rewiring with prostitutes

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mdz, May 25, 2014.

  1. theonlyoption

    theonlyoption Fapstronaut

    It's easy to think that prostitutes will help you "rewire" in a safe environment (i.e. you won't have to worry about embarrassment from either ED or PE), but it's the wrong choice - as others in this thread have said. Prostitution will no better rewire you to consistently enjoy healthy, normal sex with real women than porn, in my opinion.

    Also consider that simply arranging for prostitutes probably involves a significant amount of electronic stimulation (browsing, messaging, etc.).

    Do yourself a favor: chill out, do your 90-180 days nofap MINIMUM, and trust the process. The biggest mistake we make is constantly wanting to check our progress and push things along.
  2. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Dont jump into fast conclusions and speculations about who is weak, lying or filthy. Especially not in NoFap's forum.
    koolman likes this.
  3. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    Thanks for ignoring everything. You must be such a talented reader.

    And why shouldn't I? I was just trying to help you, but like I said:
    It seems like you have made your decision and our opinions and advices seem irrelevant to you.
  4. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    Real MEN don't use prostitutes, its disrespectful.
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  5. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    C'mon guys, you know that there isn't such thing as "real sex" or "real woman". There are various types of intercourse and various types of women.

    You can have sex like a brainless monkey, with the difference that you're not willing to reproduce AND you have to pay for it (so in fact it's even less constructive/productive than the way monkey does it). OR you can have sex like a civilized man - as means to strengthen an emotional bond with a person that you desire to keep by yourself for longer than a night to form a family in the future, have children and actually do something for the preservation of this poor civilization of ours.

    You can do it with a woman that actually cares for you, not your money, OR with a worn out sex doll that serves at least 5 clients a night and which maybe won't even steal your wallet when you're taking off your condom.

    It's just a matter of taste, really.
    monkotto likes this.
  6. Captain B

    Captain B Fapstronaut

    I can see the logic in your train of thought, mdz, and I'm sorry most posts on here disapprove of your plan but maybe you should try to take a step back and think about if maybe they are right.

    See, NoFap is about improving yourself and NOT taking the easy way (PMO) to reach happiness. But wouldn't going to a prostitute be just another easy way? I know that finding a woman IRL might seem hard because you'd have to step out of your comfort zone but it is so much more rewarding. Overcoming insecurities and social anxiety will boost your self esteem, I personally think this is just another part of the NoFap challenge. First, there's giving up PMO, second there's making moves on real women.

    I understand that you'd like to practice with a prostitute before you might mess up with a real woman but women can be very understanding creatures. When you find one who likes you and you tell her what you're struggling with, I'm sure she will want to help you through it. Hell, maybe she'll even see it as a challenge!

    In any case, imo you should definitely do 90 days before trying out if your ED got better. You can do it!
    YellowPig likes this.
  7. Anonyme13

    Anonyme13 Fapstronaut

    Once a week for a period of 6 months, are you serious ???
    Damn you must be rich lol
    battleready likes this.
  8. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    @Captain B
    I agree with you on so many levels. Great point about the easiness. I think, that real men can't live their life taking the easy route.

    Good thoughts, but if we take this route, then we would come to the conclusion that NOTHING exists. How are you going to deal with that?

    Mind = Blown
  9. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    NotAfraid: Why take offense...

    I had to take several deep breaths before writing this. The disgust is so overwhelming. The anger is raw enough to mangle words.

    Prostitutes are real women. Prostitutes have feelings. Prostitutes exist as human beings with human rights regardless of what they do for a living, or, as is often the case, regardless of what they have been forced into, literally.

    Making the throwaway comment that prostitutes are not real women, and then, one line later, clarifying that they're not real women with feelings, that's part of a VERY serious problem in our world. That's the same sick attitude that leads to things like, murdering women who work as prostitutes (hey, it's not like they're real people, right?) or beating and otherwise abusing them, or completely ignoring their existence when discussing matters that directly affect them. There are dangers inherit to sex work, such as STI's. And then there are dangers inherit to living outside the protection of society, such as being abused without recourse. Attitudes like yours make sex workers susceptible to the latter. They don't need it.

    In the case of women who are trafficked, they never chose that life, but social attitudes toward them make it so that they can never return home anyway, and that diminishes their incentive to seek an escape after a time. To consider themselves dead because to their villages they are dead, that is not a necessary or natural outcome of being the victim of sex trafficking. That's an add-on from social attitudes. Social attitudes like the one you let slip in the wording of your comment.

    I know you probably live in a first-world country (as do I) but imagine if your sister were kidnapped at gunpoint and forced to have sex with men to enrich her captors. Suppose she were later rescued. Is she not a real person anymore? Is it time to cut your losses and execute her? This is exactly what is done in some parts of the world. It's called honor killing. A female who is not seen as pure enough anymore, either because she has eloped, because she has been raped, or because she is perceived (justly or unjustly) as sexually experienced, is literally murdered by her own family. (What value does she have if she is not a virgin? No reason to allow her to go on living then.) YOU may not participate in such a culture as this, but it is only an extreme variation on a theme. Once women are perceived as the dirty kind they're thrown out, treated as disposable, their humanity ignored by people like YOU who make comments like this.

    And please don't tell me I'm making a big deal over a little turn of phrase.
    It's not JUST a turn of phrase and you know it. Examine your attitudes.
  10. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    First of all, I appreciate it, that you took deep breaths before writing. It conveys maturity and willpower. It also makes me feel good, 'cause I know that I ain't wasting words on someone who is letting their emotions run rampant.

    I over-simplified the point I was trying to make, the one you took offensively.

    What I was trying to say was, that if you're trying to "use"(horrible word, I know) prostitutes and learn how to be with real women, by which I mean every women who are with you for you, not your money, you're doing only harm to yourself.

    Now that I think of it, I'd use the word "truthful" instead of "real". They are indeed real women in the sense of having the XX-chromosome and other female traits. What I meant was, you pay them to fake for you. Thus, they are not being real/truthful with you. So being with women who are being real/truthful with you can't be learned, except in to a certain extent, by being with prostitutes.

    Also, when I said they don't "have feelings" was a mistake. I should've used "show their feelings to you". Prostitutes cannot show their feelings to you, because they are doing their job and getting money for what you pay for them to do. They can be broken inside and still smile at you to get food to the table. They are faking. You can call them names and everything, but if they have your money, they pretend they like it. Try that on a woman, who doesn't sell sexual services for a living. Yeah, you're going to get smacked.

    Prostitutes and non-prostitutes have certain differences in their behavior. If you're trying to learn about non-prostitutes, you can't learn too much from prostitutes.

    And when I say prostitute, I mean a prostitute at work. They are probably just regular people, when they are not working.
  11. Jarn Tybalt

    Jarn Tybalt Fapstronaut

    Well, for me, hanging with prostitutes had the same effect as viewing porn. I was hiring different hookers every week for an entire year. And watching porn in between.

    Not counting the sketchy characters and that you have to be extra extra extra careful when it comes to protecting yourself against STDs, it's pretty much just real life porn, but not real life relationships.

    Tread carefully, brother. Tread carefully.
    Deleted Account and monkotto like this.
  12. Jarn Tybalt

    Jarn Tybalt Fapstronaut

    Not necessarily. I hired prostitutes for once a week (usually Saturdays), every week for a little over a year. Never paid more than $100 for a chick, and most of the time, paid around $60 because I would promise to cum really fast for them. Sure it's a waste of money, but not much more than a car payment, if you lower your standards.

    On the other hand, I had really, really low standards! In fact, the skankier the better, because I could do whatever I wanted to them. I'm not proud of it, but I'm trying to live by the motto of, "You can't change your past, but you can change your future", so I'm not beating myself up about it.

    And I wore condoms for everything! I was totally paranoid about disease.
  13. Anonyme13

    Anonyme13 Fapstronaut

    That means 400$ per month, which is like a lot.

    Me too, I'm so much single for a long time, I'm thinking about going to the prostitute.
    But it's so much wrong on any level (moral, I'm already broke, I will hate myself forever, human slavery, I rather go to a swingers club etc) so I'm not doing it.
    battleready likes this.
  14. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    In terms of human judgments, nothing exists physically. It's all just products of your brain that you may adhere to or abandon at will (not so easy for some of the emotions, but a bit of "treatment" can do miracles, if you're willing to or have interest in).

    For me, condemning promiscuity does not require admitting that non-promiscuity is the absolutely and exclusively correct moral conduct every man on this planet must follow, or else <input your version of hell here>. I may just declare certain things to be absolutely not of my taste or ambition, and as such reject. But if you actually want to convince someone to your point of view, then you can most effectively do it by setting a personal example, not going on about how wrong what he's doing is.

    The purpose of what you're calling "real sex" is establishing solid interpersonal links. If someone simply doesn't feel the need of establishing such (or doesn't admit to it), then none of your argumentation is going to buy him. He's never going to have a family, probably never going to have honest friends - he will die in some 30-50 years without breeding any offspring. If you and I do breed some, then in those 50 years our moral and ideological heirs will prevail in the society, whereas he and his type of people just won't be around anymore - and what a relief it will be!

    As for the subject of prostitutes - it deeply saddens me that some of them are forced to earn money that way, but for those that have the choice to live a life of dignity and still prefer selling their ass to strangers, I have no compassion. In fact, the actual problem here are MEN who pay hookers, for they certainly have the choice. They are the ones who generate the demand here. They are responsible for what our society looks like from the outside. They are the dominating party in human relationships for it is men that hold the actual power in this world, and so the stupid, naive and often desperate women simply just make good use of their preferences. So, I first and foremost condemn the customers rather than the suppliers.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  15. Scaramanga

    Scaramanga Fapstronaut

    More like 240-400, not much more than some spend on clubs, clothes and other leisure activities...
  16. Lifeslide

    Lifeslide Guest

    I would not recommend.
  17. IWantABetterLife22

    IWantABetterLife22 NoFap Moderator

    Using a prostitute may physically be the same as sex with a partner, but how is it any different than porn? You get to have sex with a prostitute whenever you want (as long as you pay her) and her only goal is, aside from getting your money, to make you orgasm. And those women on the screen? The "pornstars"? How are they any different from prostitutes, aside from the fact that you don't have to pay to see them? And I don't mean the sites you have to pay to use. Don't do it.

    But like NotAfraid said, it seems as though you already made your decision. If it helps you, then congratulations.
  18. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Prostitution is far from the same thing as online porn from a fapstronauts view.

    The reason is simply: YOu mess up with your dopamine system when fapping and clicking on porn clips.

    Even having one hooker/ week can empty your wallet before it makes you addictive (as some guys calculated).

    HOwever i do understand the other negative consequenses from prostitution sex.

    I will rather prefer the thrill of the chase + the real deal sex.

    (ENGLISH is not my first language)

    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  19. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    Well, there is another thing.

    I'm taking a step back here and looking at the big picture. You see, the easiness in this world is making our society weak, lazy and sick.

    We don't have to hunt our food anymore. Just buy a fuckin' pizza and shove it down your throat and you're satisfied. You don't even have to lift your ass to change the channel on the TV. We can satisfy our sexual needs by searching for porn, which takes a couple of minutes and then just masturbate and it's done. You don't even have to work for the actual sex. You can buy it. Of course, you have to work for the money, but that doesn't develop us in any way, that we want when it comes to having real sex with real women.

    If you want to become the best version of yourself, that you can be, then you have to drop the easiness and go through hardship. Why? Because it's the way real men do. And trust me, a real and manly man is way more attractive to women, than those insecure, overcompensating, estrogen filled swag-lords you see inhabiting this planet, that once was such a beatiful place.

    I recommend, that you take a step back and think about this in a bigger scale. It will be beneficial for you. Take everything in this thread as a resource and think this whole thing through. Set your urges aside.
  20. carlnobody

    carlnobody Fapstronaut


    Let me tell you my experience. I had sex with prostitutes from August to October 2013. I was trying to do more or less what you plan to do.

    Upside: it indeed feels much more real and "normal" than porn. After all, it is a real woman, not a illusion. Also, it allows to avoid the emptiness after PMO. I didn't feel demoralized after that, as I feel after PMO.

    Downside: I was not the kind of "politically correct" guy, that feels first about the poor prostitute who was forced into this, bla-bla-blah. The ones that I met chose to do that, were not forced. But it was kind of an easy thing for them. Some of them were living Ok with it, it seems at least on the surface. They were making much more money than they would otherwise. But some of them were in really bad shape, psychologically. The last one was almost out of mental equilibrium. Thus, in some sense we do hurt those women. We pay them and the money helps them, but it seems that at the end we are just making their lives more miserable. In any case, I don't want to get too philosophical or moralist here. It is just food for thought.

    What about yourself? When you look for those women online, in some you sense you ARE seeing Porn. So, it is already a bad thing because undermines your resolve. And the worse thing: there is a real danger of shifting your focus to it. I ended up wanting more and more of it. I started with one. Then, I wanted another. And then another. I had three in three consecutive days. You kind of become addicted to it.

    Then, I fell in love with a real woman, and then, even without sex, it was much much better.

    Bottom line: try to find a girlfriend right now. Don't worry about ED. Relax. If she is nice, she will be supportive. It is much better than doing this detour.

    I hope this helps you! Good luck.
    koolman and (deleted member) like this.