john_95 May 7, 2018 Hello. Took 90 days hard more challenge to stop PMO but relapsed after 10 days itself, that too with an intense outburst. I dont want to loose hopes on NoFap. Help to regain motivation and take up challenge.
Hello. Took 90 days hard more challenge to stop PMO but relapsed after 10 days itself, that too with an intense outburst. I dont want to loose hopes on NoFap. Help to regain motivation and take up challenge.
vxlccm Feb 19, 2018 You've had a good month, overall. A better month. Just get back in the game and fight again, from here on out!
You've had a good month, overall. A better month. Just get back in the game and fight again, from here on out!
John McClean Feb 11, 2018 Hi Ludwig525. I'm honored that you are now following my posts. I wish you great success in your desire to be free.
Hi Ludwig525. I'm honored that you are now following my posts. I wish you great success in your desire to be free.