Post published by Ajar

The thing about porn, or masturbation in general is that it consumes your thoughts, your words, actions, etc.

Its like a person in depression. They don't realize that they were ever depressed until they are happy. The problem is that the depression consumes all their thoughts, emotions, even layers of themselves they did not even know existed. For example, have you ever stretched, and cracked your joints. When the joints cracked you noticed that you had a pain that was relieved? But only after you cracked it, only then did you notice that you had a pain.

In the same way is depression, in the same way is porn addiction - bottom line: It consumes your thought processes, your emotions, your everything, even how your food taste, and how your hot shower feels. It literally is like a virus. Only when you are relieved of it, then you can understand it. Majority of the thoughts at this stage are based in sexuality, such as: Penis Size, Wondering about ever finding a mate, Fantasizing about sexual encounters. The problem is, these factors tend to consume most of your life at this stage. Which it should not. They shouldn't be a worrying factor. That is not normal for these factors to influence your emotions, give you depression, anger, etc. They are thoughts born of too much contact with the beast of sexuality.

How to lessen contact?
Kill out those thoughts. Think about it, the only reason not having a girlfriend, or someone to "get down" with causes stress, is because you have a desire to be with them, but you can't get them. The desire is caused by those thoughts. If you remove those thoughts, you remove than want, that urge, that pain. Of course, achieving that desire would be great too, but lets face it, if we had high-self esteem, high self confidence, and could pick up almost any girl in a blink, do you think we'd be on this site?

So then how can you overcome it?
You have to find points of relief other than porn, or masturbation. You have to make within yourself more happy. This is why working out, eating healthier, laughing more generally will help ease up the symptoms of your stress. The happier you feel within the better you'll feel overall, which will help you with controlling those impulses. Some recommendations for being satisfied:
Working Out
Watching Comedy or a show that puts you in a good mood
Laughing more
Getting out
Going for a walk
Going Vegan/Vegeterian
Avoiding Neuro-CNS-stimulants (Caffeine, Sugar, Drugs)
Avoiding Sugar
Making friends that you actually like. (Huge factor*)
Eating some of your favorite foods.
Don't sleep late
Don't eat late(causes more problems than you think).

The main point is to do something that satisfies you, or just releases that tension within. Think about what satisfy means. It means to "really enjoy", "relish", really "savor", but on the inside. If you do this, it will help you feel better overall, and take some stress away. When I say "satisfy" maybe think about eating something so good you haven't had in a while, or getting a massage where you just feel the stress melt off. Something that just makes you say "omg this feels(or tastes, etc) soo gooood". Because I feel when you masturbate in general, all you are looking is for that satisfaction in a place that only causes more harm. But smaller, more controlled happiness takes off the stress, and causes long term happiness(no PMO).

Take on responsibilities, challenges head on. Don't run away. Everything won't get better automatically, it takes time. Take a breath, and don't ever get carried away. One baby step at a time. No pressure.
mysfyred more_vert
Thanks for this, I'm going to use some of these today!