Porn Induced Mental Illness

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. I have battled severe depression, mood swings, intense anger and anxiety for years now. It's only been recently that I'm convinced at least 80% of it is tied to my addiction and the changes made to my brain.

    Does anyone see this in themselves? Did your PMO addiction cause you to develop a mental illness or aggravate an already existing one?
    saneagain and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Yep, my pmo addiction did aggravate my OCD and social anxiety.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    This is something I struggle with figuring out every day. I too experience mood swings, anxiety, and bouts of depression that seemingly dont correlate to anything in particular, I want to say its because of PMO but part of me thinks that I would have these problems with or without PMO and its NoFap that brings this into focus. Since starting NoFap my anxiety is way down but my random bouts of depression are way up, so honestly who knows, I hope to get to the bottom of it one day.
  4. Miked132

    Miked132 Fapstronaut

    Right now I have a lot of anxiety which I hope will subside after a while, but I had social anxiety and depression when I was a kid and really no friends before PMO, so I think this PMo addiction really worsened it
  5. WMNL

    WMNL Fapstronaut

    Abso-f*cking-lutely. For me it caused social anxiety, especially when talking to women. I also started to find women less and less attractive, as my porn habit grew. This documentary explains the effects of porn very well, I recommend you watch it:
  6. It's tragic. By time I realized I had zero interest in real life women I was deeply, deeply addicted. I was so gone it didn't even dawn on me how abnormal my thinking was. When I was younger I couldn't think of anything except chicks, porn replaced all of that.
    thorswrath32 and Buddhabro like this.
  7. Coloradus

    Coloradus New Fapstronaut

    conocí la pornografía cuando tenía aproximadamente 9 años en la primaria, nunca me sentí vicioso a ella porque la veía como una asquerosidad, paso el tiempo y en la pubertadad (13 años aprox) empeze a sentir deseos sexuales por mujeres y analizando hoy en día, estos deseos se vieron influenciados por la pornografía que había observado ( no fue mucha pero la que ví quedo en el subconciente). Como no tuve orientación de mis padres, fui creciendo con la idea que el sexo visto en la pornografía era real y que la sexualidad era para el placer y que las relaciones sexuales eran como en las peliculas porno. ( vivi mi adolecencia en una gran mentira, no era capaz de ver a una mujer como una compañera, amiga, sino como un objeto de placer que se comía como a una hamburguesa. Con respecto a la masturbación, la conocí cuando era niño 8 años aprox, pero no agarre vicio porque no lo hacia con perversidad, fue despues de los 14 años que lo hago compulsivamente sobre todo viendo chicas en facebook e instagram. soy mas adicto al facebook y al instagram para ver chicas y masturbarme y bueno creo que me ha hecho vivir en una mentira. Estoy dispuesto a cambiar y aceptar el reto, me gustaria escuchar experiencias
    YonCharly456 and Nouvel Homme like this.
  8. So, you reckon at least 80% of your severe depression, mood swings, intense anger and anxiety is tied to your addiction?
    I am willing to consider this, but you have given no 'proof', no evidence nor ruled out the usual clinical pathways. Why? Is it just a hunch and the 80% thing is just a number grabbed from the air? I want to know, truly! So, sell it to me - more info...
  9. I've been treated for depression and mood disorders multiple times but I didn't feel many changes, except for the worse usually. I know the porn addiction isn't responsible for all of it but it has been the constant factor for many years. It has at the very least severely aggravated already existing issues. As far as evidence and hard proof I have none but when it comes to psychological issues there often isn't "hard proof", just our experiences.
  10. This is more the position I would take in respect of the correlation between porn addiction and mental disorders.

    In my case, I have two diagnosed mental disorders: (1) recurrent major depressive disorder (with somatic syndrome) and (2) emotionally unstable personality disorder, borderline type. These incorporate the "severe depression, mood swings, intense anger and anxiety" you mentioned and much more. I take two SNRI antidepressants for my depressive disorder
    and I have had some psychodynamic therapies and psycho-educational work regarding borderline personality disorder.

    But I saw porn for the first time when I was 41. Clearly, these illnesses were established long before then. My addiction
    to porn in recent years has exacerbated these disorders, but not to the order of 80% and above. But that's just me. o_O
  11. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    My clinical depression was present way before I found porn. Porn didn't cause any of it.
  12. YonCharly456

    YonCharly456 Fapstronaut

    Definitivamente tenemos varias cosas en común. Comencé a sentir placer al tocarme desde muy pequeño. Poco a poco descubrí la masturbación como tal. De hecho, mi primera eyaculación la tuve masturbándome como a los 8 años y me asusté, pues no sabía qué pasó. A los 11 ó 12 años tuve en mis manos una revista porno y ahí entendí qué era el sexo y cómo se hacía. Desde entonces pasé mi adolescencia y mi juventud masturbándome al menos una vez al día y en ocasiones hasta en 3 ó 4 veces al día. La pornografía me acompañó de manera intermitente. Y como trataba de "respetar" a las chicas empecé a ver porno gay. Nunca he tenido encuentro homosexual. Me casé a los 25 años y continuó casado con mi esposa. Y aunque tengo relaciones con ella, continuó masturbándome 2 ó 3 veces por semana. La porno es esporádica. Quiero liberarme de esto. No sé si sea posible. Tengo amigos mucho mayores que yo y continúan en la lucha diaria, a pesar de los años.
    Espero poder ayudarte y que tú me apoyes a mi.
    Coloradus likes this.
  13. Coloradus

    Coloradus New Fapstronaut

    Si Yoncharly es un problema de estos tiempos modernos tan atormentados pero tranquilo que si se puede salir de este círculo vicioso, el cual nos hace ver a las mujeres o a los seres humanos como simples objetos de satisfacción sexual.
    YonCharly456 likes this.
  14. I first started watching it around 11. That has to be great for mental health.
    LesPauline likes this.
  15. improve my life

    improve my life Fapstronaut

    Love this video!
  16. Have you thought about what you looked at when you were 11 vs what you've looked at within the past year? I get disgusted with myself when I reflect back on what used to get me excited, compared to the weirdness that it took to stimulate me recently. I'm just hoping I can heal my brain...I wonder how much time it takes to heal...I suppose we can't ever "un-see" what we've clicked on...ugh...I hate thinking about it. It scares the living hell out of me.
  17. Yeah I can totally relate to how you feel. I'm forever disgusted at myself for what I wanted to PMO to in the past and what I have actually pmo'd to. It was some really weird and sick stuff. It really is scary that you never where this addiction might take you, that's why quitting as soon as possible is critically important.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2017
  18. CompulsiveCrab

    CompulsiveCrab Fapstronaut

    Yes for me I feel very out of focus lately. I can't move forward. I'm waiting for something.
    LesPauline likes this.
  19. Yes, it disgusts me. My tastes were more or less "normal" when I first started out, then things became more crazy.
    Deleted Account and LesPauline like this.
  20. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Woah man you just wrote the stuff i have and i am experiencing. Its just whole related to your brain.