Post published by vicicool

I just had some thoughts.

What I see in P:

Abuse (treating ppl like objects)

then I thought what are the opposites of those things?

Hate - Love
Abuse - Respect
Manipulation - Trust

Its crazy if you look at the opposites!! They describe love!
It‘s eye opening to me - now I see why P is a contradiction to God‘s love.
The opposite of God is the Devil.

What we see in P are mild forms of hate, abuse, manipulation etc., mild forms of the devil. Watching it turns your heart to stone. That‘s why a guy in my class was impatient and aggressive. That‘s why you lose your temper. And I know that‘s why I lost my sensibility to people.

Do you want mild forms of hate, abuse and manipulation in your life, or do you want love, respect and trust ?
Leone more_vert
This describes me too brother! Well written. If we all think this way it will stop us from failing again and again. I have been impatient and angry with people and family. No more to this sin
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