Depression from sex

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by fools’end, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. fools’end

    fools’end Fapstronaut

    I really need some input what you guys think about my story so if you have the time it is much appreciated.
    Gone through the normal porn escalation which eventuelly led to transexual porn.
    I have even acted out at 4 different occasions with transexual women.
    I see a lot of posts here about how it is solely an issue of escalation which i partly believe to be true although in my case i am not sure.
    I remember elementary school around grade six ( age 12 in my Country ) a friend showed us a video that looked like normal porn at first glance, then the woman lifted her leg up and you could see she had a Dick, everyone laughed in disgust about it but i remember so vividly how i, already back then, did not really feel as it was disgusting. Didnt think much about it untill the next time i saw ”transsexual porn”
    It was in the movies while watching Hangover 2, the scene where they enter the strip club and you see a transwoman pornstars full nude body. At that time i even got an erection and remember feeling ashamed for it. Thou it was nothing i thought more of. At that time i was 15.
    fastforward to age 19 and my first time pmo:ing to trans porn.
    Never felt too bad about it since i have never in my life been attacted to males and still am not. So hocd is not really an Issue for me. During this time i was also starting my habit of smoking weed Which lasted daily for about 3 years. During those 3 years i slept with 3 different transexuals, even a pornstar but i Will leave out the name for trigger risk.
    I did it knowing people would judge me but i never judged Myself ( i was also having ”regular” sex with cis females during all these years)
    Then one summer one year after my last acting out i did it Again, now aged 22. This last encounter was the one in ” earliest stage out of the 4” in terms of transitioning. Also something that might be important is the fact i had not smoked weed for about 6 months due to legal issues. Anyways immediately after that last encounter i just fell into a deep depression that lasted 5 Months. Got over it by meds and therapy and now i have relapsed in the depression about a year since i recovered from the last bout.
    Sorry for rambling on i guess my question is why has it left me feeling this way, if it did not the first 3 times.
    It has really been hard since i get super anxious when around people and i feel this heavy burden of guilt, shame and all that comes with depression.
    I am now Trying for 30 days pmo free but my fear is that, even if i would lose the ”fetish, attraction” or whatever it might be, the memory of me really acting it out Will only haunt me more when/if i ever fully loose the attraction for trans porn / real life trans sex.
  2. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    Would you ever consider a dating a transgender woman? It seems your attraction is genuine. And not from porn escalation.
    I guess you need to ask yourself...... what exactly is sexually attracting you to the Trans........ and go from there in trying to find your sexual authenticity.
  3. Just remember that TS doesn't exist in nature, although occasionally hermaphrodite/intersex does. Other than that, it's hormones and surgery, which is fine I guess.
    In porn, it seems like a way to see penis without people that look like men attached.
    Give the 30/90 a go.
  4. fools’end

    fools’end Fapstronaut

    Yeah Im gonna give it a try just to se where it leads.
    SirErnest likes this.
  5. fools’end

    fools’end Fapstronaut

    I dont think i would mostly because of how it is viewed you know, i was watching porn from like the age of 11 but seems wierd that it should escalate that fast in one year which was when i first encountered trans porn.
  6. Yeah kids should not see any porn. Shame to hear that.
    You're doing ok.
  7. mikewillfukit

    mikewillfukit New Fapstronaut

    Dude there's no women with Dicks, Its Men with breast Implants.
    Samfi likes this.
  8. (bit of a longer post)

    I had a similar issue that I posted about and also found myself in a depressive state. I will say for me it definitely was a form of escalation as I basically went through every female category as far as body types in the book old,bbw,milf...etc before I found transwoman. In my case I find it gross in any normal state of mind but when I was doing cocaine I would binge it because for some reason coke just made me super perverse in my thinking and out of character. I acted out a couple of times only oral sex and mostly because I couldn't find a female escort as easily. I was crushingly depressed and lost a lot of respect for myself at first but as that was about 4 years ago I managed to overcome most of the guilt for a while. Recently the guilt and depression has hit me again and I feel like a fraud that I engaged in that activity like I have this horrible shame Im carrying. Sometimes i fear of it coming out if I ever become a public figure and it makes me sick because I know that's not who I am. Sometimes Ill become so obsessed with finding an excuse for it I'll go through message boards or search things reassuring only heterosexual men would mess with a transexual since they portray feminine qualities. Honestly if you are gay or bi or just really attracted to trans women I would say go forth with no shame because that is who you are but I believe in most cases its just a side effect of porn as it was in my case(shambles not sexual orientation). I garuntee if I did cocaine again and allowed myself to fall into the same way of thinking I could very likely involve my self in situations like that again because it has already happened more than once. I think reengaging in those things is a mix of addictive traits and self-hate/hopelessness. If porn and acting out brings you great depression and regret it is obviously not something you should seek out again. I feel its the same thing as being a junkie for heroine it hurts your life but the momentary dopamine rush is appealing especially if you are depressed. My advice is to realize you are a man who made a mistake and became addicted to a very harmful drug. You can't change the past but you absolutely don't have to be defined by it I know its a struggle as I struggle accepting it even to this day but I have hope for you and I that we will get over it if we stay away from that mess.

    best wishes
    Luvspin68 likes this.