Post published by Dake1963

Hi people. Just saying hi and introducing myself. 53 and from Australia, have been fap and alcohol free for just over a month. I see the two as being quite connected in my case. Essentially, i developed a dependency on both following a messy break up with my ex gf. Let's see if we can get more chat going in this room ?
Hezeru more_vert
Hi, no alcohol since January 2016 :)
LivinginRecovery likes this.
Mattt001 more_vert
Hi Dake1963. Welcome and congrats on a month free of alcohol and FAP. Don't let the lack of activity in this group put you off.
LivinginRecovery likes this.
Dake1963 more_vert
Thanks to both of you. Perhaps we can start a conversation in this group. So many people are motivated into no-fapping by religious reasons. I am wondering why you guys are doing it?
LivinginRecovery likes this.
Hezeru more_vert
for the purpose of developing my body and mind :)
Mattt001 more_vert
I'm motivated to stop viewing porn because it was ruining important aspects of my life. I'm sure that a lot of religious folks are similarly motivated.
ZZ_maakt_blij likes this.
Mattt001 more_vert
I should add that as someone who thinks of himself as a critical thinker, I am highly motivated to stop engaging in irrational porn-induced behavior.
ZZ_maakt_blij likes this.