Post published by Euphorye

G'day, just another folk around here using this as a journal (and yes I;ve never posted before so no idea if this is how I'm meant to do it).
Able to go a week or so consistently, then it hits hard, and relapse. I think the main issue I have is that I'm not really committed to leaving this desire. E.g., i still want it, even though i know i shouldn't.
Day 1
Zay77751 more_vert
Bro reason is what drives a logical being to achieve its goal. So you need a proper reason to complete nofap if you are addicted (like me) :) Anyway, If you want to leave it but still you end up convincing yourself to watch porn means you are addicted. All you need is a proper reason to quit. keep trying. Best of luck.
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Zay77751 more_vert
Humans are not logical being :)
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