Struggles with Dating Sites

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Tigerdude, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Tigerdude

    Tigerdude Fapstronaut

    One thing about me that's probably important in this journey of mine is that I've never dated anyone before. And sometimes when I think about it, I end up feeling down and lonely. Finding a partner is hard enough, but because I don't want kids and have no desire to take that away from anyone it's even more difficult for me.

    In the past, I've tried using dating sites like Tinder and Bumble. Which I learned the hard way is horrible for you when you're trying to get over a sexual habit. On the other hand, maybe that's just a me thing.

    Do you guys think dating apps are bad for unwanted sexual habits too?
    Olympus2567 and add eddie like this.
  2. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    The apps mostly try to upsell you. Your best bet is meeting girls face to face. Using dating apps while on NoFap should be easy enough itself, just swipe and put the phone down. There are random bot profiles that are inappropriate but seeing one wouldn't be considered a relapse to me.
  3. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    Dating apps can make you see girls by their features instead of their personality.

    I had a gf. It was pretty smooth, but I wasn't that attracted to her. I also had a lot of anxiety about the relationship, and ended it during a stressful period in my life.
    The men I've talked to have said that even if you have a pretty partner, that doesn't mean it'll be a great relationship.

    I haven't actually used dating apps tho so I can't say how much they focus on the looks of the partner.. aren't there apps where the girls message you?
  4. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    I never used dating apps but have been with the beautiful women in dating and trust me they are not worth it. Being with beautiful women is highly overrated.
  5. Why is that
  6. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    Sometimes beautiful women are used to getting things easy, similar to handsome men. Sometimes good-looking aren't the best of people, because they naturally tend to be popular and will attract friends/followers easily, and get things easily, and never have to amend their behaviors. They are more likely to be self centered and used to getting their way. You're living with a person, not a perfect porn goddess who tells you yes and treats you like a king. Looks only go so far when they aren't nice people, always focus on themselves, put other people down, don't carry their weight, think they can get away with things...
    ElKnight likes this.
  7. Oh ok
  8. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Luckily, love is blind. When most people truly fall in love, they feel that their partner is beautiful. We know that this is not always the case, and that person is only beautiful to them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it's nature's way of helping us find partners. Beauty can also grow on people. A person who you may think is a 5 can turn to a 7 or 8 once you find out how good they are as a human.
  9. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    The act of scrolling through photos on a dating app is similar to scrolling through porn videos... so there is some similarities at least in the basic mechanics of a dating app vs porn use...

    myself personally I've never had any luck with dating apps... I've made them and deleted them probably about 50-75 times in my life

    but, if you end up relapsing a lot after you make a dating site, then maybe its not a good idea. But if you don't relapse when you have a dating site, you probably are okay to use them
  10. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't use those dating apps. There's one called Jigsaw which is better because the person's face in the photo is hidden by a jigsaw. The jigsaw slowly disappears when you start talking to them.
  11. Bastet

    Bastet Fapstronaut

    Dating sites and apps are like really bad. All the bad situations I got was because of dating apps like tinder or son. People are there so rude and only want one thing to do. They are not interested and do not want to know u better just to satify their animal habit. Nahhh not for me anymore
  12. Olympus2567

    Olympus2567 Fapstronaut

    They definitely are, in reality you can categorize snap and insta into dating apps because of the conversations people look for on there. Just remember that God has the perfect person for you and she will come in time.
  13. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I get where everyone is coming from but I still think you have to find the person at least somewhat attractive in order to want to be in a relationship with them. I don’t think it’ll work if there’s zero attraction. I’m not saying that you need to be with an instagram model, but you need to find the person attractive enough to where the thought of being physically intimate with them won’t gross you out. Just like how you can’t force a gay person to like the opposite sex. A gay person can’t help being gay.

    Just because someone is ugly that doesn’t automatically mean they’re gonna be a good person. Shallow women can be pretty or ugly. I’ve also met ugly women with horrible personalities just like how I’ve met pretty women with horrible personalities. But there are also pretty women with excellent personalities as well as ugly women with excellent personalities.
  14. DiegoSR

    DiegoSR Fapstronaut

    I'm trying with a dating app this week... but i'm not sure about that. Probably I will delete the account in a few days.
    I downloaded it because i'm sick and tired of being lonely and I want to meet a girl and have fun with her

    To answer your question, i don't think it is bad using dating apps when you are on nofap. I see it as a chance to get out of your comfort zone and make new experiences
  15. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    I tried a bunch of dating apps for a few months. It was pretty bad.

    Over 3 months of time, I think I only actually talked to 5 girls.

    Whenever a girl messaged me first, it was some sort of scam. Most of the time it was a very obvious spambot that would just send you a very sketchy link that they wanted you to click on with a note of "let's talk here bb ;) ;) ;* ))(():():()((<>:::". I had a couple that clearly had an actual person behind them. They would have a very believable account, they would exchange 3-5 coherent messages with you and then they would copy and paste a paragraph about how their pet is sick, their car broke down, they have inoperable brain cancer, and you can save the day by sending them 20 bucks on cashapp.

    I think overall the experience just made me feel even lonelier and made it easier for me to justify using porn.
    DiegoSR likes this.
  16. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    Stop torturing yourself and get an escort
  17. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I am on day 145 no PMO. And I am staying away from dating apps for now. I had pretty bad luck with the dating apps in the past. I was much more successful meeting women in real life. But not meeting anyone now.
  18. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut


    start meeting women in person too. Do you go out on weekends?

    If you’re not conventionally attractive my advice is to improve your looks and try to chose women based on things you guys have in common. I know a lot of guys who aren’t conventionally attractive who have girlfriends that they were friends with first. They had friendships that grew so deeply that they eventually turned into relationships. As long as you’re not downright hideous, you should be able to find someone if the connection you form is deep enough.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  19. nellywilk

    nellywilk Fapstronaut

    I think dating apps are neither good or bad, it is about the experience you make there . All in your hands. I've been registered on dejting app for couple of months only and already had three great dates. When i am going to the date with someone from the app first of all i don't put my hopes too much app and then enjoy if i meet someone interesting.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2024
    DiegoSR likes this.