Miss nobody
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  • Miss nobody. That name could mean a couple of things. I pictured it as soul with out a physical body to inhabit. Sort of like a sprite wanting a body. Cool name.
    How are you finding nofab, I'm finding it a bit confuseing. All the talk of not "pmo"ing makes me wanna pmo!! But i got problems. Plus I can't spell confused, which can make me more confused.
    Miss nobody
    Miss nobody
    Yes don't make it the center of your life don't check the site unless you're feeling weak about it and get over the confusion with happiness seriously don't go so melodramatic do something you like ... oh and know that "if you don't progress you regress" I mean quiting PMO is not enough do something with your life ... good luck :)
    I feel so guilty is that normal ??! I mean it's killing me...
    It's normal, but it isn't healthy to dwell on it. If you're religious you should pray, and if your a Catholic you really should go to confession. that always helps with my guilt. If you're not, then you should find something that makes you happy and calm.
    Icyweb pretty much nailed it. The best advice is not concentrate on your failures and only on your progress one day at a time.
    Excuse me people I'm calling for an AP plz or a group to share my daily progress with, I prefer females...it's a call for support :)
    Hey Miss nobody . I am ready to share with you. my name is Jigar. I am from India..........
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