Let's stop pretending, even amongst professed Christians, casual sex is an accepted thing.

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. The beliefs haven't changed, the fundamentals still strictly warn against adultery and false prophets. The only thing thats changed is that society has become more secularized and hedonistic. I'd say western civilization peaked with the moon landing, and we've been on a major decline ever since the sexual revolution and feminism successfully destroyed the traditional nuclear family way of living.
  2. Its best to stick to independent fundamental churches such as New Covenant Baptist or Faithful Word Baptist Church.
  3. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Morally, we had some big issues long before the moon landing. Western Christianity had been losing it for decades. Nietzsche might be a better turning point. Rural conservative congregations are still holding out, but they have recently gone from being irrelevant for society as a whole to becoming the backbone of support for the most openly immoral president in our nations history. We may live to see them speak out for family values for all, but in the immediate future, they will continue supporting the breaking up of solid families by immigration forces.
  4. Yeah, In hindsight I think it all went downhill during the french revolution which birthed modern liberalism and secular "enlightenment".

    Also, I agree Trump is another neocon warmongerer who certainly doesn't represent Christian values, but its a stretch to call him the worst when Obama single handedly destroyed race relations and marital values, all while openly condemning Christians for not being open arms to globalism.
  5. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I did not say he was "the worst," but the most openly immoral.
    I have heard of no immorality scandals anywhere around Obama's family during his time in office, and I know of no affairs with him or his wife while they have been married. They appear to be living a Christian ideal marriage. Maybe you know something I don't know about Obama's morals. I have heard far too much about Trump's lack of them.
    Themadfapper likes this.
  6. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    How did Obama do all that? I don't follow politics too closely part to lack of interest and part due to how convoluted it is. Even regular Joes when talking politics talk sensationalized propaganda and it seems near impossible to know what is really going on.

    I heard Obama was a socialist which made me like him, but I never really saw it in his policies other than the attempt at Obama care. I don't think he ruined race relations. I assume you mean between blacks and whites or maybe all the races? They were already very bad between blacks and whites and I don't know if he did anything to make them worse?

    I personally have socialist leanings, but for some reason that is attached to immigration, feminism, inequality called equality, LBGT, pro-abortion, etc. While the capitalists who stand for more money for the wealthy and less for the poor, life being all about money, and it being ok to screw over your fellow man to make money as long as you don't break the law or get caught are anti-abortion, anti-immigration [ sort of because immigration can benefit their interests] anti-universal health care, anti-gay, pro-military, pro-prison, etc. Really the capitalist way should only appeal to 1% of the population, but it seems people are convinced that the sky will fall without capitalism.

    To me, it seems backward the so-called socialists have the mores of the capitalists and vice versa. Fucked with either side, and they always end up doing the same regardless of who gets in. I favor Socialism where wealth is not concentrated all in a few people, where people don't make money off the labor of others, where food and shelter are human rights, and where greed is not the primary motivator. None of this has anything to do with LGBT, feminism, mass immigration, etc.


    I like the old school counter.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
  7. Just to prove how anti christian he is: He legalized same sex marriage all over America, defended Islam while insulting Christians on Easter and other occasions, was a socialist activist in his college years, hobnobs with Hollywood celebrities, pro abortion, pro partial birth abortion, started numerous wars in the middle east, tried to encourage Kenya to ditch its traditional family values, accidentally admit he was a Muslim, and his family is most likely a sham due to his kids not resembling him in the slightest and his wife possibly being a transvestite.

    He only posed as a Christian family man in like 2007 to win conservative votes.

    The truth is that friendship with the world is enmity with God, and all presidents are wicked.
  8. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    C'mon. I don't know about what you said in the first paragraph, but the last sentence in your first paragraph that I bolded is pretty far out there and makes me question everything else you said.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
  9. Everything else I said is observable. The last sentence is purely theoretical, I suggest watching Dreams From My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, it has a lot of info about Obama's shady past, it even has an interview with his adoptive father.
  10. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Open your eyes people. The turning point was the Reformation. Here began the long career of German egoism and individual ideology.
    noonoon likes this.
  11. I came in here looking to see what people are saying on this casual sex matter, I was not expecting to see politics. How do things like this get derailed so much.

  12. Or maybe it wasn't derailed and I'm just to lazy to look at what came to it.

    I will jump in however and agree, Obama was not a good president and screwed things up especially from my Christian view.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    For what it's worth, casual sex is socially acceptable in 2017.
  14. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Don't forget cancer - I'm pretty sure the reformation caused that too.
  15. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, it were the cancer of the body politik.
  16. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Car accidents too. Did you realize there were no car accidents before the reformation? Not to mention internet porn.

    If only we could travel back in time to the political and cultural paradise that was Europe in the 15th or early 16th century
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    wwart1020 likes this.
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Time is not some objective reality to travel through, nor is there some original paradise to be found. It is what it is.

    Whether to the ancient groves in Arcadia,
    Or to Elysian fields stretched far ahead,
    It matters little where language casts its shade;
    Allusions in lines illusory
    Fade into indecipherable distances,
    And end their adventures in some far-off sea.
    Nevertheless, it bubbles from the ground,
    To water the present land on which we live,
    To make an oasis well-circumscribed,
    A respite for rest, idyll and dream.

    Though this island has shriveled of late
    At least gone’s the penchant for futile travels,
    Which wasted on a boundless desert
    A meagre resource sufficient for one.
    The mirages of dawn and dusk now entertains,
    Which dance upon the horizoned line,
    And we know they are but flimsy reflections
    Of our minds beneath a heavened sun.
  18. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    @Buzz Lightyear

    Hello friend - I have an inquiry

    So - you have this problem with the reformation and its resulting churches because it represents individual ideology and theology and thinking and liberty and all that.

    Yet - you have said you are not a very good Christian, by which I assume you are not particularly observant of the Catholic rules. As far as I can tell - the Catholic church believes that if you accept it's authority you ought to follow its rules to the best of your abilities. If you fail - you very much ought to make a better effort in the future. Am I wrong?

    So then - any Catholic who ignores the rules - is that not an individual ideology/theology/whatever? Are you not thinking for yourself what is best for you? If you knowingly and continually ignore some of the rules then you are stating with your actions that either the church does not actually have authority over you, or, that a particular teaching is wrong. You seem to have a problem with liberty - yet you reserve for yourself the liberty to choose whether or not to follow certain Catholic teachings?

    I really don't want to spark another online religious war, and I am in no way trying to badmouth the Catholic church or you - I am genuinely curious. I really have a hard time figuring you out, yet for some strange reason I keep trying.

    Your brother in Christ - Icarium
  19. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Perhaps there are better Catholics than me to explain the ins and outs of the doctrinaire side of things. I tend to come at things from the poetic and humanistic side... where I idealize the Church. And yet, I dare say that, ironically, it may be this perspective which is more appealing to the more secular-minded that have hitherto thought religion irrelevant - it emphasizes the aesthetic, existential, cultural and collective aspects of our lives. It may appeal less to the Protestant mind which is habituated to think within a more individualized doctrinal theology. This has the essential proportions of an ideology [arguably the first ideology], where that ideology goes at it, hammer and tongs today. with the secular ideologies. A curse on all houses [read ideology] I say. My modus operandi is subversion.

    For me, as a minioned member of the Church, all I need to know and do is follow the orthodox beliefs of the Church. In doing this, I find myself imbued also with the sense of an ideal reality, which makes of this world a veil of appearances... of which my self is included. There are both ideal and real aspects of my self, it is not a completely detached and autonomous entity.... though we have a notion of this at times. With these distinctions in mind, being a good Christian is also a process of becoming... there is a sense of pursuing virtue or excellence here, of becoming a better, more thoughtful, more creative person. Hence individual art and collective culture become significant. The moral plane is one among others... and deeply influenced and reinforced by the others. In the Protestant tradition, the moral plane becomes the only one... hence an artless tendency toward puritanism.

    In being bound to the Church [religio... to bind], in a few orthodox beliefs, I paradoxically find myself freed up in all other manners of thinking and feeling. I think this can be explained by seeing the way in which ideology, under the guise of freedom, actually serves to tie language down... to freeze it in a frame. The irony of the Church is we gain an actual freedom in being bound to an orthodoxy [which divinely transcends our logical categories].

    I could be a better Catholic by going to Church every Sunday, but I am at present residing in a foreign country which makes this difficult. I very much look forward to the day when I am back home. The Church is not quite so universal as I would like.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    Spiff likes this.
  20. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    roman catholicism is on the same tier as mormonism, which to me is lower than cow dung. I hate to sound offensive, but I consider myself an abused former catholic.
    Estus likes this.