact is when it will recover is up to god, not in your control. Focus everything on what’s in your control, what can you do to improve your relationship and health
  18. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    do you think atural testesterone boosters ( e.g nitro wood is famous these days) would work during flatline?
  19. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    I have been trying a lot of suplements and it's just a wast of time and money.
    Exercise, gym, jogging, clean food, cold showers... This things can be helpful
    holyjourney likes this.
  20. redstoica

    redstoica Fapstronaut

    Read yourbrainonporn.com blog posts on testosterone. It mentions, if not to an extreme level, it’s not caused by low T. It’s your brain desensitization
    holyjourney likes this.