Newbie here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by HopefulChristian, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Basics
    Struggling with:
    Sexual Fantasies (all day, every day) which often leads to masturbation. Last fap(s) I used porn. I don't use porn often but even a little is too much. I'm repenting.
    I can get aroused by anything sexual even if just in books (so taking a break from Bad Behavior by Mary Gaitskill :()

    Thanks for your support!
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
  3. Tungsten

    Tungsten Fapstronaut

    Hi there.
    Your username caught my eye. All of us Christians are flawed Christians. The good news, is that

    "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"
    Phil 1:6

    I hope for you and me that leaving these destructive behaviors is a successful part of this good work. Rest assured, the day will come when we won't have to worry about this or anything else anymore.
  4. Zacpants42

    Zacpants42 Fapstronaut

    Yeah... I'm in the same boat. Just started yesterday.

    So far it's been really tough. One really important thing I've learned so far is how much easier the process is when you're open about struggles, which is so backwards from the lifestyle that PMOs induce. Try to be open, and get rid of EVERYTHING that could trip you up. It sucks, but I can tell you only one day into it, it's worth the struggle.

    Prayers! Send me my way too! ☺️
  5. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    I would suggest joining a group such as the Christian Fapstronauts who will encourage you through prayer and scripture.
    HopefulChristian and AndySky180 like this.
  6. AndySky180

    AndySky180 Fapstronaut

    WELCOME 1.jpg
    Yes, I too have not yet met any Christian who wasn't flawed! Welcome to NoFap! I hope you find and achieve everything your heart is looking for. I only joined in June 2016, and my expectations were very low in fact. But I could not have forseen the wonderful impact that NoFap would have on my life, and I hope the same or better happens for you. Its strength is found in the connections you make with people here, from all around the world. All of us are struggling. There's none of the pretence of Facebook, etc, where you have to post happy images. There is a solid reality about NoFap as you connect with people as they are "really", and walking together with them, there are many happy surprises. So I am glad you found this site, and joining it is probably a great blessing both to you, and to the new friends here you are yet to meet. I wish you all the very best as you embark upon your journey. Please call out if you need help with anything. Cheers, and keep being brave!

    HopefulChristian and D . J . like this.
  7. Yeah the first part of my username was just a reminder of my brokenness. Not as put down of myself but more like the reassurance that perfection is only in Him, you know?

    Are you part of the Christian subgroup? I was thinking of joining but I kind of like the idea of keeping my "support system" open
    Tungsten and D . J . like this.
  8. Well so far I've unfollowed College Humor since they talk about sex/porn/etc. but just not reading things is kind of difficult. I'm still in college so I'll have to read stuff for class and because of the nature of my major I'll come across "sexy" stuff again. I'm thinking of returning to Bad Behavior but skipping the current story. I don't know.
    Zacpants42 and D . J . like this.
  9. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    The Christian Fapstronauts is a great group to be encouraged through prayer and scripture.
  10. Perseusthehero

    Perseusthehero Fapstronaut

    HI flawed Christian.
    I too am a flawed believer. I've been viewing gay porn for years and trying to serve the Lord. Have on 4 occasions in the past had gay encounters. I repented but the struggle in the flesh still wages on. I am praying for you. Thank God for grace. A good site to join is xxxchurch. It sends everyday for 30 days a message to encourage you to overcome this addiction. Check it out. Perseus.
  11. Tungsten

    Tungsten Fapstronaut

    Not part of it yet, as I'm pretty new to this site (Day 3 of my first challenge!). I'll be honest - up til now I have avoided Christian porn recovery sites because I feel judged, even though I'm sure in most cases it's all in my mind. I'll go over and check it out; perhaps find a prayer buddy. That being said, I'll probably stay posting mostly on the general side of the site; after all, PMO addiction is something that can affect anyone.
    HopefulChristian and D . J . like this.
  12. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    The Christian Fapstronauts don't judge, only encourage through prayer and scripture.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  13. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  14. Perseusthehero

    Perseusthehero Fapstronaut

    Hey Flawed Christian, How have you been doing in your transformation. I found this article, I thought you might find some hope and comfort in it.

    Whether you're trying to learn how to hit a curve ball, dribble with your left hand or fade a 7 iron, it takes practice, patience, commitment and time. The same is true for achieving a lasting and meaningful recovery from sexual addiction.

    If your history of using sex to medicate your feelings of unworthiness started over 35 years ago then you are not going to rewire your body and brain back to normalcy overnight.

    There's a saying that if you walk 5 miles into the woods, it's at least a 5 mile walk out. I'm not saying that you have a 35-year journey to recovery, but the unhealthy thinking over the past 35 years will need to be rewired and it will take time.

    I believe one of the best traits a recovering person can have is patience.

    Often times we want the quick fix or the get rich quick scheme instead of the "slow and steady" way of the turtle. In my work with recovering sex addicts I often see the individual that comes to a meeting the first day and is so gung ho and wants to recover TODAY!

    While I admire their enthusiasm and don't want to dash their dreams I believe the only way true recovery can work is by implementing the "one day at a time" attitude.

    When I'm feeling:

    • Angry
    • Lonely
    • Anxious
    • Fearful's much easier and in many ways seems much more normal to revert back to old ways of thinking; "If only I looked at some porn I'd feel better." Or, "If only I masturbated or hooked up with so and so, then I'd feel better." But in the end, I'm not making myself a better person by giving in.

    Instead, I have to put in the hard work to make my new tools more effective.

    The 6 daily tools of my recovery are:

    • I need to spend every day connecting with a community and sharing what's going on in my life.
    • I need to tell those close to me how I'm feeling so they get to know me and see my struggles.
    • I need to be vulnerable.
    • I need to spend quiet time connecting with God through prayer and the bible.
    • I need to learn to turn my troubles over to God and have faith that he is guiding my path.
    • I need to ask for help.
    But I can't start this and expect instant relief. The truth is, I have to be patient and I have to be committed and I have to let time work its magic. I believe the program of recovery is a program of action. I need to take action, whatever that looks like and however small a step it is, but I need to take it NOW.

    And I need to take it the next day and the next day until I have a whole bunch of good activities piled on top of each other. Then and only then will my mind and body start to be rewired and the end result will be a better, happier, more peaceful me. A me that makes this world a better place. A me that my loved ones and I can be proud of.

    So what are you going to do today? Not tomorrow. Today.
  15. Hi there. Thank you for asking. I relapsed so I'm on Day 0 again. I think I may have rushed into this but I'm here.

    That reminds me of the acronym HALT:

    How are things with you?
    D . J . likes this.
  16. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for additional strategies. Not everything will be applicable but the idea may be usable.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  17. How do I get a counter again?
  18. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Focus on the end, what do you want the most? Believe in yourself and do it, no excuses. Be strong.
  19. teheee
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  20. Idk what this means. Good luck @Jewels
    bunnyheartbeat likes this.