Heirs' June "Stop the Autopilot" Challenge thread

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Knight Solaire, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 16/17
    Part 1
    Good God I'm just so lazy when it comes to posting. Yesterday was a move infested day, where the only thing I could do was be apart of the moving process. I've done it before, but I like the process, and not to mention all the sights you'll see when you move.

    Part 2
    Yesterdays thoughts focused on where I'm going. After the promotion ceremony for my dad, I just wonder what in he world will become of me? But, I'm not hopeless, I know that I can be anything, but it's just a matter of what.
  2. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 18
    Part 1
    Today was crazy awesome. Another ceremony, and we went and spent time together as a family. I also got a little interested in hacking game boy games, it's going to be very fun.

    Part 2
    Today I thought about role modeling, and "taking my own advise". When heirs come to the sanctuary, when I'm responding, I usually help them take care of their problem and give a little piece of advise. But, I always feel bad whenever I give advise I know will help, but either I'm not doing it, or I'm not doing it well.

    Like I used to wake up early until summer started, and I've just let myself go, and right now it's 20 mins past midnight (all because of ROM hacking) and this is dangerous in regards to my streak. But, I used to suggest rising early with the sun, and getting exercise. But, after summer comes along, suddenly soccer is a past thing and I just want to sleep in. I don't mean to be a hypocrite and I mot certainly don't want to, but here I am now. Worst, I still am not sure how I will fix those to problems. Jogging in the morning i alright, but it's just not as "explosive" as soccer was to me, and rising early... isn't that big of a deal.

    I guess it's just a work in progress.
  3. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    Day 16

    1. For the last 16 days I've been sticking to my new habits. I have some simple ones and some bigger ones but it feels good to actually get in a good routine and stick to them.

    2. Went for a 4 mile walk and while there I thought about how good it feels to be on this journey. To actually try and quit this addiction and take the necessary steps feels awesome. My mind feels clearer than it has on all my previous streaks. Its also a good feeling to know others are out in this world trying to quit this thing as well.
  4. Day 18 of June

    Part 1: I used some time ago to fear or worry about stupid things, or maybe to avoid people or some interactions, and that meant isolation aswell. Today I woke up saying "I will not give a F about anything", and so I am living the day without worry, I avoid bad thoughts, I do not care for the other people who may or not may contact me or meet me etc.
    I find that having fear of anything or worrying is stressfull and will lead to some bad things, so I am trying to go easy on myself and to be cool.

    Part 2:
    I noticed that I have difficulties with my emotions lately, and I think that relapses are connected to those, I need sometime to balance again my life, but at the same time I do not want to give up on any of my goals. There is still an idea running into my mind, it says that I cannot be perfect, and by perfect I mean: healthy diet, NoFap, study, work out etc.
    Im not sure if that idea is a lie, but I really find it difficult to live a day up to all my challenges, I need to find some ways to improve my mood, to relieve the stress, and that will not get in the middle of the other goals.
  5. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    Day 18

    Part 1

    Today I went and drove to the city and visited a few art museums. It was something I wanted to do for a while but couldn't find the time. It was a nice change from my usual recreation.

    Part 2

    Spent most of the evening talking to my parents and catching up with them. I actually had a long talk with my mom on some things That's been on my mind and it was nice. Some of it got emotional and tears were involved but it was good to get it out in the open and talk with her about it.

    Practiced a new habit mediation from this iPhone app I've been using and it's pretty good. The app is called meditation studio for those interested.

    Did the usual workout for 30 minutes too. Tomorrow I'm going to try and go for a long walk in the trail at my local park.
  6. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 18

    Part 1

    This day started off bad, falling into the autopilot of Facebook and YouTube. But then I turned it around and started writing some good things, texting some friends and helping out people on NoFap and Telegram.

    Part 2

    I long boarded again today and reflected that I did get some stuff done. I was able to have a good day today and I am glad for that.
  7. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 19

    Part 1

    I was going to go to a movie with a friend today, but they ended up having to reschedule. That was going to be my way to not be on auto pilot, but instead I went longboarding without my phone. I have done this in the past, but this was the first time since I moved to my new place. It was great to think without having the option of being distracted by my phone.

    Part 2

    I reflected on this weekend as a whole. I did get some productive stuff done, but not everything I wanted to. My goal for this next week is to be productive at least once a day. Additionally, I examined why I was friends with certain people and how I interacted with them. Basically, I wanted to remind myself not to either lead girls on or expect something from girls that was not there. There is this girl that I work with who I have started texting and we have been trying to hang out. She is attractive, but I do not want to make things awkward for work. Instead, I want her to be a way that I can get out of the house and meet more people in this town.
  8. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 19
    Part 1
    Today I went to church after about week or 2 missing it. I know some of you guys aren't religious and all, and that's fine, but for me it was quite refreshing and brought back renewed strength to my fight. Today, I also found a new hobby to take the place of my soccer. I decided to go back to running track, after some thought. I realized I just missed the sport. I'll have to start training in South Carolina though, and I'll aim for varsity and the gold medals. I'm honestly tired of losing.

    Part 2
    Today I thought about "Help". I do a lot of helping in the Heirs Sanctuary. For relapse prevention and all, but it seems I'm just too bent on helping others that I forget to help myself. I've been so bent on giving help, that I often deny myself the act of asking for help. It can be dangerous, and although I have made it quite far on my own, I can only do so much. So, I want to get back into the habit of asking for help, even if it's just for accountability.
  9. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 20
    Part 1
    Today I confronted my brother once more on the effects of the PMO cycle. I don't want him to remain a slave.

    Part 2
    I thought about mostly whether my brother would choose to come with me.i asked him if he was ready to leave PMO behind, but his answer was uncertain. "Dude, I don't know". After all it's done to him, and all I've shown him, I was upset on the inside. But, I hope he joins me. Though I'm not certain, he is often unmotivated to anything that isn't within his comfort zone. He never wants to try something new unless it directly interests him. At a minimum I can rest easy knowing that I did my part, trying to spread the knowledge I have.
  10. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 20

    Part 1

    Instead of playing video games or watching something as soon as I got home, I helped pick up dinner and do laundry. Also, a worker at the store told me I was cute and this was someone my age, so it was not that creepy, but I took it as a compliment.

    Part 2

    I realized why I struggle with interacting with my parents while living with them: it limits my freedom. Instead of picking when or where I get to eat, play, or do something, I have to consider what they are doing. Whereas with roommates, I can stop watching a movie if I want to, with my family they want me to keep watching it with them because it is family time. I hope to understand this better and interact with my parents better.
  11. JWar

    JWar Fapstronaut

    Sorry I have been gone so long stress and work and the death of a friend have left me drained and depressed. Sadly I had lost my way but I have realized where I need to be. I am going on vacation for a week and reconnect with some family
    I have been keeping up with this challenge the death of a friend is a major catalyst for thought and can change a lot in ones life i do feel sorry for not posting and for getting lost.
  12. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    Day 20

    Part 1- Yesterday I tried a new blend of coffee at my local coffee shop. I can't even remember the name of the blend but it was pretty good. Outside of that the day was normal. Studying, working out and work.

    Part 2- During my break at work I spent time outside and looked at the sunset. It's been years since I did that and it was truly beautiful.
  13. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    Day 20

    Part 1- Tried to stay aware repeating and affirming in my mind that my actions would be DELIBERATE and not autopilotty...Its working

    Part 2- Meditated a while and I feel happy with my progress, Got a lot of stuffs to do and I'm still a failed jerk in the eyes of the world, but I feel I'm on the path to self-discovery..

  14. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    Day 20

    Part 1- Spent most of my day cleaning up the house. Had the day off so i wanted to be somewhat productive today. After that i did some grocery shopping for the week.

    Part 2- Did some meditation for a hour just thinking on some life situations I'm dealing with. I don't want to get into what they are but they have been giving me some anxiety and making me seriously frustrated. Still... I'm moving forward and keeping PMO free.
  15. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 21

    Part 1

    I went out to a bar to watch a soccer game, but then came back at half because I knew I needed to get to bed early. I could have stayed and been fine, but I made a conscious decision to leave.

    Part 2

    In another episode of why do I not interact well with my family, I was trying to figure out why I correct my family members so much and why it bothers them so much more than any of my friends. Like with my friends we correct each other all the time so it makes sense. It is not done to belittle the other person or make fun of them, but to make sure we know what is correct. As I reflected, I realized that I do need to be more sensitive around my family and maybe just let them be wrong, even if it bugs me.
  16. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 21
    Part 1
    Yesterday was busy, but I got to do quite a bit. Finished cleaning the house and movers are finished. Then I helped check out the hotel and stuff. I mean, it was more eventful than it sounds.

    Part 2
    Yesterday I thought about knowing yourself. It was a discussion that came up as my dad was talking to my brother and I. He said that you can't change, but knowing who you are can help you understand certain situations and know why you can handle and what you cannot handle. Honestly the idea here can be applied to any situation.
  17. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 22

    Part 1

    I agreed to drive my sister to her college town to meet up with an old friend. It was not something I would do out of habit lol.

    Part 2

    I have been thinking about how I flirt and interact with girls I like recently. I don't have a lot of definite thoughts, but it has been good thinking about it.
  18. Chronic Try Hard

    Chronic Try Hard Fapstronaut

    Day 22
    Part 1
    Mostly just stayed with the family. Nothing much to do

    Part 2
    Yesterday, I formulated some sort of base to understanding how to kill an urge. I'm actually surprised that I came up with that, because it seemed to come from nowhere, but it makes sense.
  19. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    Day 21

    1. Yesterday was pretty boring. It was my day off and I really didn't do anything. I walked through the park and tried a new trail which was nice.

    2. Last night I observed my negative thoughts that I was having. I didn't act on them but just let them pass by in my mind. I'm still finding it hard to deal with frustration and anxiety sometimes but mediation and walking has helped.
  20. PyroFighter

    PyroFighter Fapstronaut

    Day 23

    Part 1

    I ran some errands and helped out run some errands for my parents.

    Part 2

    I am understanding more and more why I do not want to hang out with my parents as much as they want me too. I do not agree with them on a lot of things not in a I only want to hang out with people who agree with me kind of way. More of a they do not like arguing, but I love doing it. Or simple things like I enjoy when people are sarcastic to me or give me a hard time, but they do not like it. I like it because I do it to others and they hate it when I do it to them.