Should i quit alcohol and other drugs for good?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by jz_21, Jul 23, 2017.

Do you drink or smoke while being on nofap?

Poll closed Aug 2, 2017.
  1. I drink alcohol

    8 vote(s)
  2. I smoke cigarettes

    4 vote(s)
  3. I smoke weed

    8 vote(s)
  4. I dont do any drugs

    21 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jz_21

    jz_21 New Fapstronaut

    i just started nofap 3 days ago, i might have a mild problem with pornography, but the real reason im trying to reboot is because i read about your brain becoming more sensitive to dopamine with NoFap.
    I drink alcohol once a week, i dont get blasted, just a couple of beers. i also smoke weed maybe twice o thrice a month, but since those are dopamine triggers, i am a bit worried that it might slow down the process of making my brain fully sensitive to dopamine again.
    Im in college, so im always exposed to those substances and it is going to be hard if decide to fully stop during my reboot
    have anybody tried nofap while still drinking or smoking?
  2. I don't take any drugs but I sometimes use food as it were a drug. Or other things that gives dopomine like video games. Of course it's not that bad comparing to harder drugs though. It theory the less you stimulate your brain with dopomine faster your overstimulated dopomine receptors should heal. But at the same time be careful with it. Cos sometimes we can burn out if we do too much at once and that can lead to relapse. So just know yourself and be careful.
    that_rebooter_girl likes this.
  3. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    Quit all this retarded shit. Alcohool is just stupid, the most harmful drug as people are unwilling to talk about its destructive addiction capacity.
  4. There is no problem if you can moderate your habits. I drink no more than 2 glasses of wine and I feel good. But if you feel dizzy after anything of it and are not able to continue your day, then it's a problem.
  5. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Just kick out all the bad habits, you don't need any of that, your body will thank you and your mind will start treating you like you're a champion.

    Nothing feels better than being 100% in control, not having addictions and not needing any weird substances in your body.
  6. Perry2000

    Perry2000 Fapstronaut

    As a former stoner, alcoholic, and smoker I'd say stay away from them completely. It's better to be fully present in the moment than having substances control your moods and hinder your memory. It's a slippery slope that's best to be avoided.
  7. that_rebooter_girl

    that_rebooter_girl New Fapstronaut

    I'm also new to this and I'm glad you brought up the drug and porn/ masturbation combination. I've decided to abstain from all of it. If I go without one but continue to use another as a crutch then I'll prevent myself from experiencing a full recovery because I would be keeping myself from feeling the authentic effects of sobriety. Thanks for sharing btw!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. LSKEB

    LSKEB Fapstronaut

    There is two points of view on this.

    I think just having some beers once in a week and a just little bit of weed on the month is not a big deal.
    In fitness world, a lot of people advises to have "cheat meal" once in a week in order to be more disciplined the rest of the time. Some beers and some weed can be your "cheat meal".

    In a other hand, I have achevied full veganism in only one day with making the strong commitment of eating ZERO animal products (I was meat eater a the time) It was like the begininning of something new and it worked really well. If you're a perfectionnist and feels that cuting all the dopamine providers can be help you in order to be more efficient on your NoFap journey, you can try it too.

    Your call
    Discípulo, LT.rezso and jest like this.
  9. BeTrueToHer

    BeTrueToHer Fapstronaut

    I'm pretty sure if you ask any reputable bodybuilder/fitness model none of them will tell you to drink some beers and smoke some week on your cheat meal days haha. Bad food is harmful enough to your body let alone alcohol on top of your cheat day. Weed is natural and I think it should be legal, but there's studies linked to weed and depression too, so keep that in mind.
  10. LSKEB

    LSKEB Fapstronaut

    Beer and weed isn't worst than a huge McDonalds cheat meal lunch, fast food is kind of addictive too and even more unhealthy as beer or weed.

    And I just said that some beer or weed can be the "cheat meal" not used WITH the cheat meal haha.

    Plus, like I said there is two points of view on this and I don't have preference for one or another.

    Anyway I'm 0 days so I'm not the one to read first haha
  11. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    It's better for sure. They both are substances with acknowledged physical benefict effects.
  12. Yarxing

    Yarxing Fapstronaut

    I am a smoker for now, but I plan on quiting when I hit 30 days. I dont do it all at once so I have the feeling of more control. alcohol is next, but alcohol has never felt like a problem so I think im gonna make it a weekend thing and not drink during the week. Anyway, I think its good to stop using drugs because it does have an effect. only question is if you can do it all at once..
  13. 3MichaelJMJ

    3MichaelJMJ Fapstronaut

    I am a recovering alcoholic and pot head. I have more info on my journal... but I can honestly say, when I was masturbating, immediately after orgasm, I had a huge craving to go drink or smoke pot. I think all three of them are definitely combined together if you find release in them. I have also had experiences in the distant past of smoking marijuana and then slipping up after long streaks of PMO abstinence. I wouldn't be worried about a couple responsible beers here and there, but definitely marijuana can lead to a PMO slip. Why risk it?
    Matheensam5, Discípulo and LT.rezso like this.
  14. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

  15. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Will hurt like hell but be worth it in the end
  16. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I am doing no PMO and no profanity. If I use profanity I give myself one swat on the bare fanny with a wooden spoon. A sore buttocks reminds me not to swear
  17. XStreet1985

    XStreet1985 Fapstronaut

    Advice on how to use cannabis from Terence Mckenna