Post published by ANSE

Dear all,
I'm going through some temptations at this moment, but I'm praying the Trisagio of Mary. Please, when you see this message thread, pray a Hail Mary for me.
I really appreciated it. I'm praying for you too.
RockTheHill, pmg, Kennedy_p4 and 3 others like this.
AModernMiroku more_vert
You got it; & I hope to add your intentions in my own prayers (especially those of the Office).
ANSE and zero0 like this.
swazzy1 more_vert
Sure, I'll pray. Stay strong "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind"-2tim
ANSE likes this.
CPilot more_vert
I will pray a decade of the rosary for you today! Keep filling your cup with the grace procured from daily prayer. I think Our Lord does not wish to force Himself on us and therefore He will provide us with the grace of the Holy Spirit when we ask for it and so we must ask for it regularly, perhaps constantly. When we don't ask and we harbor sinful desires in our heart, He stands back and lets us have our way, even though He knows this isn't what we need. Pray, pray, pray!
Kennedy_p4 and ANSE like this.
Kennedy_p4 more_vert
@CPilot Well, i know that you were talking to him, but what you are saying clarified my soul : i fell last week more than one time and i wasn't praying until now. However, one hour ago I was seeing a sermon, and the priest started praying a Hail Mary and it was all that the Holy Spirit needed to make me pray the Rosary. Well, at least the mystery of today.
CPilot and ANSE like this.
Kennedy_p4 more_vert
@CPilot God wouldn't force Himself over me, but when i was praying that Hail Mary, I couldn't ignore the "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death." I felt so as embarrassed.
CPilot and ANSE like this.
CPilot more_vert
A priest taught me that when saying a prayer or reading a bible verse, if there are words that you feel hold some special meaning for you, pause and let yourself contemplate on them. It is just one way Our Precious Lord speaks to us.
Tomaz and ANSE like this.
Tomaz more_vert
Hi brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray for me. Stress can be a trigger for masturbation, and I keep slipping up. The Lord has helped me so much in the past. 14 years ago he gave me the grace to stop for 5 years and they were good times. I know prayer works and I just need to turn to that every time :)
CPilot more_vert
Wow! 5 years free! That is quite an achievement. What do you think caused you to slip back 14 years ago? I am praying for you, please pray for me too.
Kennedy_p4 and zero0 like this.
Tomaz more_vert
CPilot, thank you, your prayers mean so much. I am praying for you too. What caused me to slip back was a time when a family member was in hospital and that was stress for me, but also a lot of stress for my wife and the combination led me to deal with it in the wrong way.
CPilot likes this.
Tomaz more_vert
5 years free was a true miracle and answer to prayer. I was struggling on a regular basis before that and I just stopped after that prayer. Not free of temptation, but I resisted because there was perspective and I knew the greater good. I have tried praying for the same again, and although I believe the Holy Spirit’s help is there, it has not been the same. There’s an extent to which I believe I am on a journey for me to grow, to ensure I make the right decisions and lean on that hope and knowledge that it is possible.
CPilot likes this.