Emergency Toolbox that helped me during my first 320 days of reboot

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fercho29, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Thank you @Adrenaline Junky for your feedback. I am glad you like it , I hope this will help you with your reboot
    Perhaps these other two posts will be helpful too:

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:


    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:


    Keep on fighting
    Be Normal and im_alive like this.
  2. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    Thank you Fercho! I actually found that thread yesterday and watched the motivational mind-shift and the story of porn guy that @britaxe posted twice now:) It helps a lot. And on Sunday I was watching inspirational/motivational videos for the first time on youtube - I couldn't help myself from crying. I don't how to describe the feelings that I was having. I read the comments about that guy though, did he really die?

    I'm a fighter forever!
    Deleted Account and fercho29 like this.
  3. Yes, these motivational videos are great when we got an urge and we feel that we cannot overcome the pain @Adrenaline Junky
    Which guy died?
    BTW, if you put @ before the nickname, this person will get an alert that you replied or quoted him
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    Yes those videos are crucial to me.
    The video about the guy who stood in front of the audience like a comedian and told his story about porn. Britax posted it in your thread, the link that you sent me. I guess he was an actor? And yes I know he would get an alert. I kinda wanted him to know that watched it, but I guess I could have "liked" it. Was that the right thing to do?
    Deleted Account and fercho29 like this.
  5. No, I do not think that he died, actually I saw another of his videos not so long ago.
    I find these videos very useful when I am a bit depressed or felling that the fight against PMO is too tough and I am tempted to relapse
    Keep on fighting
  6. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    Hmm weird you guys were saying he died and how he was a good actor. Who is he anyways? I agree these videos are very inspirational. He has a lot of courage going on stage talking about his journey with PMO. I wish there were more videos like these to watch. It is different than just reading about a journey, it seems like I have more of a connection watching him talk about it out loud. Hey I have an Idea! Look at your counter, you should make a video! :) You're a good role model.
    fercho29 likes this.
  7. Strivefwd

    Strivefwd Fapstronaut

    Hey this may be a dumb question, but I havent touched the panic button. I might be confusing it with the panic button on the convenant eyes software but I if I hit the panic button on NoFap, will that disable my internet connection? what if I hit the Emergency tab?
  8. Ha,ha, thank you very much for your compliments @Adrenaline Junky . I would love to, but unfortunately I cannot show my face in a public video because I have a reputation in my profession and teach in one of the most important US universities. I am not ready yet to tell everybody that I was a pathetic addict during 40 years of my life, not everybody will understand it
    Asgardian36, im_alive and Be Normal like this.
  9. Hi @Strivefwd , do not worry. The Panic button will just send you to a page with some inspirational image or sentence, a bit like what i have posted in this post. Nothing to be worried about, you will not get destroyed by a lighting ball or anything like this :)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  10. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    I bet you're an AWESOME teacher! What do you teach, if I may ask? I understand you and I agree not everyone outside of nofap would understand. Even though I have no important reputations, I'm still ashamed to talk to anyone outside of nofap about PMO. However, I found that there are more videos of people who do talk about their struggles with PMO, which is very brave in my opinion. It inspires me.
  11. I took this quote from a @Flowing post:

    " I'm on the right path. I'm experiencing almost all the things you wrote. Being able to put a break to "zombie mode" and redirect the course. Having problems, but facing them in a more adult way. Understanding that PMO doesn't solve them, despite feeling sad. And especially, "I prefer to go over a bit of displeasure now, knowing that the life is better without this". I personally think that without this realization, one just cannot succeed. My daily mantra for this is "Life is uncomfortable. Progress & growth is uncomfortable. I accept it. I feel comfortable in the uncomfortable." -this has helped me a lot."

    Very powerful words
  12. Bartiger

    Bartiger Fapstronaut

    I've just started my reboot....lots of useful resources here to explore in the coming weeks as I strive to change my old patterns of behavior.
    fercho29 likes this.
  13. Welcome to NoFap @Bartiger , I hope this stuff helps you to succeed in your reboot.
    Let me know if you need some help
    Bartiger likes this.
  14. Bartiger

    Bartiger Fapstronaut

    fercho29 likes this.
  15. BrianHM

    BrianHM Guest

    10. “I realized I was not using porn because it felt good. I came to view porn as a way to run away from pain and loneliness. " -

    This. THIS is exactly the emotion. Loneliness + Been bored. I noticed ever since I stopped playing games, there has been a huge space on what to fill it in with. I do have goals, but at the same time, I ask myself are they not ambitious enough? Because one thing for sure, I do not feel the spark at all for doing some of them. I rewrite the goals that doesn't feel right, and still continue to feel unmotivated to do them.

    But! I am started to learn that I am not challenged enough to do them. There is no sense of urgency, nor hardship in them, hence why I always feel unmotivated to do them. Thanks for sharing this thread, will add it to my Toolbox Folder.
  16. Hi @BrianHM , I understand your point of you.
    You need to find positive activities that will allow you to fill the vacuum left by PMO when you quit. Things that make you excited and passionate. What the creators of NoFap Academy call " fulfilling disciplines".
    I started practicing Tai Chi on my 4 th month of reboot and this has helped me find the balance and concentration I needed to succeed in my fight against PMO
    BTW, if you do not find anything exciting and you will feel bored, why you do not try help some people in needs? There are so many people that need our help. We are privileged to have food and shelter and clothes. I go every month to help in a homeless shelter, this makes me feel better because I can help people that has no future and nobody cares about them. It is heart breaking to see them, how grateful they are just if I approach and talk with them with a smile.
    When I leave the place I feel so grateful about everything I have, I do not compan any longer about my life or my former PMO addiction.
    Go to some orphan institution once per month and play ball with the kids, they will be very happy and grateful,and you will feel useful and less bored.
    This will help you with your addiction and your life goals too
    Keep on fighting
  17. BrianHM

    BrianHM Guest

    You know, while I do agree with you about helping peoples at homeless shelter/children, it's not until recently I am starting to understand what Eckhart Tolle meant in his book Stillness Speaks. It's like each time when I go through it few times a year, I learn something about myself.


    A citation from his book :
    " The mind exists in a state of "not enough" and so is always greedy for more. When you are identified with mind, you get bored and restless very easily. Boredom means the mind is hungry for stimulus, more food for thought, and its hunger is not being satisfied. When you feel bored, you can satisfy the mind's hunger by picking up a magazine, making a phone call, switching on the TV, surfing the web or satisfying your body with food.

    Or you can stay bored and restless and observe what it feels like to be bored and restless. As you bring awareness to the feeling, there is suddenly some space and stillness around it, as it where. A little at first, but as the sense of inner space grows, the feeling of boredom will begin to diminish in intensity and significance. So even boredom can teach you who you are and who you are not " - Stillness Speaks, by Eckhart Tolle

    And I can truly feel that has been the truth for the last 6 days of me just sitting in boredom, and observe the mind as if I am watching a movie. Little by little, the thought of boredom faded away on its own, and I started to think of things I can do. That's precisely another reason why I just stopped gaming, it took me a long while to actually understand the words written in Tolle's book, but now that I made a commitment towards reconnecting with myself, I am noticing that pattern.

    I think this also has a core relation to forming new habits, because our mind was been fed during those time that we were bored, with something that stimulates it. And now that thing is no longer there, the mind keep asking for it or for something else to stimulate it.

    Things I am doing right now, and slowly introducing other activities :
    - Exercising
    - Yoga (not the traditional one where you stand stiff in one pose, but a playful one that I enjoy a lot https://www.youtube.com/user/michaeltaylormoves)
    - Started investing time into creating assets for other peoples on a digital goods market (Design)
    - Purchased a digital tablet this week to start my learning for digital painting (Something I always wanted to do)
    - Commenced with Youtube as well to share/document my journey of Design/Art (Probably will start a vlog one in foreseeable future seeing how technology is going, at one point VR is going to mix into our everyday life whether we like it or not)
    - Communicating with parents and watching a movie together as family

    Some other activities I will start with possibly in this year :
    - Go swim once a week
    - Participate in events that contributes towards the well being of island (Curacao cleanup, helping other peoples etc.)
    - Explore the island, go to places I haven't been on this island before
    - Mountain climbing few times a year
    - Play with the dog the more often
    - Meet new peoples on the internet and offline


    Oh man, hopefully I didn't bombard your thread too much, ha. I love to write, can't help it. Especially when it's related to subjects I like, and also when it comes to explaining my perspective to others.
    fercho29 likes this.
  18. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    Great OP! I didn't read too much here, but it inspired me. My idea: I'll use a voice-record as an Emergency Toolbox. Maybe just one message: from a moment of full success and happiness in life. (Maybe another one from after a binge, but I'm not sure if I need this, also I don't want to wait for a relapse)
    fercho29 likes this.
  19. renowned fighter

    renowned fighter Fapstronaut

    Man this post is too brilliant! Too brilliant that it made me do my best even more. Those imageries made me disgust myself. I'm on Day 6 guys wish me luck! *fingers crossed*

    Thank you thank you thank you @fercho29
    fercho29 likes this.
  20. I am happy that this helped you @lk137 , and welcome to NoFap.

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:


    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:


    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.

    renowned fighter likes this.