Recent content by Candun

  1. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    If you view flatline closer to low energy/low sexual motivation related things, I think 100 days could be a stretch for people who are physically healthy but besides that we have no real disagreement. My issue is when completely subjective mental effects are attributed to the all powerful...
  2. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    I think the fundamental point where our views differ is viewing porn and its effects from a gene/physical brain POV compared to a subjective behavior. For instance, flatline/withdrawal. From what I've seen, the accepted view of what causes this is the idea that porn has released so much...
  3. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    I think adopting new healthy enjoyable behaviors is a good thing and will make a person generally happier, but I don't like the idea of tying it to a specific behavior (porn in this case) and thinking you need it to escape addiction. For me it led to believing if I didn't do certain behaviors I...
  4. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    Recovery and time spent recovering purely from a habituation and PIED standpoint make sense to me for the most part, for any major change in behavior it will take time to get used to it. My issues with recovery are more with the ideas that if you stop watching porn, you'll feel depressed...
  5. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    From what I've seen and gotten from Nofap generally is that in order to not be an "addict" and stay that way, you need to do a myriad of things relating to avoiding triggers, constantly watching your emotional state and stress levels, working out, building relationships, and helping out others...
  6. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    Sure, and not everyone will feel this way. I'm sharing these ideas for people who do personally feel similar to how I did and think they are trapped in an endless loop of trying to maintain recovery or abstinence.
  7. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    The fusion of lifestyle changes/abstinence being necessary to "recover" was problematic in my experience, because: 1. How long is the "recovery period" and how would I know when its over? Assuming I completed it and it is over, does that mean I'm a normal, non-addict again and I don't need to...
  8. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    I have a bit of trouble with the "addict" piece since it makes it seem like a certain period of time can cure you/ be a reliable indicator if you are this thing called an addict. I do agree there can be many upsides in a period without PMO though.
  9. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    Agreed, but I was never comfortable with the idea that I'd need to fear even a single look at porn for the rest of my life and I was forced to take certain actions everyday to avoid "relapse". To me that's moving out of one mental prison and into another.
  10. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    Not currently in a relationship. Also, I'm not actually using porn or PMO at all at the moment. The difference is that I'm doing this purely because I want to try out the benefits of extended sexual abstinence, this time without feeling forced into it and having it drive my life out of fear. On...
  11. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    I don't see why it can't be. Sure, not everyone will hold that view, that is just reality. But at the same time, not everyone WILL quit porn. That is not the same thing as being fundamentally unable to. If the goal for Nofap isn't to feel truly free of porn and move on with your life without...
  12. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    That is really my only goal with this post, to open people up who are in a similar spot I was to the idea that there doesn't have to be a spectre of addiction looming over you that you need to fear and hide from for months/years and you can just be "normal" again. I wish you all the best as well.
  13. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    It's definitely extreme compared to what I believed even a year ago, but honestly where I was before was a never-ending hamster wheel and would have never gotten me to my true desire which was to simply move on and be free. So I'm fully willing to stand by being extreme.
  14. Candun

    Being a normal person again & leaving harmful Nofap ideology

    TLDR: I feel like a normal non "addicted" person again after questioning my views on porn and nofap "recovery" Most of this is personal experience, but I think some may find it helpful. Feel free to disagree: So its been around 4 years (maybe longer now) since I first immersed myself in Nofap...
  15. Candun

    A new found but spiteful motivation...

    I've never understood this sort of thinking. I see it sometimes in other cases when a successful or wealthy person is criticized or insulted. For some reason it never seems to be used to defend the uber wealthy where the insult should apply the most.