Stay away from your old friends!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by jest, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Recently I've successfully boosted my confidence due to my NoFap streak as well as the work that I put into improving myself, now you'd think that my friends would take notice and act accordingly to my new found self.

    Guess what: the people I once knew and was good friends with are now pulling me down to their negative frequency.

    Why? Because I'm at a different level now, I met them when I was feeling awful with no self love, something they still, to this day, suffer from.

    So if you're feeling good as of right now my advice is to pay attention to those around you, don't let them steal your positive energy! Go meet new people that match how you feel, because you deserve it.
  2. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

  3. Good thread. You are part your own decisions and actions, and part your circumstances and environment. If you place yourself in a negative environment surrounded by negative people, then that will affect you. The same goes for if you do the opposite and place yourself around positive people.

    Surround yourself with experts, mentors, and people that push you to grow and become a better person. Remove negative and toxic people from your life. I understand that sometimes it can feel like you should stick around to help these people, but toxic people are only concerned with bringing others down to their level, and there is only so much you can do to bring them out of their own place of negativity. In reality they have to find their way out by themselves.

    That doesn't mean all your friends have to be better than you, or even have made as much progress as you. It simply means to surround yourself with people who are moving up, who are working on themselves, who look to improve their lives or those of others. Avoid those who are stuck in scarcity, and who feed off your time and energy like leeches. For those people, wish them the best, but don't let them become too big a part of your life.
  4. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Done, I've eliminated a lot of fake friends from my environment. Not all mentors are good friends :l I had one that refugees of his problems in books, he has 2 careers, Master's degree in one and doctor's degree in the other, and he is full of shit. He isn't able to keep a relationship with someone his age and so he goes on delighting women that never stay too long because of how he is for real. I was his victim, he never touched me but he seduced me and I was so small, just 16! Because of him I'm in here. I eliminated him too, it was horrible in retrospect, I couldn't stop it on time but now I did. Now I rather have friends of my own age. They have demonstrated to be far more mature and to be working for a dream.
    vulture175 and jest like this.
  5. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    If your old friends are bringing you down and not helping you improve then it is best to leave them behind. But don't hate them or have a negative feeling towards them, because realise that you attracted them for a reason. I still think it's good to keep in touch with old friends - it's good to see how they are doing and all, but if they are seriously ''negative influences'' if they drink, smoke, party too much, and don't take things serious then that's when you should cut ties.
  6. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Powerous and jest like this.
  7. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I agree, but also remember you may have been a bad influence on them. The old saying 'birds of a feather flock together' is true. When I was in high school I hung around some folks I shouldn't have. But I was at the very least confirming them in some of their bad behaviors. Be careful about who you interact with but also be a positive influence for others.
    Mirach and Eleanor like this.
  8. CrumplyCrumps

    CrumplyCrumps Fapstronaut

    This is very true. But it's hard to find new friends. At least for me, because I am so comfortable with my friends.
    Mirach and Powerous like this.
  9. jest

    jest Fapstronaut


    I've evolved and they should've too.

    I can safely say I've never been a bad influence to my friends and I also never purposely used my energy in order to bring my friends down to my own negative state. I'm focused on being positive right now and helping others out but there's no reason for me to stick around negative people when I have the chance to change that.
    Eleanor likes this.
  10. CrumplyCrumps

    CrumplyCrumps Fapstronaut

  11. Jonathansierra

    Jonathansierra Fapstronaut

    Agree 100% brother
  12. Jonathansierra

    Jonathansierra Fapstronaut

    I currently have 2 very close boys. I use to have these others that I've known virtually all my life but they are still stuck in their own ways and not progressing in anyway and I don't need that energy. While these 2 I have only known for 3 years I am close as hell with them like never before. But yes as I continue my journey is like to meet new people as well and do what I like with them!
    jest likes this.
  13. Truth
    Self love
    jest likes this.
  14. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I can't speak to the particulars of any friendship you had but often when bad friends are doing bad things as I said we are at least confirming them in their bad behavior. Maybe they aren't purposely trying to bring you down. Maybe they do but do so unthinkingly. That doesn't mean you should hang out with them. It just seems to me we are quick to talk about bad influences, which is true, but we are often bad influences ourselves.
    Mirach likes this.
  15. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Let me explain what I'm talking about a bit better.

    Nothing special has happened other than a few conversations here and there, but in these conversations in particular my friends were being very negative torwards my new lifestyle and mindset change. I shared some of my knowledge and research and they just didn't get it and tried to even bash me for it, which felt very odd to me.

    I talked to them about what I've recently learned with excitement and in good faith hoping they would understand and perhaps take in some valuable information, but instead they simply acted in an immature fashion.

    This lead me to believe that these people aren't going to be a good influence on me or my future. So now I'm looking to make new friendships with people who are also on a self improvement journey rather than being stuck with the old, negative people I've known for ages.
  16. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    A prophet has no honor in his home. It isn't uncommon that those closest will not listen to us. They'll listen to someone else, an expert, but not us. We are often the same way.

    As I said it may indeed be best to avoid those people. For programs like AA they make a point that you should avoid old friends still involved in the behavior.
    Mirach and jest like this.
  17. When your fapping all the time you dont respect your self anyways.. when your NotFapping you respect your self alot more and don't participate in self degrading acts like tugging your life force aways to a bunch of pixels on a screen.. alot of people dont respect their selves unfortunately. this generation has an "incomplete" view of themselves and dont feel complete when they are not gaining something materialistic like clothes, food , money or in our case "porn pixels". Yes some people bring us down! respect yourself enough to tell them to go or F off whatever youprefer :)
    jest likes this.
  18. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    My AP blocked me. I have no idea why. Anyways it's probably for the better. He's 7 years older than me. I always sent him links and pics with advice but he never reciprocated. He asked about my day here and there but when I ask him how he's doing he just says "pretty good". He never really told me anything about himself other than his name and where he is from
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Mirach

    Mirach Fapstronaut

    Want to be AP partners?
  20. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Message me!