My journal - stories from The Wife of a porn addict

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by TheWife, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Myway

    Myway Fapstronaut

    Hi, I read everything here... I think that biggest problem for you is to forgive him. I know that's so hard, sometimes I couldn't even think that someone who I love had someone before me. His cheating hurts you still and will until you forgive him. I think that you care to much about his addiction, you read to much. Read less and care a little bit less about his addiction, first you need to try to forgive him because that hurts you and you don't have peace with yourself. Try to get about hour free every day for yourself and relax. Fill bathtub with water and just relax. Close your eyes and don't think about anything, try to empty your brain. When you will be relaxed enough, try to feel your hearth, try to think about yourself and why his cheating hurts you so much. Try to understand your feelings. You need to live in the moment. You need to except that now is over. You can't change past or future. You only have this moment. So you need to except your past, future, yourself and him. You need to except in your heart fact that he cheated you and that in the moment he had some stupid reason for doing that. Try to understand him and be him in your head. Maybe he was horny, stressed, depressed, his brain and heart didn't really care that he's with someone in bed. At that moment he just needed to empty his balls with anyone, his hand or woman, and that didn't really mean something to him. You must realize that he was addict and he just needed orgasm, and after he did it he was feeling bad, depressed and stressed even more because he realize that orgasm didn't help him and make him better and happy. Every time he did that he was feeling bad, because he didn't really want to cheat you, at that moment he really didn't even think about you, he thought only about his penis and that need to cum, or he was hoping that after he would feel better. After you except that in your heart, that facts and fact that now is over and you can't do anything, and that he's your husband, the man you choose to live with and man you don't want to live, you will feel relief in your heart and your mind will be empty. You will be able to love him with your full heart again, and you will feel happy like you've never felt before, because you finally managed to forgive such a big thing after many years. After you start to change the way you think about your husband, and after you start to treat him different, your husband will change and then he will do reboot on his own. You will not need to read about PMO again. So relax, except, forgive, live in present moment and love. You are strong and beautiful women you can do it, start from yourself day by day, and eventually everything will be alright. Believe me. xoxo
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    JoePineapples likes this.
  2. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Myway

    First of all, I feel like I should buy you a drink for reading through all my posts. That one big effort!

    I think you are right in that I need to find a way to forgive him. Easier said than done. I do need to let it go, for me. There is a part of me that wants to punish him for his acts, but this is not right as it would not make me feel any better and finding a suitable punishment may land me in trouble ;)

    I know that forgive does not mean forget nor does it mean reconciliation. It just means that I let goes of all negative feelings about what happened. To help me with this I have decided to write some burn letters. It will let me get rid of all the negative thoughts that I have. Part of me thinks that the reason that I have not forgiven him as yet is that I don't think he even comprehends what I am forgiving him for. He doesn't "get it". I don't see the empathy or the remorse that I expected. (Maybe my expectations are wrong?). I don't feel that he understands the impact on me. I have tried to explain and even wrote him a letter. Maybe he does understand but it is too painful for him to dwell on it. Either way, I can't stay waiting in this state for him to have a epiphany. I Need to move on.

    I am not sure if I agree with you or not on the PMO reading and research. I can see how in some ways it is similar to consulting Dr Google for a common cold, and ending up diagnosing a rare debilitating disease from west Africa. It is a complex matter and it requires an impartial, logical and open-minded approach to get to the truth. Difficult to do when it is your marriage it is affecting.

    But, I also see the benefits in that I can understand what my husband is going through and I can find it easier to relate to him. I heard that couples who research and discuss matters like this are much more likely to make it through the tough times and to have a stronger relationship. My husband has never been a good one at explaining things. For a time he tried to teach me French, that ended very badly and for the sake of our relationship we decided to never go down that road again. This is similar, he is trying to explain something complex in simple terms. He doesn't have the patience needed, also he is almost 100% auditory when it comes to learning style and I am only visual and kineasthetic. I understand it better if I do my own reading. I can then discuss it with him without the stress of him trying to "teach me" at the same time. Another point on this, I do think I need to know what is going on one way or another. I don't want to stick my head in the sand. If this is an addiction, like other addictions, I need to know about it so I can stand up and state it is not okay. I will not enable him. I will not be with an active addict who is not doing the work to recover. Lucky for me, he is doing everything possible to recover and he has been almost 80 days now with no porn.

    I do not agree with what you have said here. His recovery is 100% up to him, it is not conditional on my love for him. It is his work to do and is separate from our relationship.

    I am trying to live in the present. I have been focusing a lot on myself and what I need. I have also been focusing on the kids, they are young and take a lot of time and energy. I have several projects underway that I love to do and that make me happy. I'll continue to do these and will pick up some more no doubt. I also will take pleasure in the little things. For example, I'm off now to attack the last piece of a salted caramel cheesecake - that makes me very happy.

    Thanks again for the post and taking the time to read my journal.
  3. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm salted caramel is amazing. I have chocolate salted caramel ice cream waiting in the freezer for when I've finished my 'befores '
    TheFiancée and TheWife like this.
  4. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    And I agree with you about learning all you can. It's helped me figure out what I'm going to do and how to face this. Knowledge is never a bad thing.
    TheWife and CdB like this.
  5. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @DireMerl the cheese cake was delicious. I ate every crumb. Yummy. Hubby makes salted caramel macarons. They are ah-mazing.

    The news for today is I applied for a few more jobs. One of them got back to me a few hours later (unheard of to hear back from companies so soon) and asked me to go in for an interview. Yay me! Sounds like a great position with a small company. I hope it goes well. Now to do some pre-reading and get myself prepared for the interview!

    In other news, the Dude has a double ear infection. Ouch. Poor little boy. He cried all night on Monday. Thank goodness for antibiotics - they kicked in quickly and he's on the road to recovery.

    Nothing else to report.

    Hubby and I are just plugging along.

    Hope everyone is happy and healthy.
    TW x
    JoePineapples and TheFiancée like this.
  6. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Good luck with your interview. I hope it goes well. Poor kiddo. At least he's on the mend. The ice cream lives to fight another day. I'm sure I'll defeat it eventually.
    TheWife likes this.
  7. TheFiancée

    TheFiancée Fapstronaut

    Good luck with the interview! That sounds wonderful, I am crossing my fingers (or, as we weird Germans usually say: I am pressing my thumbs)!

    Also: agree with your earlier post, the reply, one hundred percent - you are doing extremely well, learning everything you can about addiction is very important and his recovery is definitely not conditional on you love.

    Another also: salted caramel... yummmmmmmmmm....

    Sending hugs!
    TheWife likes this.
  8. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    So, although not without his faults, any man that makes salted caramel macarons and gives 10 minute cuddles can't be all bad :)
  9. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes, he does have faults but these are massively outweighed by the positives.
    He is a really great cook. Baking is his thing. He does a mean macaron. He also does something called a Paris Brest. It has choux pastry, praline (homemade) and a cream filling. If you have never heard of it you should look it up.
    I just love food. And so does my husband. Think that is one of the things we really bonded over.
    By the way, If anyone has any great recipes that want to share please send them my way!
    TheFiancée and JoePineapples like this.
  10. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    They look delicious. I can cook a bit myself, but never use a recipe (obviously I don't bake!).
    TheWife likes this.
  11. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My grandmother says that is the sign of a truely good cook - not using a recipe.
    JoePineapples and CountryDude like this.
  12. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    I like that (concept) and never thought about it before. I think your gran is right.
    TheWife likes this.
  13. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Happy thanksgiving to all the Fapstronauts in the US!

    Damn, it's cold. We had snow this week which has since melted. Today, we had a good frost which has not melted at all. I have been here 4 years and am still not used to this climate.

    I feel okay about me this week. Getting a job interview was just what I needed to give me a self-esteem boost. I got a hair cut today in preparation. Can't show up looking like a drab old housewife. Time to dust off the work clothes and make a good impression. I need to get back out there, I can feel my IQ plummeting with every episode of peppa pig. I've been at home for a year and a half now, I hope I remember how to do my job. I'm sure it will come back slowly.

    In terms of the hubby. Well, things are much the same. I still feel like he is keeping something from me. I don't think he is fapping or watching porn. There is something that is bothering me, I can feel it. I'll ask him about it tonight. Wish me luck.

    One of the things that has been hard is the way he has compartmentalized his life. He keeps everything ordered and separate. It is how he had a secret life hidden away from me. I don't trust this way of thinking as I am his wife and I deserve to know everything about him. The good and the bad. I can then support and celebrate alongside him. I feel that this way of thinking has been difficult for him too, it has made it so he can block things out very easily and can use this thinking to, once again, escape reality. Sounds nice in theory to be able to separate your life like that but in practice it blocks your feelings and cuts you off.

    I wrote a couple of burn letters this week (for those who don't know what a burn letter is, you write everything you want to say to that person but you never send it). It felt good to write them to the people he cheated on me with. I said all I wanted to say, including many very colorful words, and let go of all the negativity. Very cathartic.

    I had a hard time with the burn letter to my husband. I said a lot of really nasty things, and sadly, I meant them. I didn't feel any better after writing it. That made me realise that it is going to take more time to get over this. I just don't think he "gets it". I really do need him to comprehend what I am forgiving him for. He doesn't know what he has caused and how much damage he is responsible for. I have explained several times already, but it feels like he doesn't understand from his reactions. Maybe he's just not ready for that part as yet. For those couples that have got past this part of the process, the wives that have forgiven their partners, did the partners fully understand what they had done? Did you forgive them without them "getting it"?

    So, to end on a positive, and in honour of my US friends, here is my list of what I am thankful for:
    • The Squeaks - my mischievous little clown. You are a star. A beautiful, intelligent and generous little girl who I love with all my heart. You put the fun into life.
    • The Dude - my sunshine. You make me smile, even when you wake me at 4am. You are a little champion. I couldn't imagine life without you even though you have been with us for only 10 months. You make me want to get the most out of every moment of life.
    • My husband - I am thankful that I met you and that we continue to be together. You have changed my life for the better. Even though we have "issues" you are still my soul mate. You bring the best out in me.
    • I am thankful for my loving, generous and caring family. I miss them everyday but they are just a phone call away. Oh, and I am very thankful for Skype.
    • I am thankful that the people I love are healthy.
    • I am thankful for my friends near and far.
    • I am thankful that I live in a nice house, have good food and some delicious wine in the cellar that I will be raiding later tonight. It is the weekend after all.
    • I am thankful that the fish have managed to survive almost 4 months. Well done Daryl and Rick.
    • I am thankful for nofap. @alexander, you should be proud of what you have done, building a strong community like this. We are all in your debt.
    • I am thankful for the opportunities I have had in life. I am a very lucky girl.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  14. RicoDavidson

    RicoDavidson Fapstronaut

    I have read your journal and want to say your courage is bounding and you have helped more people with your postings than you probably realize. Hearing a woman's point of view is essential to gaining the full picture. I have been married 39 years (today is our anniversary) and initiated some cuddling and a backrub this morning that had an emotional effect (good one) that i haven't experienced in our relationship in some time.

    You were thankful for many things in your last post and i want to really THANK YOU!! for your documentation of your journey. I feel you have a special gift in your way of expressing yourself. I was captured as if i was reading a really good book. The ending of that story is still not known but i think you now have many people cheering for you and no matter what happens you will be OK.

    Best of luck with your interview. I am sure you will do great.

    Thank you again.
  15. Howdy! Hope your job interview goes well. I really like the idea of "burn letters", never heard of that before! I always enjoy reading your journal posts; you write with such personality! I always feel like you're sitting next to me when I read your posts, like we're gabbing over coffee or something.

    I can't give feedback on this just yet...I haven't been able to forgive Garnadaan for his behavior (as much as I want to). For me, it's just one of those things that (hopefully) will happen in time. I do think his understanding of the impact his actions have on me is growing periodically, though...both through my communicating of my feelings, thoughts, etc. as well as through the couples counseling we've been going to. I totally understand your need to have your husband comprehend what you're going through. Hopefully in time he'll be able to; in the meantime, keep that line of communication open on your end. I know it isn't easy and is frustrating as hell. Hugs. :(
    WifeInTheDark, TheWife and CdB like this.
  16. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you for posting about your experience with forgiving Garnadaan. It does help that there are other

    I'd love to have a coffee and shoot the breeze. Think we'd get on great. You have good taste in music and knitting is something that really interests me, even though I have not found time to take it up.

    Try some burn letters. They are a great tool for getting it all out. I also write one to porn and one to say goodbye to trust. You can really get it all out without needing to worry about what you say.

    I'll keep talking about the affects on me. I really just think he is not ready for it as yet. He is going through a lot of self discovery at the moment and it has been really hard on him. The therapy is making him even more insular. I think there will be a point where this turns outwards, at least I hope that there is. I'll keep talking and hope that one day he understands.

    Big hugs x
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  17. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    Well the interview went okay. I could tell that my level of French would be an issue from the start of the interview. It would be client facing, and the French are very particular about their language. The rest went alright. Turns out I was right and they said no based on my French skills. But the good news is that they want me to interview for a position in their sister company. So it is good news on that front.

    The husband and I have been having a great week. We had a big discussion earlier in the week. I told him that I felt he was hiding something and that I felt he didn't understand what I was going through. Turns out that he does know, all too well it seems, but he didn't want to worry me. In his head he was working through all sorts of thoughts, including that he doesn't deserve me or our family because of what he did. He felt like he is a bad husband, a bad father and he was punishing himself by replaying the choices he made so many years ago. He was thinking through all the why he had done these things and was very down about it all. I kept telling him how I felt thinking he didn't understand, but he did and just made him feel worse. I told him he needs to start expressing what is going on in his head so that I know where he is at. He needs to acknowledge that he understands what I'm saying so I don't repeat myself. It is a big step for him to move away from this compartmentalized mentality and to share his secrets and feelings with me. For me, marriage is about sharing your life with someone, the ups and downs, and this is a major thing that he is going through that I should be included in. He sees that this is right and will be doing more to update me.

    We have let the communication slip in the past two weeks. Prior to this we would check in everyday to know how each other was feeling. With the visitors and also life being as hectic as it is, we have not been talking as much. We have taken this to be a wake up call that we need to be vigilant and conscious of improving our communications. It is not automatic and habits are slow to change.

    So, we have come up with a new game plan. The past is gone, we can't change it. We will acknowledge it but not dwell on it. We are now going to focus on communicating, focus on the future and what we want from our marriage. He is also going to focus on making it up to me. I have asked him to show to me how much he loves me.

    So far, it is going great. I really feel like the mood has lifted. I can tell he feels better. It shows through his actions and his disposition. And I feel much easier knowing that he is aware of what he has done and he will be trying to make amends.

    It has been almost 3 months since husband has looked at porn. He says he doesn't even think about porn or masterbation anymore. He says the hard bit is the issues behind why he turned to these escapes. From what I gather it stems back to some deep seated insecurities and some issues with his father.

    I asked him how he was addressing the porn urges so easily and he said he had taken an approach like he did when he quit smoking one time. If any of you are ex-smokers you may have read the book by Alan Carr. He discusses the addiction monsters That you battle in your head and how to fight them. He has an attitude that you should be happy you quit, and should be celebrating from the time you stop, as that is the moment you become an ex-smoker. It is all about changing thinking from giving up something to gaining your life back when you quit. It seems to working for him, and that is what counts.

    I bought a some books this week. Non-violent communication by Chopra, Boundaries by Cloud and European History by Davies (because I need something else to occupy my mind than our issues). I also realise I promised a review of the Barbara Steffens book, and I haven't done that, will do later today if the kids give me time to myself.

    Hope everyone has a great fap-free weekend!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  18. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Communication of feelings is actually a lot harder than people think. I consider myself to be fairly well balanced but I really struggle with communicating my feelings. I don't like to appear weak or show any weakness. This is something me and the husband struggle with so I totally understand that this is something you need to constantly keep trying to improve. It easily falls back into old habits. I find that time when you get into bed before you fall asleep to be a good time just to check in with each other and see how you're both feeling. Although I've Also read that the bedroom is a bad place to talk about sensitive issues so maybe that's not a good thing. I just find that you're not distracted by other things and you can really talk. Glad to hear that you've cleared the air. Drawing a line under it and focussing on the future is a great idea. It's the only way to move forward really xx
    WifeInTheDark, WonderDNA and TheWife like this.
  19. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    It really is difficult. I think that for so long he has shut off from me and I have built up some walls, subconsciously, to protect myself. Now that we are aware of it, we are both working on changing those parts of ourself. It makes you vulenerable, like you said.
    We find time at the end of the day after the kids go to bed. We talk and then do something together like watch a fav show. By the time I'm ready for bed I am too tired to talk.
    I'll keep trying to learn new techniques to open up and talk. If I find anything good I'll pass it on.
  20. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Hi @TheWife It's great that your talking, and moving forward. I identify so much with your husband, with the feelings of shame, regret, and feeling that I'm not good enough. The Allen Carr book was a major thing for me, though a non-smoker, I bought it for my wife when she was struggling to give up, and read it through in one sitting.

    For me, channelling my energy into more positive things, and personal development has made me a better person to be around for others, (I'm hoping) a better father, husband and co-workers. I'm looking forward to hearing about your communication techniques!

    WonderDNA likes this.