P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    Wow. Hope after those many years you(we) will be completely healed.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  2. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    We will, if we did follow the process exactly as it is. [ Never ever look back into Pr0n, and take your recovery extremely seriously ( Monk Mode ) ]
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
  3. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Let's remember that humanity itself had a certain time of dark ages and than enlightenment age came by to free humanity from the dark ages.

    You could consider the PMO Era of your life as the Dark Ages and NoFap Era as the Enlightenment Age.

    There is a ressemblance in it, don't you think ?
  4. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    Do you think we will ever be in peace with married life like other people?
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  5. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    In terms of our battle against this addiction - yeah I think we will, but only if we left the Pr0n Addiction behind.
    Gorkhaliwarrior likes this.
  6. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    First these "PAWS" symptoms should subside, only then we can tell I guess. Getting into a relationship while in ""PAWS" is stupidity for me. And we have no idea when we will get rid of these symptoms. :(
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  7. doker

    doker Fapstronaut

    I've thought about this situation as well, right now getting into a relationship with PAWS symptoms full force will be pointless. It's like the girl will have a relationship with a zombified version of myself and not at all at my full potential.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  8. doker

    doker Fapstronaut

    This is a good plan, How old are you Mr. Tony?
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  9. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    I'm so down. I always relapse every week or two and this has been going on for like over a year. I miss those times when I'd go 100 days or months without MO. I just can't do it anymore... I'm addicted to MO.

    Am I?

    I really need help guys. I keep thinking I'm having intercourse with a girl from heaven. I usually pray for that to happen then imagine that that is happening. It's really upsetting because it always ends up like an MO relapse. I usually don't MO or touch my penis but I do release. It does feel like a relapse and I do count it as one. I really despise this act but keep doing it.

    If anyone has knowledge about this or experienced something similar (in paws - this could be paws related) please tell me. I've told my psychiatrist and I have started new meds. I reached a few weeks long streak but I ended up relapsing again. Ever since I've been on olanzapine (antipsychotic) this has happened.

    Thanks in advance.
  10. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    The equation of healing from PAWS is simple:

    Healing = Time + Abstinence.

    Be ready to invest 6 years of your life into beating PAWS, I'm sure if you invested it like it's supposed to be done, You'll heal eventually.
    Gorkhaliwarrior likes this.
  11. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    I'm 30 years old.
    doker likes this.
  12. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    Right. I am ready to invest that many years in recovery. I am already 33. Why didn't I take this seriously when I was younger. Self pleasure of couple of seconds has cost me my potential and well being. It will almost be a miracle if I become like the old version of myself.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  13. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Listen, life thought me so far that by changing the perspective I see thing, life somehow becomes easier.

    Instead of thinking: " Why didn't I take this seriously when I was younger..." How about thinking: What happened was part of my story, part of what I was, part of the successful person that I'll become, I'm accepting it as part of my life or faith ( If you are religious ), this will be the building ground of the best version of myself.

    Remember: We can't change our past, but we can always work on our present to build the future we want.

    Remember the equation and stay strong! ;) ~ You can do it!
    mentorr and Gorkhaliwarrior like this.
  14. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    At times like these it can pay to be brutally honest with yourself. Why do you pray to have intercourse? Why do you pray to have intercourse with an angel? Why do you feel so guilty afterward if you prayed for it? This is not judgement or condemnation in any way, but I am trying to open you up to why you keep going back to it. Abstaining for a week or so, relapsing, and then throwing yourself into a fresh reboot hoping to beat your last streak is not a practical approach, and so it makes sense to try a different strategy.

    What has to be realised is that it is not actually you that is causing your relapses. Simply put, it is the brain/mind/ego, and you are not just a brain or mind - you are more than that. Remember that a PMO addiction (or any addiction) is a coping mechanism created by the mind to protect you. As I mentioned before, stressed? PMO. lonely? PMO. Your mind is simply running a "program" created by you. As the years pass, this coping mechanism/habit/addiction becomes stronger and stronger until it becomes an automated response. Proof of this is in the fact that moments after relapsing, you begin to regret your decision. There is a brief moment where you let down your guard and allow your mind to "have its way".

    NoFap is about starving that coping mechanism through abstinence. The best course of action (according to Psychology) is to understand your PMO addiction as a small part of your personality. Each time you PMO, the addiction gains more dominance over the rest of your personality (literally). Each time you resist it, you decrease its hold and size over the rest of your personality. Your job is to starve that part of your mind/personality until it has no hold over the rest of your personality. It is pretty much like a mental tug of war. Each time you give in to the urge, that part of your PMO addiction that is holding the rest of your personality hostage will grow slightly. As you ignore the urges, you will get a small part of your personality back. This is literally how recovery works, and how I have been able to beat the majority of my own addictions. Deep down I know that if I give in, the urges will grow stronger, recovery will take longer, but most of all that I am not in control, and being run by that part of my personality.

    This is a very real phenomenon in Psychology - and what takes place on a mental level for the majority struggling with addiction.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
  15. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    I like your take on this but it has to do with more than this. I don't just relapse because I'm caving in. I do have a mental illness. And yeah I'm not going to be blaming it on all my relapses as my condition is stable at the moment. But judging from my past, I know how to beat this addiction, I have the tools, I'm living the life, It's just this thing that I've developed that I can't stop doing. It requires real toughness for me to abstain from MO, as like all my relapses have been on impulse. Once this impulsive behavior weakens (hopefully once I find the right medicine regimens), I can show you guys that I can go many days without it. Either way I'm dealing with impulsive behaviors, whichever method of treatment I seek whether it be therapy or just continued trying till I succeed I'm really serious about this and I hope to stop MO. Thank you Mentorr for your reply!
  16. doker

    doker Fapstronaut

    I remember when I was younger always struggled to cut this addiction. Could go only a few days and caved back in. Then discovered NoFap 12 years ago, but not the whole story, and I was able to cut the addiction a lot, could even go a couple of months without it.

    What really made me stop are 2 things: Age and severity of symptoms. In a weird way I have to thank this current reboot and how excruciatingly painful it has been so I can finally stop and change my life, and on the other hand I'm not 20 anymore so I better get serious with this sh*t because time goes by fast bro. Friends and family getting married, having kids and making nice memories and I'm still here dealing with this, time to stop bro, for good.

    If you need professional help go for it, but trust me I know you can do it I was in your shoes when I was a teenager and I'm now proud of how far I've come and you will too. The time is now Ammar.

    Here's a success story for motivation

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Dave G 123, Ammar2 and Mr.Tony like this.
  17. Mr.Tony

    Mr.Tony Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Thabk you so much @doker for sharing this success story, we are in deep need for success stories, they inspire us! :)

    Let's remember that:

    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

    Stay strong my dear brothers!
    doker and Ammar2 like this.
  18. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    Thanks doker. Yes I think it's best if I kick this now, I can't let it linger any longer. Gotta fix this issue I'm sure once I'm normal I've got like insane self-control. Just wait guys I'll leave this habit behind.
    josealejandro.ven and doker like this.
  19. doker

    doker Fapstronaut

    Does any of you are dealing with this 2 symptoms?

    1- Muscle twitching throughout the day, (Different parts of the body)

    2- Irritability throughout the day, (Everything and everyone piss you off easily).
    amaze99, Mr.Tony and Ammar2 like this.
  20. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    Guys I just want to say to you guys that what you're going through is incredibly difficult. I've been through some tough times in my past; I've seen psychiatric medicine recovery: I've seen loss.

    By far, this was the toughest thing I've ever been through. I remember years ago when I used to complain about anhedonia from one of my meds but now if I look at it that anhedonia is nothing compared to the constant misery that I experience now. It's complete flatness and feeling empty. Depression that you're too weak to experience. Anhedonia that you wish even a small amount of pushing came from your self.

    With my earlier struggles, I'd complain more but struggle less, now it's the complete opposite..
    amaze99 and Dave G 123 like this.