Misandrie - The hate of men

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RealLifeGamer, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    Ever heard that word?
    I just browsed through some feminist sites and feminist posts and I have to say, it couldn´t get more sick
    Normally I stand above these things but on certain days like today, I have to look at it and just shake my head.
    I know not all feminists are like this, but some of them are just crazy, bitter women who would want to slave and murder men if they had the power to.

    What I dislike about feminism the most is that they always want the benefits without fullfilling the duties men have to - military service for example. Or that they have the rights for abortion but don´t want to care for prevention.
    I don´t hate women and in all actuality don´t even care, but have you guys every faced discrimination from feminists?
  2. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Actually, I hate women...

    My friends, who are girls, are kind of boyish.
  3. Yea, they do exist. I just kinda try to ignore them as much as possible. Not really worth my time and attention. Would recommend you to do the same. There are always haters for everybody. Male haters, female haters, Justin Bieber haters, car haters, cat haters, etc. Whenever there are some kind of thing there is always a group of people dedicated hating tha thing. It's kind of funny. Let them have fun, who cares.
    Leanne and RealLifeGamer like this.
  4. I honestly don't see any positivity in modern feminism. Sure there are still some issues of equality to deal with, but feminists aren't dealing with them. And the problem is that most modern feminists don't care about equality... they care about women's rights. There's a big difference there.

    I, too, have been rather repulsed by the misandry among feminist communities. It's disgusting, uncalled for, and downright ridiculous. Some men are great, some men are jerks. Some women are great, some women are jerks. It's not about gender, it's about individuals. Like @Shugi Shugi says, awful people come in all shapes and sizes.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I always laugh when feminists have a go at men because they like the female body etc, then they go and make music videos for example with shakin booty and hardly any clothes on. Like, they are the most hypocritical oafs that ever have lived.
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  6. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    It has a penis? Breathes? Then is a potential rapist!
    Star Lord likes this.
  7. hey dont let it get to you, sure "some" feminists are crazy but dont paint all females with the same brush, i know its highly annoying but keep in mind that a huge amount of women think they are crazy too, dont get caught up in the gender war as its beyond stupid!
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  8. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    True, not all women are sect members of the feminist sect.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  9. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Omg don't even get me started (I have HW, and a quiz tmr). I CANNOT STAND FEMINIST!!!! Jesus Christ! They are the dumbest most hypocritical things on earth!

    When ever I see a feminazi I simply say: "KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS!"

    My god, they claim men rape them yet got around and fuck everything that moves.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
    Star Lord and RealLifeGamer like this.
  10. What are your guys/girls thoughts on Amber Rose's "Slut Walk" she did last year in LA?
    If your unfamiliar with it, basically it was about slut shaming and sex positivity.
  11. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I have no problem with girls being sluts as long as they are fucking me and aren't hypocritical about it. It's the hypocrisy I hate.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  12. Leanne

    Leanne Fapstronaut

    I'm a feminist. But I love men. I love women too though, and there is a lot of hate out there. Sure,a lot of feminists are hateful, but not all. A lot of people are hateful too. I think that hate is stemmed from the child self being beaten down and hurt. People who hate women have been beaten down by so many women that the child inside them fears anything women. And the people who hate men have been bruised and harmed by men. The child self is scared of anything men. I see the beauty of both men and women working along side one another. And for me, feminism has taught me that. I'm sorry that so many feminists have given a bad name to feminism.
    RealLifeGamer and fight for life like this.
  13. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Former feminist, wouldn't go back if you put a gun to my head. Women are the golden children of society. No matter what they do they're "beautiful" and "smart" and "brave" while men get torn down at every opportunity. There's always something. If you're successful they pick apart your sex life and hound you for not hiring enough women. If you're not successful for whatever reason they gloat about how it's the end of men and how you have nothing to offer them. If you put all your energy into feeding your family then you don't help around the house enough. If you do help around the house you're a "kitchen bitch." Did I mention my own father believes almost anything a woman says about me? I rest my case.
    RealLifeGamer and ShotDunyun like this.
  14. I think feminism is actually part of the problem they are trying to solve. I really think it should die as a movement and even as a concept. Just get all together and focus on equal human rights for anybody no matter gender, not rights of specific gender. That in itself is part of problem because it promotes taking sides. And when you take one side and focus on one gender is part of the problem. That's how all discrimination happens.
  15. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I myself am black, I hate #blacklivesmatter movement. It's a black supremicy group. All lives matter.

    Feminism is the same thing with women being the superior gender.

    We are all human!
  16. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    That was perfect
  17. I feel the same way about feminism ;)
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  18. Also, this is really refreshing to hear. I've always felt that way about those kinds of groups, but when you're white, you can't really voice that without sounding racist.
    Leanne and Deleted Account like this.
  19. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    I think most people would still say that women are oppressed, sure females have walked miles the last few decades, but in comparison with men, they are still treated far worse. The 77 cents to a dollar statistic alone is enough to prove this. It is easy (as a man) to feel as though we are the oppressed ones, that we aren't getting our end of the stick, however statistics and math prove otherwise. The idea that the majority of women (or feminists specifically) are man haters is an extremely generalized statement, and is flat out wrong on so many levels. Almost any group, when met with discrimination or prejudice tend to go overboard and lash out at the rest of society. The blacklivesmatter movement is one such example.

    Now feminism as an ideal, and women's rights in general have been criticized as well. I have heard some suggest that because of the dramatic increase in workers (I'm talking about women here) that it has made it more difficult for men to get jobs, and thus it is somewhat responsible for the single mother epidemic we have seen in the last few decades. The other side of that are obviously women that want careers, that want more than to just be a housewife (note: I say just, however being a housewife is still a pretty damn admirable position from my POV). I haven't really settled on it. I am honestly more concerned with the rise of technology than with the rise of women, if that makes any sense.

    I believe that because of our increasingly separated culture (mainly as a result of the internet), that relationships in general are dying. That we are starting to see a gradual shift from couples to singles, and that this separation is causing both groups to become even more at odds with one another, however I hope the trend will not continue. We are stronger together than apart...
    Leanne and TakingTheSteps like this.
  20. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    It's a shame. You should always be able to voice your opinion on something. America (CNN) is obsessed with race battles and likes to call everything racist.
    Calling black lives matter out for what it is (a black supremicy group) is the right thing to do. [I have battles with my mom all the time on this lol]
    BLM is just another group attempting to divide America.
    Anyways sorry for my rant but I can be very passionate on these "new age" social issues. Maybe one day humans will finally go beyond race, gender, and hold individuals responsible for their actions.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.