Sexual energy transmutation ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by yesIam, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    I read a lot how Sexual energy transmutation is amazing and make you more powerfull more creative and all this stuff . but they all say go on Nofap , meditate , workout , healthy ... No one give an actual technique to trasmutate your sexual energy , like a kind of meditation or stuff like that , it's look like it's very powerfull thing , and look legit to me , but i found no soliddocumentation or concrete information on subject , it's like a secret technique , do you think only monk's and napoleon hill realy know how it realy work ? if any one have some solid link's or technique he tryed himself can you please share it with us ?
    Thank you
  2. I'll explain sexual transmutation for you in the most simple way possible.

    Think of your sexual energy like water.

    That water is connected to a hose.

    Masturbation is like taking that hose and spraying yourself with it on a hot summer day. It feels nice, but, you're wasting water.

    Sex is like taking that hose and watering the garden with it. Healthy on its own, but do it too much and the plants will drown and die.

    NoFap or absintence are like turning off the hose. You're at least not wasting any water, but you're also not using it for anything useful yet.. so, next comes sexual transmutation.

    Sexual transmutation is using that energy and finding other ways to make it work for you. Taking the water and using it to drink from. Using it to build a hydro-electric dam to generate electricity. Etc.

    Most people think of sexual energy as something that only gets used when you masturbate or have sex. I want you to think about the last time you indulged in masturbation. How strong a desire did you have to masturbate? It was pretty damn strong wasn't it. Did you feel motivated to masturbate? Did you have lots of energy to do it?

    Of course you did, because sexual energy is a powerful driving force. So now, turn off the hose. Stop spraying water on yourself (masturbating), and find a positive use for that energy instead. Start up a creative pursuit. Use the energy you have from abstaining from masturbation to work hard at your career. Pursue actual women instead of pixels on a computer monitor. Go out and try new things.

    That energy you get from being aroused, from being a human being with a sex drive, isn't just there to be emptied out every day into a sock. It's there to fuel an awesome fulfilling life. Work hard. Set goals. Meet people. Have adventures.

    Every time you masturbate to orgasm, it's like you empty your entire reserve of sexual energy and go back to square one - but when you're not wasting that energy, it can be used for other things. When you try to be creative, you'll feel more inspired, have more desires, and more motivation to work on those ideas. When you go out and socialise, you'll feel more outgoing, have more energy, and feel less reserved and stuck in your head. When you work towards your goals you'll work your hardest, push yourself to the limit, and know that you can achieve them if you keep focused.
  3. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the explanation man it was simple , si j'ai bien compris , If I understood correctly, I do not need to do anything special to use this water, just we being on Nofap , when i'll focus on something my body will know how use this energy on his own ? you don't need to be aware of it ?
    ps : are you talking about theory or personal experience and how long it will take to notice that this sperm retention power ?
    Thank you very mush again , i just opened the browser to relapse again , but i found your replie , that will make me motivated some day
    U.n.d.e.r.d.o.g and Faiizan7 like this.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    There's no special technique. As you build up and store sexual energy, it will look for a way to be released. As long as you deny it the chance to be released sexually, it will seek release in other ways. For me, at about the two-week mark, I just started kicking ass in the gym. I didn't have to do anything special--all of a sudden, I was just stronger and had way more energy.

    Yes, that's correct.
  5. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    I've seen this video very recently, it's a great insight

  6. joe242

    joe242 Fapstronaut

    Im sorry to hear of your relapse bro dont beat your self up but dont allow yourself to EVER do that again.
    If you want further help doing sexual transmutation, dealing with relapses and other nofap things, I STRONGLY encourage you to type into youtube: GABRIEL KALEI BOCANEGRA. This guy hostely saved me SO much and I believe that it was God's grace that allowed me to become aware of this young man. He is truly amazing and posts nofap and life videos almost everyday. I encourage you to share this gift with others here on the nofap community as well.

    He is truly a life saver so if he is able to help you, I encourage you to check him out.
    Dan1132 and A41:14A like this.
  7. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Perfect .
    A41:14A likes this.
  8. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    That was great, but I don't think I wanna TOTALLY repress my sexual energies.
    At least while I'm still in my young adulthood. Let's do it progressively.

    I believe I can use a little part of that sexual energy for meaningful moments of intimacy once in a while.

    Everything has a balance, that's my motto.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2017
  9. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    Ok thanks , i hope to any some result myself , cause only result will give me more determination to keep on this NoFap

    I'll check the video , thank you

    Oh , i saw him once , but i didint want to continue to watch cause he didin't look alpha or manly enough to take advice from , maybe my instinct was wrong , shouldn't judge by apparence , i'll try to check his channel again , thank you
  10. This is why I mentioned that sex in itself is a useful way of expressing that energy (the watering the plants analogy) as long as it's not done to excess.

    It just shouldn't be the only way you express that energy! ;)
    Dan1132 and TheProloguist like this.
  11. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    ive been going 28 days NoFap so i notice the great changes the transformations but more an more often i became more sensitive to triggers i started feeling how i use to feel when i was a teenager but i gave into the triggers i relapse an woke up feeling like i was hungover with a feeling of great guilt so i search for something i had no idea what i was searching for then i found your post , i no longer feel so bad about relapse as a failure as i found my way to your post about transmutation , its a clue im still on the higher level regardless , we are only human ,
  12. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    I have one more question there is a maximum for our stock of water , i mean some one who didint mastrubate for years will have more sexual energy than some who mastrubate or have sex once a month or once a week ?
  13. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    Happy for you man , Never Give up !
  14. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    I believe you've been bursting more capacity of sexual energy all these years by porn overstimulation/activation, the problem now is redirecting all this energy, finding a balanced way to harness it and rewire yourself gradually. I have very high levels of energy and I can ejaculate several times in a row with almost no refractory period.

    But by now I'm on a more than 20 days nofap strike and I'm feeling absolutely "touch starved", it's not the 1st time I do this, but now I have a plan.

    I feel like a sensory feeling on my skin, and my nervous system is sorta disturbed and overactive. I need some decent touch sensory activity to attenuate this, but that doesn't involve PMO.

    I think a massage would be enough.
  15. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    I had the same problem I can ejaculate several times in a row ! the problem is not that i can but that i want , even when it's sex i dont feel satisfied if we dont do at least 3-4 round , so evry time i relapse i do the same mistake i mastrubate like 4-5 time in row
    Ganesha likes this.
  16. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    prologsist i know what your searching for well be found, through researching sex transmutation i found what they call kundalini an what people are doing that i had no idea was they redirect theyre built up sexual energies for advancements for success i never thought about using my sexual energy for such ways ,knowing what i know now i well be more careful, im careful how i touch myself careful who touches me careful about my day so triggers wont show up,
  17. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    I remember cumming 7 times in a row once, I call this "until you're dried", it's starts hurting after then, lel

    But by now I don't do this anymore, and I don't get the same level of activation from porn anymore, this has been made intentionally.

    About sex, you can leverage on that if you know how you should do it.
    And the regularity is important. If you could fully replace PMO with sex, that's the ideal.

    It should be more of a complete Physical/Emotional Interaction experience than just awkward penetration touch.

    But I'm still a virgin, yeah, I need some fuck buddie or something
  18. yesIam

    yesIam Fapstronaut

    Same plan , i had sex (no alot) but with different women and beleve the best sex wasn't with hotest , but with the one with you had a better connection ,and noticed that i was good at sex dont know how lol , but my social skill with women arrent so good , and that's what matter form them , so i now i'm working on myself to be better with women , so when i found 'the women' i'll be so good , she just cant resist :cool:
    So now i'm convinced that mastrubation is wasting of sperm and energy ,so better save it to do somthing great , but i'm ready to wasted for a good sex anytime :D
  19. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Jesus Christ :D
  20. Someone who abstains for longer will be in a better place than someone who abstains for a week or a month, yes. If nothing else, simply because of the fact that they are never in a place of low energy.