Recent content by B_GoodLuck

  1. B_GoodLuck

    Answering the question "Why?"

    Hello, I haven't posted for a long time. I'm 65 years old, and have been addicted to porn and masturbation for as long as I can remember. I've been married for 32 years, and have continued to watch porn and masturbate throughout my marriage. My wife is completely broken by my addiction, and...
  2. B_GoodLuck

    4 weeks challenge (join me)

    I'm joining! :)
  3. B_GoodLuck

    Anyone giving up other addictions along with PMO?

    Besides PMO, I've quit vaping. Vaping replaced smoking, which replaced crack and cocaine a long time ago. Bottom line, my brain has gotten so used to the stimulation from crack/smoking/vaping along with porn that I can't separate the two. So if I try to just vape, eventually I'll start...
  4. B_GoodLuck

    I am 14 years old and addicted to ass creepshots. i need help.

    Keep coming back and keep sharing. I wish NoFap had existed when I was 14 and I might have had a chance to live a life PMO free. I'm 60 and still struggling with this monster. I'm grateful for NoFap and the community. Today I was really feeling the urge to PMO, but I came here instead. I...
  5. B_GoodLuck

    Nude Photo

    We can't control every external sight, but we can control what we do after seeing it. If you stop looking, don't swell on it, and move on without relapsing, you were successful!
  6. B_GoodLuck

    Possible to relapse in 5-6 months

    I have had some good streaks, and my success has come from filling my life with meaningful things, sharing on nofap, and basking in the success of my reboot. My failures have come when I've let feeling sorry about myself, or feeling arrogant, control my behavior. As long as we can remember...
  7. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because I have a choice and I choose to be porn-free.
  8. B_GoodLuck

    So questions about dating while on a streak of no porn.

    Congratulations on achieving 28 days, Redhood210. The good news for you is that you're dealing with this early on. I'm 60 and have been struggling with PMO since I was around 10. I have some suggestions - maybe try to avoid having a GF for a year or so, so you can really develop your defenses...
  9. B_GoodLuck

    Disappointed With NoFap

    Although you start off saying your disappointed with NoFap, if you look at what you wrote, I'd say that NoFap has helped you a lot. Just read between your lines and you'll see that you're actually very grateful for NoFap. But it all really comes down to you and your choices. Nothing outside...
  10. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because life is like walking up a down escalator - if you're not actively striving to climb up, you'll end up being pulled down. A PMO-free life means I'm moving up - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  11. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because I like not feeling obsessed about something.
  12. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because I'm in control of me, not some pile of bullshit that manipulates and hurts people.
  13. B_GoodLuck

    Not Looking at your Penis - Helpful or not?

    I guess I meant not holding my penis fully so as not to trigger any thoughts of masturbating. But one way to not touch is to sit down to urinate. Another way is to unzip, reach in and bring the underwear around the penis and then kind of push the penis out of the zipper. You may end up...
  14. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because I'm a human being with free will and I choose what I do and don't do. I will not let porn rule and ruin my life.
  15. B_GoodLuck

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Today I will not use porn because I love my wife and want to save myself for her completely.