Porn blockers? How effective are they?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by DrRobotronic, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. DrRobotronic

    DrRobotronic Fapstronaut

    I've been struggling a lot lately with rebooting. I'll come home from school or work and be totally drained, and all I have energy for most days seems to be video games or television, and often PMO. I don't intend to watch when I get home but a combination of boredom and lack of energy makes it difficult to resist without much of a streak behind me.

    I'm wondering if I should consider using some sort of blocking software on my computer. I've yet to try as it seems like a bit of band-aid solution, I figure once you get rid of the blocker you would go back to other means, or find another way to get your fix.

    So I'm wondering, if I'm relapsing just about every day is a porn blocker for me? What is your experience with them if you've used one?
  2. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    It depends on your technical know-how and your willingness to restrain yourself.

    If you are a tech nerd no blocker will be particularly effective, however if you are like me and about average you can restrain yourself well, ignorance is bliss after all.

    I use K9, and I block so many different categories and websites it isn't funny, most websites do have porn in some shape or form, so if you are wanting to be as cautious as possible you must block them also.

    even with porn blockers you can still use your imagination (spongebob lol), so self restraint is still necessary in all situations.
  3. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    blockers are bogus. If you need one, then you are not ready to quit. Plain, and simple.

    Blocking pornography isn't curing yourself, because essentially the urges are still there, and you're looking for a mechanism for release.

    Cold turkey is the only way. Like smoking, cold turkey is the only way. All this other mumbo jumbo is a bunch of balogny.

    the old fashion way is how you quit. Just quit.
    Phibz and SnowWhite like this.
  4. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    Blockers may help but it's not the answer and it's not a solution long term. I got better sobriety without them
    Phibz likes this.
  5. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    So, by your logic, if someone were surrounded by the very substance they are trying to quit (whether it be cigarettes or cocaine or alcohol or whatever) they shouldn't try and distance themselves from the environment? Why do you think rehabs (and no, I am not talking about the ones that try to get people addicted to suboxones) work? because they offer a clean and safe environment that allows addicts to get better. I have never heard of a rehab that throws druggies into a crack house and just expect them to get better.

    But yes, cold turkey is the best (scientifically speaking, although not for all individuals) solution to cure oneself of any addiction.
  6. Jazz1409

    Jazz1409 Fapstronaut

    For me blockers don't work. I tried a lot of them always find a way around them. Or I block everything and the websites I need to visit get blocked as well. So in the end I don't use em.
  7. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    @DrRobotronic That is absolute crap. Blocker's wont stop you from getting to P if you are determined yes, but they will help indeed. If you are tech savy, a blocker wont stop you, however it definitely slows you down so you have time to think about why you are acting on the urge. Secondly, we are only as strong as our weakest moment. A blocker can be there to help you when you hit moments of vulnerability. No they wont make you change, but they can help you change.
  8. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    especially the hello kitty ones :3
  9. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Yes exactly. Porn blockers are only self-betrayal.
    They are just another try to delegate responsibility (in this case to a tool), instead of deciding for yourself.

    The way goes only by building up the confidence into yourself. This and only this will give you the ability to put the addiction away and to replace it with healthy behaviour.
  10. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Blockers are silly. They're not needed.
  11. Vincent Joy

    Vincent Joy Fapstronaut

    You can find a lot of great blockers. They defnintly worked for me.