35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Gazan

    Gazan Fapstronaut

    I don't agree that either pornography or masturbation are ruining our lives. WE make decision to engage in P or M. We are ruining our lives mate.
    12ove, JJ_Kino, Hope23 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Gazan

    Gazan Fapstronaut

    Checking in . Day 14.
    I think Sam78 deserves a second chance so he should be allowed back to the Musketeers. Let's make a rule that one fuckup is allowed. Second one is not. What do you think guys?
    Sam78, born3 and JJ_Kino like this.
  3. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    Yes, of course, we make that choice ourselves. Because everything is permitted and not everything suits us, as the Bible says.
    12ove, born3 and JJ_Kino like this.
  4. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

    I can appreciate the sentiment, but unfortunately that rule is not a good idea. If we allow one fuckup for each musketeer, then it makes it easier for each of us to screw up at least once at some point, and then the chaser effect has a high chance of causing a cascading failure.

    The success chance of any particular method for rebooting has an inverse relationship to the severity of the consequence for failure. The troop feels fantastic when you're a part of it, and so it sucks a lot when you die, for you and the other members... but that's kinda what's meant to happen. It's only because of those increased stakes that I managed 60 days the last time I did it, when no other method got me that far.

    Having said all that, I agree that Sam78 deserves a second chance. (If they want one) But then it's on 100% for all team members... no more room for mistakes. No more second chances for anyone!

    P.S. I have the "Overzealous Military Leader" dial turned to about 7 atm, if you want me to turn it back down to a 3 or a 4 let me know...
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
    Sam78, born3 and JJ_Kino like this.
  5. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    Got new rule, no devices are allowed in my room while sleeping
    Mara43, GottaBFree, Sam78 and 4 others like this.
  6. Gazan

    Gazan Fapstronaut

    I agree. I prefer strict rules too.
    Keli, born3, JJ_Kino and 1 other person like this.
  7. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Caught a fever, it's knocked me for 6 and completely tanked my Libido.

    I have no interest in anything to right now.

    But Battling through it strong.

    Day 8 let's go.
    GottaBFree, x_Nocturnalis_x and born3 like this.
  8. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

  9. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

    very strong mindset!
    I think more than one "fuckup" should be allowed..this group seems to be run differently then it was when i was here last. Are we cutting folks out here now? maybe I was in a different 35 and older AP group that didn't take the legs from those in need.
  10. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

    The "Musketeers" is not the 35 and older AP group, it's a separate thing that a few members are choosing to do. It's meant to be more challenging/have more consequences, so we hopefully get longer streaks. It definitely does not mean anyone is excluded from the 35 and older AP group, and it's definitely optional to join. (And it's not exclusive, members can form other similar groups if they want to do the same thing)

    As far as the impact/atmosphere of running the musketeers in this thread, I'll let @artifact weigh in on that, and happy to follow his direction.
  11. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

    On a side note, I'm pretty much out of the urges phase and into flatline. Feel a like happier than I did last time I got to this stage, which is funny because work is completely blowing up atm. :D Will see how the next week goes, still trying to find that place where I enjoy feeling miserable, so at least I don't go and look at porn just to make myself feel better. (Which usually happens around the 2 week mark. :p)
    Sam78, 12ove, JJ_Kino and 2 others like this.
  12. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Día 2
    12ove, Hope23 and Sam78 like this.
  13. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Checking in - not a great night sleep wise but feeling positive just the same
    Sam78, 12ove and Hope23 like this.
  14. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Nice to see double figures back on the counter and be moving further away from that bump in the road. I am still feeling strongly about getting this out of my life for good, one day at a time though. I always need to remind myself it is never worth it, ever. Also it is not even what I want. I want to live a clean life away from that junk. The truth is it will only ever take, never give. I need to give to myself by staying away from harmful things, it cannot be an option anymore.

    We got this everyone.
    Sam78, x_Nocturnalis_x, 12ove and 5 others like this.
  15. Le Petit Prince

    Le Petit Prince Fapstronaut

    Checking in. A good (albeit very busy) week so far. Hoping for a good end to it as well.

    Well said, mate. Onwards and upwards.
    Sam78, x_Nocturnalis_x, 12ove and 3 others like this.
  16. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Oof. Back to 0. Important to get a good start.

    I want to have a great day and to check in this evening.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    Sam78, 12ove and JJ_Kino like this.
  17. MonkMode730

    MonkMode730 Fapstronaut

    I am also looking for an accountability partner, would be happy to commit to something like three months of daily messaging.
    Drop me a message if you are ready!
    Sam78, 12ove and JJ_Kino like this.
  18. Sam78

    Sam78 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @Gazan Thanks for advocating for me! It means a lot.

    I agree with both you and @x_Nocturnalis_x , stricter rules are good, and I noticed that not wanting to let the group down did give me strong motivation in all but the last situation so I think its good if you all continue without me. I might look to join or form a future musketeers group at some point. Good luck with the rest of the quest. I'll be following your progress and will be here to support you when you're struggling. :emoji_fist:
    Gazan, born3, x_Nocturnalis_x and 2 others like this.
  19. XnevertoolateX

    XnevertoolateX Fapstronaut

    checking in... bleh.
    born3, 12ove and JJ_Kino like this.
  20. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Checking in Musketeers Day 9

    Keep strong @ all
    Hope23, Sam78, born3 and 2 others like this.