After 90 days, what do I do?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Splitit, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. Splitit

    Splitit New Fapstronaut

    Hey there, I’m almost halfway through the 90 days now, and it’s gotten a lot easier, so I think I may go for a little more. But after that, what should I do? I obviously don’t wanna go straight back to old habits but I do want to use porn (responsibly, of course). Will these feeling go away? Should I just ignore them when the time comes (90 days)? Or could I act on those feeling without having a full reboot? (p.s. I set the streak to pm with high hopes, but it’s actually a pmo)

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your excellent work, and the results.

    Get clean, then take your life out for a ride and see where you want to go with it.

    I, myself, began quitting porn before the "hard 90" was the accepted time, and consequently set 12 months as my goal, and achieved it.

    Much love.

    silex_jedi, Kn0wbie, Splitit and 2 others like this.
  3. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    I don't think you can expect to be able to use porn responsibly after a 90-day nofap streak.

    Probably addictions are so difficult to overcome, because they fulfill some need. Addictions are not simply problems in our brain chemistries; they are also problems in our circumstances and habits and stuff.

    You should try to find other things to fulfill the same need that porn has been fulfilling in my opinion.
  4. Splitit

    Splitit New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply, very helpful! Could you maybe give me an example for one of those things, please? Much appreciated.
  5. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Can heroin be used responsibly? Do yourself a big favor and learn how to use sexual energy responsibly.
  6. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    I came here aiming for a 90 day reboot…

    here I am 211 days later living the dream of a PMO free life!!
  7. Bawa

    Bawa Fapstronaut

    My brain is telling me that “even if you successfully recovered from this addiction then one day you will relapse, because addict is always an addict hahaha” this is what my brain is telling and is discouraging me in my journey.
    Kn0wbie likes this.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut


    The addict is always an addict is part of the 12 step conception of addiction. As in Alcoholic Anonymous. That began in 1935. That was approximately 80 years before 2012 when Gary Wilson posted his Great Porn Experiment video explaining the neurological basis for the concept of porn addiction. AA was invented to fight alcoholism, and without the benefit of neuroscience. I think it works for those guys, but it is not us.

    Understand that the cause of what we call porn addiction is the ability to use High Speed Internet Porn to obtain a dopamine high. Understand also something that is obvious but hidden in plain sight: We could not use HSIP until we invented it, which happened around 2007 with the invention of porn tubes.

    Once you overcome the addiction will you still be able to use porn to achieve a dopamine high? Yes. Will you? Almost certainly. We swim in social media that is saturated in sex for a very basic reason: sex is fascinating. By that I mean, sex results in the neurological reward of a dopamine high, and we use it, whether consciously or not, to achieve that high to sell products and ideas. Don't judge me because I am beautiful, it is just the way it is.

    Once you have overcome this problem, I do not subscribe to the "addicted for life" model. While I can still use porn to achieve a high, achieving that high is basically irrelevant to me after getting clean. It is really about training the brain about expectations. Understand that what we call porn addiction did not just happen to you, it is not a disease you caught; you gave it to yourself, unconsciously by using P over and over and over to achieve a dopamine high until you trained your brain to expect it every day. Quitting is basically training your brain to NOT expect it, and when the brain is trained to NOT expect it, it does not, and when that happens, what we call the addiction is over.

    Once you are clean for a while, you will not miss it, you will not want it, and it will become irrelevant to you. Can you still use it? Yes. But I know of no one who really got clean who ever relapsed. No one wants to go through that shit twice.

    Much love.

    Kn0wbie and restart314 like this.
  9. Bawa

    Bawa Fapstronaut

    I understand this bro. Thanks for this.
    Kn0wbie likes this.
  10. StevenR

    StevenR Fapstronaut

    After my reboots I returned to masturbation but without porn. The difference is that without porn sometimes I don't finish and that has to be okay.
    Kn0wbie likes this.