Post published by Ajar

Whenever you fail, or screw up - never be down on yourself. Never feel angry, or hurt - because we have to understand that we are trying to fight against something that took years to build. It doesn't matter if you fail 1,50, or even 1000 times. The main point is that you keep going. That you brush off whatever emotions, or feelings you have, and honestly within yourself keep trying to the best of your ability. If not today, then tomorrow. Every step you take towards liberating yourself of these chains, is a step of progress that is not in vain. Even if you abstain from one day of porn, that is still ONE full day without porn. It is still some progress. We should definitely, clearly remember though of where we came from, and where we are going. If you used to Fap 8 times a day, then that is ground zero, that is where you work from - that is the low-point. If you want to progress than you need to work away from this low point. The further away, even if you fall, you'll fall miles from the low-point. Keep fighting guys. Its funny because we all contain the capacity to be Super. Life waits for no one, we need to do this today. Today is the day. Never wait until tomorrow, keep fighting for this change today. It is in your hands. Never give up.
Reborn16 more_vert
I find if you can fit any exercise into your back yard that's the go! Then you can do it any time
ShriramSBS more_vert
Very motivational and inspiring speech
teemc more_vert
That is so difficult to think that way. In my mind I can't possibly think how those little success make up for the huge mess i got myself into with this.
Rk@love more_vert
Thanks for the motivation dude it seems u had injected never give up an attitude to everyone who had read your comment..
drummer345 more_vert
thanks for the good motivation
Greg1996 more_vert
Thank you so much. yours words have given me the will to fight against this addiction
Abn_surfer more_vert
Wow, I just joined this site and movement. It has become very clear to me after looking at the groups and info on this page that I am not alone in this struggle. Thak you
khokhar more_vert
congrats this site surving the best
MarioMandzukic17 more_vert
Well said! PMO ruins our lives and keeps us in a vicious cycle of procrastination, jeopardizing every aspect of our academic, professional and personal lives! Fortunately, we've all noticed that in time to change this habit. We'll overcome this! The first two weeks are the toughest. From the third week on, it is easier to fight that anxiety back. But do not put to much pressure on yourself, otherwise it can affect the calm it is needed to reboot. Progress is progress even if it is little!
tōa more_vert
I just joined the site so this means a lot to me. Its my second day without fapping and this helps a bunch, thanks dude your words are worth gold.
Jim Michael more_vert
Jim Michael
This comment is great, cheers mate.
Symbol of Peace likes this.
The_Simple_Fool more_vert
Thank you man. Porn keeps me from doing my revisions. I am afraid to study at late night coz of fantasizing porn too much. I had to study with somebody accompanying me. I still don't understand how to overcome it.
Symbol of Peace and Someone B like this.