You have to keep taking L's

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Khri$$ Javan, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    No matter how hard this journey may seem or if your not getting the results you want you'll want to give up, fuck that shit, Ive taken that route for more than 15 years and it hasn't gotten me no where but stuck n the same place wondering. @t first Im not gonna lie, I was pissed and angry when woman wasn't given no time of the day or any play. I was very upset, It made me not as confident in my abilities and I thought I was ugly and something was very wrong for me. I was in so much pain, shit really do hurts. But @ the same time its making me stronger in ways I would never imagine.Just the other day I cried for the first time n probably years. I needed to let those emotions out I was holding in so much. Right now I am in a "flatine" and I have to go through the process. My point in my post is not matter how much pain you are going through or It might not seem you where you want to be in journey, but eventually all that pain you are enduring is gonna work out in the end. Its funny how people dont wanna fuck with you until you got something, people are fake as fuck thats why I keep to myself.
  2. I appreciate your honestly, vulnerability.

    I've been in and out of the flatline these few years, and I have one
    suggestion you might consider.

    Even though you probably have some days when you are dragging,
    tired, bummed, frustrated, and in the pit,
    go ahead and go to the gym anyway.

    It might not pick you up right away, but you can still get fitness gains,
    and you will keep your self-esteem moving in the right direction.

    Because you need to do something you **know** you can accomplish,
    something that benefits you, and that thing is always going to be fitness.

    Because work and school can add to the aggravation, the frustration and/or
    depression, other pursuits are unpredictable as well.

    Self-esteem is built through fitness.
    Khri$$ Javan and IbrahimViking like this.
  3. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate the reply it made me feel really good. And yes I have considered going to the gym for the longest, I keep making excuses or delaying it, As of right now I have been hooping, thats has been my way of releasing all of that sexual tension and it is doing wonders. As for the gym do you have any recommendations on what machines I should use? I have always seen more of a cardio person but I do want to gain a couple of pounds because Im too thin lol
  4. I'm a weirdo who doesn't believe in too much segmenting. You know like "leg day" and that. I think it's good to hit every major muscle group. Good slow repetitions. Get the burn. Don't bother with the torso twist. Cardio is good too. Yoga gets everything in one workout. It clears your brain out.

    I studied for personal training, and when I see guys who want to get big, I always say don't make an intentional effort of putting on weight. Neither through diet nor supplements. Just eat healthy. Quit sugar. Let your body be what it wants to become through healthy eating and consistent fitness.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  5. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    I've been taking Ls my whole fucking life and I know there's plenty more to take.

    Dubs are rare and fleeting. You learn nothing from them, other than to cherish them while you have them.

    I don't look at Ls like a loss, but Ls as a learned moment.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  6. I agree, builds thicker skin too. I've been taking a couple L's recently. Learn from what you did and move on. The hardest part is to not let it take over your mind.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  7. I agree, though my issue is I tend to obsess over things I did or didn't do years ago. Things that noone cares about and don't matter. I'm trying to be more forgiving with myself and focus only on what matters to me. If I'm gonna get anxious anyway I may as well only get that way over things I can do something about, you know?
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  8. You will feel a lot better about your shortcomings in a hard mode reboot, my friend.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  9. Yes, I am on day 7 and already feeling somewhat better. A bit jittery but better.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  10. Keep fighting. Never give up. You can do it.

    One day at a time!
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  11. Thank you.
  12. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I was never suppose to be a bulky dude, Its not in my genes at all, I never wanted to look like a roided monster freak, it would take away from my dexterity and elusiveness. So with that in mind, I will add yoga and meditation into my regiment once I get so more days into my belt, One thing is for sure you have to pace yourself people put too much on they're plate that is why the end up relapsing most of the time

    Now that part is the hard part, I still have some open wounds that still needs healing, So it will take some time before I develop that mindset.
  13. You got that right. I suggest starting one good habit, and just do that thing for a month/4 weeks. Then you got that one locked in. Add something else. Do that for a month. And so on...

    My best!
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  14. We're all a team on here. All for one, one for all, I say...